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MHWG SWOT Analysis
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats for Mobile Health Work Group (MHWG)
- Deep knowledge of standards development
- Expertise in related standards (e.g., EHR, PHR, Child EHR, FHIR)
- Expertise in Health IT research and development
- Expertise in communication technologies
- Strong relationships and collaboration with existing standards working groups
- Strong experience in Health IT policy and Informatics.
- Strong experience in Low and Middle Income Countries (LMIC).
- Strong experience in risk and regulatory policy requirements.
- Pace of established projects
- Domain is broad with extensive cross-over, i.e. with Personal Health Record (PHR), Telemedicine and medical devices
- Group is made up of working professionals with high demands on time
- Goals and objectives not yet broadly known across the HL7 community
- More extensive international representation
- Growth in mobile health is in a major period of research and development
- Domain that impacts a wide range of stakeholders including public health, providers, consumers, etc.
- Many related standards to build from
- Identified as a domain of high need for disparate/underserved health communities and regions i.e. LMIC subgroups
- Horizontal nature of mobile health; more than personal health
- Collaboration with other Mobile Health organizations.
- Rapid change and continued evolution of mobile technology.
- Lack of distinction between other domains (EHR, PHR, etc) other than wireless status
- Technology and infrastructure is continuously changing
- Privacy and Security (Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability) concerns
- Trusted use and management of BYOD in organization
- Rapid change and continued evolution of mobile technology.
- Pace of developments and continued evolution of mobile technology.
- Gap in stakeholders coverage missing
- Upcoming government regulation impacting Mobile health standards.