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Conference call minutes 20 November 2014

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Health Concern Topic

Patient Care WG November 20, 2014


  • Michael Tan – Chair
  • Jay Lyle
  • Stephen Chu
  • Laura Heermann Langford


  • planning
  • review UML model
  • next meeting


Ballot material must be submitted December the 7th. Michael has started editing the MS Word Document to align with ballot comments. The document will be sent to Stephen and Laura to review the use cases.

Model review:

  • Should there always be a Care plan when action is taken towards a concern? We can only speak of plan when you document the intent and communicate it with others. A Care Plan is defined as a sophisticated plan that will include monitoring.
  • We decide not to go to deep into (Care) plan, because that is not what health concerns are about. We leave it flexible to the user whether to incorporate care plans or not.
  • A relationship between concerns is added. The naming of the relationships are still to be reconsidered.
  • Comorbidity has been added to the relationships between (sub)concerns.
  • Rename concern start date & end date? still ambiguous. also, that would belong on the concern, not the component. Clarify concern time is clincial; add activity time analog to "tracker" (or concern grouper. Also clarify diff between component time and named time



Next call

  • The meeting on Thanksgiving on November 27th will be cancelled.
  • The first call will be on December the 4th. We will need to submit the document that weekend.