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June 26, 2012 CBCC Conference Call

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Community-Based Collaborative Care Working Group Meeting

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Meeting Information


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  1. (05 min) Roll Call, Approve June 19th Minutes & Accept Agenda
  2. (05 min) Approve revised Behavioral Health DAM (pdf), Behavioral Health DAM (doc) based on ballot reconciliation
    • Click on the 'download' link for the latest revision
    • Then to save to your computer, 'File/Save As' and change the name of the file from '' to an appropriate document name including the proper file extension (.pdf, .docx, etc.)
  3. (45 min) Plan CDA IG development tasks and develop timeline for September ballot (content due to HL7 by the end of July).
  4. (5 min) Other Business


Following roll call and approval of last week's meeting minutes, Wendy Huang, from the HL7 Vocabulary WG requested that we add an additional item to today's agenda to follow up on an email sent to the CBCC list on June 19 requesting CBCC's input on a harmonization proposal that must be finalized by Sunday, June 30.

  • The intent of the harmonization request is to "clarify the intended meaning of concepts where the print name is not unique within a code system (e.g. ActCode, ObservationValue)."
  • In this case, the ActReason code system contains a number of specializations and at least two of them: PatientProfileQueryReasonCode & SubstanceAdminSubstitutionNotAllowedReason contain codes where the print name is identical - Patient request
  • There was some discussion as to why the PrintName needs to be unique within a code system (it's understandable that the code must be unique), but the assertion is that "best vocabulary practices" indicate that print name should be unique within a given code system as well, per Wendy's email to the list
  • Action Item:
  1. Wendy to contact Kathleen Connor, since she is likely the source for this vocabulary entry and no one else on the CBCC call is aware of any implementations where this value set may be used. Based on Kathleen's response, the CBCC WG has no objections to changing the print name (or deprecating this concept if it is not needed) and will approve any recommendation that is returned by Kathleen
  2. Due to timing related to this issue being brought to CBCC's attention and the deadline for Harmonization proposals, the CBCC group will not take an official vote on the outcome, but all correspondence related to this request will be posted to the CBCC list

The remainder of today's meeting focused on creating an outline for the September Ballot and the CDA R2 Implementation Guide for Behavioral Health Reporting

  • Next Steps
  1. Map contents of the Behavioral Health DAM to Consolidated CDA (C-CDA) constructs
    • Consult with Structured Documents WG if any inconsistencies between the DAM and C-CDA templates are uncovered during the mapping process
  2. Complete terminology harmonization: Behavioral Health DAM and TEDS, NOMS, GPRA core data elements
  3. Review artifacts with this group of weekly CBCC calls starting next week (July 3)

Action Items

  1. Wendy to follow up with Kathleen via CBCC list to confirm status of PATREQ concept within PatientProfileQueryReasonCode.
  2. Suzanne will forward completed ballot reconciliation and updated Domain Analysis Model to Steering Division for publication, with CC to Don Lloyd

Meeting was adjourned at 1:00 PM Eastern

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