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Medication Profile
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Medication Profile Under SVN
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- Existing Pharmacy materials – medication order, medication dispense, medication administration, medication statement may be used in a medication profile
- Medication Profiles are essentially queries for some combination of data from the above items that can be persisted for future queries or may be dynamically generated with each query
- May not always be persistent
- Prescriptions – all orders in any state – active, stopped, cancelled, held, etc
- Dispenses – picked up-returned to stock
- Administered
- Medication Statements
- “Current” vs “Active” vs “Past”
- We need definitions for a number of items
- Stephen Chu proposed the following items: medication list, medication profile, medication review, medication reconcilation, medication management plan
- Medication Reconcilation – may be a process – uses medicaation profiles to “review” and perform reconciliation
- Medication Review is different than Reconciliation – done prior to reconciliation
- It is clear that some people think of a Medication Profile from what content is displayed to a user in an application. This ‘display” may include all of the medication orders, dispenses, statements and events, BUT may also include information such as patient demographics, relevant lab observations, relevant observations (weight, height, BSA/BMI, allergy/intolerances, etc).
- “Treatment type” and other types of data as a means of organizing profile was discussed
- in the Canadian examples, organize into: continuous, short term, external information (i.e. medication statements)
- The focus of the Pharmacy Work Group is on Medication Orders, Medication Dispenses, Medication Statements and Medication Administrations.
- Systems that could query – EMR, Pharmacy, EHR
- Systems that could respond – Central respository (Rx, EHR, DIS, HIE) or local system (EHR, eRx, Pharmacy)
- Discussion of the definition of a medication profile
- The following table was developed using NL, CAN and IHE information:
Element | NL | Can (1 Jurisdiction) | IHE Pharmacy | Australia |
================= | ================= | ================= | ================= | ================= |
Prescribed Meds | yes | yes | yes | Yes |
Dispensed Meds | Yes | Yes | - | Yes |
Administered Med | Yes | No | - | Yes |
Medication Statements | Yes | Yes | Yes (and dietary | Yes |
Use of alcohol and other drugs | Yes – under consideration to remove | No – although may be on local profile, but not DIS | - | Yes |
Labs | Yes | No – not part of DIS, but may be retrieved from other system | - | Yes |
Indications for use | Yes | Yes (but would be part of prescription record) | Diagnosis | Yes |
Contraindications – conditions | Yes | No | - | Yes |
Contraindications – allergy/intolerances and reaction | Yes | Yes | - | Yes |
Reason for stop/start | Yes | Yes (but would be part of prescription record) | - | Yes |
Name of the prescriber | Yes | Yes (but would be part of prescription record) | - | No |
Original Prescriber | Yes | No | - | No |
Name of Pharmacist | Yes | Yes (but would be part of dispense) | - | No |
Patient – ID and demographics | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Management of detected issues | No | No | No | Yes |
Patient preferences | No | No | No | Yes |
- It was determined that the committee can work on a set of queries to retrieve the information that is in our purview - Prescriptions, Dispenses, Administrations, Statements.
- John drafted the following statement that was agreed to by the attendees:
- The Pharmacy WG is responsible for defining the content e.g. Medication Queries that may populate a Medication Profile or Medication List. We acknowledge that one definition of a Medication Profile may include a broad range of data such as lab results, allergies and intolerance, height, weight, etc. However the Pharmacy WG will focus on queries for Medication Orders, Medication Dispenses, Medication Administrations and Medication Statements.
- Pharmacy WG also acknowledges there are several processes that are common when evaluating Medication information for a patient. We often see Medication Review and Medication Reconciliation steps called out as processes that clinicians will perform. In both cases, the clinician will need access to the type of content we provide via our Medication queries.
- Work was begun on a PSS for Patient Medication Queries but it was not completed and will be brought back at a later meeting.
In table above:
- Added Preference related to medication as a required topic within the profile
- Add managed contra-indications to the required items list