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PHER ballot materials

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[PHER main page]

Status as of 10/10/2010 (editing in progress)


PHER ballot materials: Public health domain (POPH/PHER)

Investigation request

  • Last balloted: Jan 2007
  • Last ballot level: DFC1
  • Last ballot result: Comments received
  • Next ballot planned: ??
  • Next activity/ballot level: ??

Case management

  • Last balloted: May 2007
  • Last ballot level: DFC2
  • Last ballot result: Comments received
  • Next ballot planned: ??
  • Next activity/ballot level: ??

Outbreak management

  • Last balloted: Jan 2008
  • Last ballot level: C1
  • Last ballot result: Failed
  • Next ballot planned: ??
  • Next activity/ballot level: ??

PHER ballot materials: Immunization domain (POIZ/PHER)

Immunization Administration - DSTU

  • Last balloted: May 2008
  • Last ballot level: DSTU3
  • Last ballot result: Passed, negatives received --> resolved
  • Next ballot planned: None
  • Next activity/ballot level: Released as DSTU

Immunization Administration - DSTU R2

  • Last balloted: Sept 2009
  • Last ballot level: DSTU1
  • Last ballot result: Passed, negatives received --> resolved
  • Next ballot planned: ??
  • Next activity/ballot level: Released as DSTU

Immunization DAM

  • Last balloted: None
  • Last ballot level: None
  • Last ballot result: None
  • Next ballot planned: ??
  • Next activity/ballot level: Informative 1

PHER ballot materials: Implementation Guides

Electronic Laboratory Reporting (ELR) to Public Health v2.5.1 IG

  • Last balloted: Sept 2009
  • Last ballot level: Informative 1
  • Last ballot result: Passed, negatives received and addressed
  • Next ballot planned: Not until R2
  • Next activity/ballot level: Published February 2010

Public Health Case reporting CDA R2 IG (Structured Documents sponsor, PHER co-sponsor)

  • Last balloted: May 2009
  • Last ballot level: Informative 1
  • Last ballot result: Passed, negatives received and addressed
  • Next activity/ballot level: Published

Immunization Data Transactions v2.5.1 IG

  • Last balloted: January 2010
  • Last ballot level: Draft for Comment
  • Last ballot result: Comments received
  • Next ballot planned: ??
  • Next activity/ballot level: ??

PHER ballot materials: EHR Functional Profiles

Vital Records Functional Profile (EHR sponsor, PHER co-sponsor)

  • Last balloted: Sept 2010
  • Last ballot level: Informative
  • Last ballot result: Passed, negatives received
  • Next ballot planned: ??
  • Next activity/ballot level: ??

PHER ballot materials: Domain models

Archived: Tuberculosis DAM

  • Last balloted: Sept 2008
  • Last ballot level: Informative 2
  • Last ballot result: Passed, comments only
  • Transferred to CIC; further development by them.

PHER ballot materials: Public Health CMETs

  • As of January 2009 ballot cycle all CMETs reverted to the stewardship of individual work groups

Public Health CMETs, Release 9 - NORMATIVE

  • Last balloted: May 2009
  • Last ballot level: N2
  • Last ballot result: Passed --> NORMATIVE
  • Next activity/ballot level: Reaffirm in 5 years

A_SpatialCoordinate universal (COCT_RM960000UV)- NORMATIVE

  • Last balloted: Jan 2007
  • Last ballot level: CMET membership, M5
  • Last ballot result: Passed --> NORMATIVE
  • Next activity/ballot level: Reaffirm in 5 years

R_Subject universal (COCT_MT560000) - NORMATIVE

  • Last balloted: Jan 2008
  • Last ballot level: CMET membership, Release 6, M3
  • Last ballot result: CMET ballot passed. No negatives on this CMET received.
  • Next activity/ballot level: Reaffirm in 5 years

R_InvestigativeSubject universal (COCT_MT550000) - NORMATIVE

  • Last balloted: Jan 2008
  • Last ballot level: CMET membership, Release 6, M3
  • Last ballot result: CMET ballot passed. No negatives on this CMET received.
  • Next activity/ballot level: Reaffirm in 5 years

