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Fresh Look

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Note: Please keep the content on this page polite, and insightful. Content here is public, and also community moderated.


Please add your points as a bullet under here. Links to other pages welcome.

Wishlist items

  • Grahame: Keep it simple as can be - implementers first
  • Ann's list of 4:
    • PIIM
    • Implementer's Guides
      • What exactly does this mean? Implementer vs Implementation guide .. Rene spronk
    • greenCDA
    • simplified wire format (end-to-end greening)
  • William/Michael
    • Registry of templates / models / DCM / archetypes needs to be operational asap
      • Can we make them available through a website/wiki? Less computable metadata, but quicker availability. (Gerald)
      • OpenEHR has one. What is it that you want this one to achieve? (Grahame)
    • Clear separation of infrastructure and clinical content. (or clear separation of definitional knowledge and effective exchange - without breaking the connection)
    • Proper rules for transformations from different model artifacts to other artifacts, and validation of these.
  • Rene: implementers either need PIIM for MDA implementations, OR simplified wire format - with normative associated schema.
    • This is AND/OR, not XOR, correct? (Gerald)
    • Yes, AND/OR, although most implementers will choose to use one XOR the other. HL7 needs to provide both. (Rene)

Concrete next Steps

For actual things that should be done

  • ahh.... ?