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HL7 Product Line Architecture

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HL7 Product Line Architecture

Welcome to the HL7 Product Line Architecture Wiki Site. On these pages we will manage the various moving pieces necessary to support roll out of a product line based architecture for the HL7 Organization.

Project Information

Conference Calls

  • Dates: TBD
  • Time: TBD
  • Phone Number: +1 (770) 657 9270
  • Participant Passcode: 985371

Lists and Links

Minutes and Agendas Documents, Action Items, Etc. See also


The scope of the HL7 Product Line Architecture is to provide the management function for implementation of an Product Line Architecture. The ArB is moving forward with developing a target future HL7 Business Architecture Model (BAM) based on the SAIF principle of separation of governance, management and methodology. The HL7 Product Line Architecture is intended to fill the management role in achieving that go-forward architecture. As the HL7 BAM is developed and parts are approved for implementation, the HL7 Product Line Architecture will provide the day-to-day operational support needed to achieve roll-out of that architecture across the HL7 organization. The HL7 Product Line Architecture's goal is to provide:

  • The system and resources responsible for day-to-day operations for implementation of a Product Line Architecture
  • Provides the hands-on means by which the constraints and goals of the governance system are realized in the implementation of a Product Line Architecture
  • Ensures the proper execution of processes and coordination of various projects associated with implementation of a Product Line Architecture in compliance with the constraints of the methodology and as supported by the governance system

The HL7 Product Line Architecture will operate under the authority of the TSC, working on conjunction with the TSC (governance) and ArB (methodology) as part of implementing a Product Line Architecture.