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20140709 PLA call

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HL7 PLA Call Minutes

Location: Phone: +1 770-657-9270, Participant Code: 985371,

Date: 2014-07-09
Time: 2PM
Facilitator Mary Kay/ Austin Note taker(s) Lynn
Attendee Name

Calvin Beebe
Woody Beeler
Lorraine Constable
Tony Julian
x Paul Knapp
x Austin Kreisler,
x Lynn Laakso
x Ken McCaslin
x Mary Kay McDaniel
x Brian Pech
John Quinn
x John Roberts
x Andy Stechishin
no quorum definition


Agenda review

  • Notes of 20140528_PLA_call review
  • BAM-lite feedback and review
    • Which pieces are ready to start defining a product family?


Convened 2:05 PM

  • Notes of 20140528_PLA_call review
    • A-ha moment at last WGM for Ken and Mary Kay aided in understanding by Austin. Looking at the 19 "new product" projects they realized they need the BAM to come through.
  • BAM-lite feedback and review - Mary Kay has not had an opportunity to attend an ARB call; have they made any progress? Austin notes they are getting SAIF-CD ready for a ballot so may not have spent time on it. Andy agrees. Lorraine is working on a couple of sections but may have some dependency on Ron for a brain dump. She then has some writing to do. She has vacation at end of July as well.
    • Which pieces are ready to start defining a product family?
      • Mary Kay notes that Ken had suggested the ELR which uses multiple guides as well as standards to describe a visual representation. 2.5.1 plus Public Health, plus LOI, LRI and eDOS. This may be a product line perspective.
      • Austin notes that the US Realm Laboratory space as a visual representation of a product line and then contrast to a product family e.g., V 2.x
      • Having other product line/product family comparisons would be helpful. It would be great if we could draw out a Dutch or Australian national program product line.
      • Mary Kay suggests she might have something in a month. Ken will be out 7/21-8/1 and Austin will also have limited availability in August. Discuss again at the end of August.
      • Austin also suggests we review a V2.x management group as cochairs list is burning up with cutoff date discussions. InM could be the formally designated methodology group. Brian notes that V2 publishing is currently the de facto management group. Formalization would still be helpful. Others agree, just to get started talking about it and getting familiar with the structure.
      • Discussion on management group regarding content versus publication ensued.
      • Members of equivalent publication responsible group to FHIR core team reviewed. Risk of Frank-dependence without a contingency definition is an organizational risk to the publication of V2. Need a mechanism for how to re-integrate that function into the organization if the responsible person no longer wishes to voluntarily pick up the ball and run with it.
      • Brian would welcome a V2 management group to specifically focus one's attention through that lens and potentially streamline and simplify, or take more robust ownership of the publication process organizationally, for risk reduction.
      • Paul notes that the FHIR javascript reference implementation has not been evaluated for a security fix, and its creator made it open source so they don't take on maintenance. Andy notes that Tooling has policies on HL7-endorsed tooling that evolved with evaluation of the maintenance of the Trifolia tool for HL7 use.
      • Austin moves we make a recommendation to the TSC on forming a V2.x product family with identified governance, management and methodology. Andy seconds.
      • Paul asks how the scope and supports to a product family will be defined. Ken feels the PLA would make recommendations. PLA will need to do some identification of boundaries. This could then be referred back to the FMG/FGB and see if realignment is needed.
      • Vote: approved 5/0/1 with Ken abstaining.
      • Austin suggests we invite V2.x editors and InM representatives to next call to discuss terms of reference for a management group. Andy suggests sending a note to the editors list and see who they would recommend. Specific invitation to Don Lloyd is needed as well.
  • Next available meeting time is September 3. Add to WGM agenda as well for PLA Weds Q4 and TSC.
    • MK - first pass at graphic on product line for lab
    • Develop package recommendation to the TSC; note to V2 Editors, Don Lloyd, InM cochairs. Publish advance notice for Sep 3 meeting and evaluate preparedness for discussion on Monday WGM cochairs meeting.
    • Paul asks about juxtaposition of Steering Division stacks and product family governance

Adjourned 3:15 PM

Meeting Outcomes

Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

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