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June 20th, Templates Minutes

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Revision as of 14:25, 20 June 2005 by Rhamm (talk | contribs)
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  1. Roll Call
    1. Dipak Karla
    2. Jane Currey
    3. Dale Nelson
    4. Russ Hamm
    5. Angelo Rossi Mori
  2. Agenda Check
    1. Remind people of url and uid/pwd for wiki when sending agenda.
  3. Review / Discussion of Templates SIG Technical Scope
    1. Clinical Approach Background (ARM/RAH)
      1. How to manage clinical stream? Made proposal (in document sent last week.) Waiting for comments.
      2. Focus on transfer of care in clinical pathways (specifically chronic conditions.)
      3. See what types of documents people are sharing during transfer of care. Limit focus, to give a concrete example (ie. diabetes, cancer, etc.)
      4. Find out what types of docuemnts are used when sharing documents.
      5. Not collecting and aggregating clinical data sets, but customizing CDA. This seems reasonable.
    1. Technical Approach Background (RAH)
    2. Intersection point of Clinical and Technical streams.
    3. Intersection point with MnM Project(s)
  1. Strategize on plan/timeline for Technical Scope
  2. Next Week's Agenda
    1. Review of ARM docuent.
  3. Adjourn