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VML Processing Widget

From HL7Wiki
Revision as of 20:49, 20 June 2014 by Gwbeeler (talk | contribs)
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One day soon, this page will document the VML Processing Widget. This an ANT-scripted process that:

  • consumes proposals for change expressed in the HL7 Vocabulary Maintenance Language (VML),
  • splits these proposals into two source streams targeted at the Access repository in which the HL7 Vocabulary content is stored::
    • an SQL update stream for updating files of properties assigned to vocabulary objects, and
    • an XML sream processed in Java to update the primary Access tables
    together, these streams update the vocabulary content stored in the Access repository,
  • uses a Java process to "clean up" the Access content,
  • invokes RoseTree to express the complete vocabulary content in HL7 Model Interchange Format (MIF), and
  • combines this MIF content from the Access repository with an externally maintained MiF extension file to arrive at a final, complete expression of HL7's vocabulary in MIF.