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Dec 19, 2012 Education Telecon

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Revision as of 17:51, 19 December 2012 by Jenaker (talk | contribs)
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  • Melva Peters (Chair)
  • AbdulMalik Shakir
  • John Ritter
  • Patrick Loyd
  • Virginia Lorenzi
  • Sharon Chaplock (HQ Resource)
  • Mary Ann Boyle (HQ Resource)


  • Facilitator Training Project Scope Statement
    • Approved by the SD
    • Electronic Services and Project Services will be interested stakeholders
    • still waiting for approvals from MnM
Action - schedule time on Phoenix WGM
Action - Forward PSS to AMS for review by MnM

ELearning Update (Diego)

  • HL7 eLearning: All the courses are finished except for HL7 Italy which will resume after the end of the year.
    • There were 4 eLearning courses underway in the last quarter – International (300 Students/25 Scholarships), India (20 Students), Spanish edition – Latam and Spain (30 students), Italy (Unit 10 Underway)
    • HL7 Argentina provides the site for running the International, Italy, Spanish Language and Pakistan editions (Pakistan ended in August). Italy is now using the auto-correction improvements (they asked for them)
    • New developments: HL7 Argentina is now generating automatically the HL7 ELC certificates for all editions worldwide, the certificates have an authentication digest and the list of persons completing the course will be at our site
    • After students' ideas to generate a yahoo group and Sharon advice to get them studying 'in house' (our house is the ELC), a certification group study forum was created in our last ELC International edition site . We will moderate the group and answer questions.
    • Next International edition begins - March 14
    • Survey for ELC - 41 responses
Action:  Include on agenda for Phoenix

HL7 Education Schedule

  • schedule has been amended for Certification Preparation Webinars
    • will begin in February
    • looking for someone for Version 2
  • schedule doesn't include Ambassador webinars - don't conflict

Project Review

  • RIM Certification Test Update Project (PSS 886) (Virginia)
    • The status on the main test is as follows:
      • test has been upgraded to support the new RIM version (from 2.11 to 2.36). Please note that this effort was not trivial - significant changes were needed.
        • sent out to reviewers last Wednesday
        • reviewers (Woody and LLoyd) both took the test and sent back in-depth comments
        • all comments have been reviewed and are now being incorporated into a second draft. Since some of the changes are significant and there are many opportunities for error, one more review round will be needed to be sure the edits didn't break anything. Also, had to replace some questions completely.
        • expect the second draft to be sent to reviewers by end of week
        • due to the holidays expect comments back and incorporation of the comments into the test producing a final version by second week in January (before WGM) if that is acceptable -this is okay - we will announce at January meeting - will be offered in March
        • headquarters will then create a second variation on the test (reordering of questions).
  • Electronic Certification Testing (PSS 882)
    • 3 proposals received
      • Sharon and Mary Ann will be reviewing by December 21st
      • Review PSS for target dates - need to move the dates out
      • expected to launch within 4 months
      • start date for conversion - within 2 weeks of rewarding contract
Action - Melva will update PSS with dates provided by Sharon
  • Education Webinars (PSS 871)
    • need to update PSS to reflect dates
Action:  Melva to update PSS with dates provided by Sharon
  • Tutorial Tracking Information System (PSS )(AMS)
    • Updates from AMS
      • AMS has not had the bandwidth for this work
      • need to re-define the target dates
Action:  Add to Agenda for Phoenix
    • HL7 Certification Enhancement (PSS 865)
      • review project and consider whether to move to 3 year plan item
      • recommend that we move to a 3 year plan item given competing activities
      • Moved by Patrick seconded by Ginnie that we move to a 3 year plan
      • 4/0/0 Carried


  • UML - Patrick
    • no update
    • will have update for Phoenix
  • V3 Project Manager - Marc Koehn
Action: Melva will followup with Marc
  • Receipt of Tutorial Specifications for January 2013 Tutorials
    • Mary Ann has forwarded what she has had
    • still missing some - they were due Dec 14th
Action: add to agenda for Phoenix


  • Auditing - Patrick
    • Updates - next version will be ready for January 6/7
Action: Add agenda item for Phoenix

Review of Agenda for WGM

  • Monday Q4 - Melva to reach out to Marketing and International Mentoring
    • Africa - Diego and John Ritter - 4:30pm - 5pm
Action: Update Agenda (Melva)
Action: Reach out to Marketing and International Mentoring Committee (Melva)
Action: Reach out to Fercam - Thursday Q1 (Melva

Any other business

How are we addressing MU Needs

    • January is the big change
    • March may be too late
    • Could we put together a Webinar - FAQs, etc?
    • We are having series starting Feb 20th - 8 sessions - 1 per week
    • HL7 MU Hotline - can we track questions?
      • could be a Members benefit
      • Need to have someone man the hotline?
    • Open Webinar -
    • Consider a dedicated list serve - need volunteers to respond
    • Nex steps
      • include inCo-Chairs Meeting/TSC?
        • This is not just education
Action: Melva to send a note to Austin - TSC Agenda Time
Action: Need a QRDA Tutorial - reach out to SD - for Webinar and/or March ED Summit

Next meeting

  • January 2, 2013 at 11am Eastern