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RIMBAA 201105 Minutes Orlando
Revision as of 16:42, 6 May 2011 by Drjava (talk | contribs) (→MON Q3 Image:Business-Icon.jpg Image:Technical med.gif)
Agenda for the May 2011 WGM in Orlando FL USA
- Rene won't be attending this WGM.
- one quarter to be set aside for a joint HL7 RIMBAA & OpenEHR software implementers session.
- Administrative agena items
- Approval of agenda for the week
- Announcements
- Approval of the minutes of the Washington meeting.
- dbMotion. A RIM based integration platform used on a very large scale at U of PItt, Israel and elsewhere. Practical experience making RIMBAA work on a large scale for integrating disparate hospitals and facilities.
WED Q2 (hosted by I/C)
- This quarter RIMBAA will have ajoint meeting with the Implementation/Conformance WG (who are hosting) and the Tooling WG.
WED Q6 (19:00-21:00)
- Hybrid approaches to RIMBAA (Amnon Shabo)
- Native-XML RIMBAA for semantic warehousing with XQUERY exploration
- Exported data marts in RDF or relational formats for analytics and optimization
- RDF-based promotion layer facilitates the defitnion of data marts
- Data mart schemas are user-defined and mapped to the XML warehouse and/or promotion layer
- Report on v3 implementation at Intermountain (Stan Huff)
- Kaiser Permanente, a preliminary trial of using RIMBAA (Java SIG) to aggregate data from Epic and NHIN data sources.
- Michael Zel, M van der A templated RIMBAA CDR service