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201401 Marketing Meeting
Revision as of 18:30, 21 January 2014 by Rene spronk (talk | contribs)
The Marketing Council met on Tuesday Q2 (2014-01-20) - WGM in San Antonio.
Attendees: Grant, Rene, Gora,
- Grant: membership committee has been the main focus for the past year, marketing activities on the back burner.
- Gora: external marketing came and moved away again, so we lost time.
- Value to the ambassador presentations
- Grant: first marketing firm, relationship ceased, ad-hoc hiring of communication-oriented services related to specific events
- Discussion around marketing to users versus standards developers
- Grant suggests to focus on just a couple of areas, like Ambassodor Presentations 2.0. Rene: agree, full marketing plan too ambitious as a goal, better to have a few areas where we as volunteers can contribute.
- Ambassador Presentations 2.0
- Focus (of recorded webinars) long-tail instead of interactive-short-term?
- Rene: rather have a 'talking head' video than a recorde webinar
- Put recording on a separate blog page, allows for feedback/questions long after publication of the video
- Create presentations for multiple target audiences
- Gora: leverge social media platforms, beyond a webinar. Facebook? Twitter?
- Presentation can be delivered f2f, webinar, video, via social media.
- Grant to discuss with Chuck, Karen van/Mark McD
- Will create a whitepaper/checklist related to the execution of the new social media strategy
- Focus (of recorded webinars) long-tail instead of interactive-short-term?
- Meeting types
- Rene: Interesting to see that HL7 in convening different kinds of meeting: Policy Conference (mainly marketing), UG/connectathon, WGMs, US-educational summits