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Anatomic Pathology Work Group
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The mission of the Anatomic Pathology WG is to develop and review implementation guides of HL7 standards and to enhance existing HL7 standards to support anatomic pathology use cases. It will work within HL7 as well as with external organizations to facilitate information interoperability in anatomic pathology, such as:
- Tracking of anatomic pathology specimens
- Structuring and coding of anatomic reports
- Integrating and consolidating anatomic pathology data and other data into the medical record (e.g. integrated composite reports)
- Ensuring consistency of anatomic pathology data and corresponding image association (includes both radiology and pathology imaging)
- Reviewing previously defined terms that differ between organizations (e.g. What is a “specimen”)
- Developing/reviewing value sets as needed (e.g. DICOM Specimen Embedding Media)
- Collecting and sharing data from biorepositories/tissue banks
Current Agenda for May 2013 WG Meeting
- business
- ballot reconciliation
- technical
- / = joint session
- + = session with representatives of
Past Agendas
Agenda for San Diego, 2011
Agenda for San Antonio, 2012
Agenda for Vancouver, BC 2012
Agenda for Baltimore, 2012
Agenda for Scottsdale, January 2013
Agenda for Atlanta, May 2013
Temporary Contents
Proposed Agenda for May 2013 WG
Meeting Date(s) and Time(s)
5/7 Tuesday
09:00 - 10:30 am: MTG 11:00 - 12:30 pm: MTG 01:45 - 03:00 pm: MTG 03:30 - 05:00 pm: MTG 05:00 -->
5/8 Wednesday
09:00 - 10:30 am: 11:00 - 12:30 pm: MTG 01:45 - 03:00 pm: host CG visiting. Upsize room to 30 ppl. 03:30 - 05:00 pm: MTG 05:00 -->
5/9 Thursday
09:00 - 10:30 am: MTG 11:00 - 12:30 pm: MTG 01:45 - 03:00 pm: 03:30 - 05:00 pm: 05:00 -->
Files for Review
HL7 Germany Work on Lab Specimen Reports
Original Work (in German) [1]
English translation [2]
Latest Version of Ballot
Latest Ballot Comments
Update 20120628: Updated Spec ID doc