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Arden Syntax:Implementation Guide:Basic Tasks
Revision as of 22:25, 15 November 2013 by Karstenf77 (talk | contribs) (→Convert String to DateTime)
Basic Tasks
Sort a List of Objects
maintenance: title: sample_sort_objects;; mlmname: sample_sort_objects;; arden: Version 2.9;; version: 1.0;; institution: Medexter Healthcare;; author: Karsten Fehre;; specialist: ;; date: 2013-11-13;; validation: testing;; library: purpose: ;; explanation: ;; keywords: ;; citations: ;; links: ;; knowledge: type: data_driven;; data: guidResult := object [ // result object: result of guidline query compliance, // the compliance of the patient to a guidline eOfIntervention, // the "ease of intervention" text]; // the text ;; priority: ;; evoke: ;; logic: result_list := (); resGuid1 := new guidResult with false, 12, "The patient is not in compliance with the guideline."; result_list := result_list, resGuid1; resGuid2 := new guidResult with true, 70, "The patient is in compliance with the guideline."; result_list := result_list, resGuid2; resGuid3 := new guidResult with true, 23, "The patient is in compliance with the guideline."; result_list := result_list, resGuid3; /* sorting the result */ sorted_list := (); for en in result_list do inserted := false; n := 1; list_size := count sorted_list; mylist := mylist, list_size; while not inserted do if list_size = 0 then sorted_list := sorted_list, en; inserted := true; elseif n <= list_size then el := sorted_list[n]; if ((el.compliance = false) and (en.compliance = false)) and (el.eOfIntervention > en.eOfIntervention) then sorted_list := sorted_list[1 seqto (n-1)], en, sorted_list[n seqto list_size]; inserted := true; elseif (el.compliance = true) and (en.compliance = false) then sorted_list := sorted_list[1 seqto (n-1)], en, sorted_list[n seqto list_size]; inserted := true; elseif ((el.compliance = true) and (en.compliance = true)) and (el.eOfIntervention > en.eOfIntervention) then sorted_list := sorted_list[1 seqto (n-1)], en, sorted_list[n seqto list_size]; inserted := true; endif; else sorted_list := sorted_list, en; inserted := true; endif; n := n +1; enddo; enddo; conclude true; ;; action: return sorted_list; ;; urgency: ;; end:
Convert String to DateTime
In former versions it was not possible to simply convert a String into a DateTime, the following MLM contains the logic to make this conversion.
maintenance: title: convert_stringdate_to_datetime; mlmname: convert_stringdate_to_datetime;; arden: Version 2.5;; version: 1.0;; institution: Medexter Healthcare;; author: Karsten Fehre;; specialist: ;; date: 2013-11-13;; validation: testing;; library: purpose: ;; explanation: ;; keywords: ;; citations: ;; links: ;; knowledge: type: data_driven;; data: DOB_str := argument; ;; priority: ;; evoke: ;; logic: /* for example DOB_str := "1973-11-02T12:34:56"; */ year_str := SUBSTRING 4 CHARACTERS FROM DOB_str; month_str := SUBSTRING 2 CHARACTERS STARTING AT 6 FROM DOB_str; day_str := SUBSTRING 2 CHARACTERS STARTING AT 9 FROM DOB_str; hour_str := SUBSTRING 2 CHARACTERS STARTING AT 12 FROM DOB_str; minute_str := SUBSTRING 2 CHARACTERS STARTING AT 15 FROM DOB_str; second_str := SUBSTRING 2 CHARACTERS STARTING AT 18 FROM DOB_str; startDate := 1800-01-01T00:00:00; DOB := startDate + (year_str as number) years - 1800 years; DOB := DOB + (month_str as number) months - 1 month; DOB := DOB + (day_str as number) days - 1 day; DOB := DOB + (hour_str as number) hours; DOB := DOB + (minute_str as number) minutes; DOB := DOB + (second_str as number) seconds; Age_duration := currenttime - DOB; Age_yrs := Age_duration/1 year; conclude true; ;; action: return DOB; ;; urgency: ;; end:
Since Arden Syntax version 2.8 this whole conversion can be done by the simple line:
DOB := "1973-11-02T12:34:56" AS TIME