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RIMBAA 201203 Notes Gothenburg

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Revision as of 14:22, 4 January 2012 by Rene spronk (talk | contribs)
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This is the RIMBAA WG agenda of the WGM (WGM #35) in Gothenburg, March 8th 2012

  • Location: xxx Hotel, Gothenburg, Sweden
  • Date/time: March 8, 2012, 10:00-17:00 (coffee from 09:45)
  • Registration: add your name to the list at the end of this page, or e-mail Rene Spronk
  • Short URL:
  • Core topic: software implementation aspects of Refence Model based applications, focusing on both the 13606/OpenEHR RM as well as the HL7 RIM.
      • Sweden has opted to use 13606/OpenEHR as the base standards for its national infrastructure, which means there should be lots of opportunities to discuss RM based implementation issues.

Agenda Business-Icon.jpg Technical med.gif

  1. Administrative agenda items
    • Agenda Review/Additions/Changes
    • Approval of the minutes of the San Antonio RIMBAA Meeting (Jan.2012)
    • Announcements
      • Rene: we would like to thank our kind sponsors of this meeting venue, the Hälso & Sjukvårdsavdelningen of the Västra GötalandsRegionen, and Mikael Wintell (CIO/CTO BFR).
    • Tooling liason update (Michael)
  2. Other presentations and discussion topics


  • Rene Spronk, (Ringholm, NL)