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AID 201409 Agenda

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This is the agenda of the AID 'user group' meeting in Chicago (Sept. 2014)

Sunday Q3/Q4

  • FHIR implementation best practices session

Monday Q3

  1. Administrative agenda items
    • Approval of the minutes of the Amsterdam out-of-cycle meeting
      • MOTION to approve the minutes of the out-of-cycle meeting held in Amsterdam on June 3rd, 2014, as documented on the AID 201406 Agenda wiki page
    • Discussion of upcoming AID out-of-cycle meetings
      • Rene: I've contacted the organizers of IHIC 15 to arrange for a 'joint' event in Prague next year. The audience and aims of IHIC largely overlap with those of AID - as such this should be of mutual benefit.
      • MOTION To organize an AID meeting in Prague, Czech Republic, in conjunction with the 15th International HL7 Interoperability Conference (IHIC) held on February 9-11, 2015.
  2. Other topics

Tuesday Q6 (Tooling hosts)

  • Hosted by tooling, see their agenda for details

Wednesday Q4 (hosting Tooling WG)

  • Joint topics with tooling