E_PublicHealth Entity universal (COCT_RM840000UV) - NORMATIVE

  • Last balloted: May 2009
  • Last ballot level: N2
  • Last ballot result: Passed --> NORMATIVE
  • Next activity/ballot level: Reaffirm in 5 years

Additional CMETs derived from E_PublicHealth Entity universal, balloted at membership May 2009

840100 E_PublicHealthNonPersonLivingSubject universal

840200 E_PublicHealthPerson universal

840300 E_PublicHealthVector universal

840500 E_PublicHealthPathogen universal

841000 E_PublicHealthFomite universal

841100 E_PublicHealthMaterial universal

841200 E_PublicHealthManufacturedMaterial universal

841300 E_PublicHealthPlace universal

841400 E_PublicHealthOrganization universal

841500 E_PublicHealthPhysicalEntity universal

R_ExposureAgentCarrier universal (COCT_RM410000UV)

  • Last balloted: Jan 2008
  • Last ballot level: CMET committee, Release 6, C3
  • Last ballot result: CMET ballot passed; no negatives received on this CMET
  • Next ballot planned: Sept 2008
  • Next activity/ballot level: CMET normative

R_ExposureAgentFomite universal (COCT_RM411000UV)

  • Last balloted: Jan 2008
  • Last ballot level: CMET committee, Release 6, C3
  • Last ballot result: CMET ballot passed; no negatives received on this CMET
  • Next ballot planned: Sept 2008
  • Next activity/ballot level: CMET normative

R_ExposureAgentVector universal (COCT_RM410300UV)

  • Last balloted: Jan 2008
  • Last ballot level: CMET committee, Release 6, C3
  • Last ballot result: CMET ballot passed; no negatives received on this CMET
  • Next ballot planned: Sept 2008
  • Next activity/ballot level: CMET normative

R_PublicHealthContactPerson universal (COCT_RM850000UV)

  • Last balloted: ?? (NOT since May 2006)
  • Last ballot level: ??
  • Last ballot result: ??
  • Next ballot planned: ??
  • Next activity/ballot level: ??

Public Health CMETs, Release 9a

A_PublicHealthStatement (COCT_RM480000UV) - NORMATIVE

  • Last balloted: May 2009
  • Last ballot level: Normative
  • Last ballot result: Passed --> NORMATIVE
  • Next activity/ballot level: Reaffirm in 5 years.

PHER ballot materials: Regulated reporting domain (PORR/Patient Safety)

Case notification - DEPRECATED

  • Last balloted: 2004
  • Last ballot level: ??
  • Last ballot result: Passed --> NORMATIVE
  • Next ballot planned: None
  • Next activity/ballot level: Deprecated; removed as of Normaitve Edition 2010

January 2011 ballot timetable

  • Oct 17 (Sunday)?: New project scope statements and CBCI forms due

New Project Scope Deadline and Current Ballot Cycle Information forms due. Ballot modality selection (domain or topic).

  • Oct 24 (Sunday) - T minus 5: Notification of Intent to Ballot Deadline

By this deadline, all Notification of Intent to Ballot (NIB) forms should be compete. Notifications received after this deadline will not be considered for the current ballot cycle.

  • Oct 31 (Sunday) - T minus 4: Initial Content Due – XML-based Submissions

Initial content is required from all work groups which have stated an intent to publish material in the ballot. Submissions should be as complete as possible, particularly for a first-time ballot. In all cases, the submission should indicate the topics and artifacts that will be included in the forthcoming ballot. This is necessary to allow the V3 technical publishers to determine the full extent of revisions and additions between balloted versions, and to allow definition of the ballot status and CMET info files necessary to publish coordinated documents. If possible, complete preview material should be submitted so

  • Nov 4 (Sunday) - T minus 3: Preview and CMET Content Due – XML-based Submissions

All content to be included in the preview site is due. In addition, some content (even draft or incomplete content) is required of each committee to allow generation and lay-out testing of the complete ballot site. The Ballot Preview site (based on the previous ballot) will go live.

  • Nov 14 (Sunday) - T minus 2: Reconciliation, Complete & Supporting Content Deadlines – All Submissions

All previous ballot reconciliations must be completed and appropriately captured on the ballot website. (See policy note below.) Word-based Submissions: Complete content is required from each participating committee. Only minor corrections to content will be considered after this deadline. XML-based Submissions: All final, domain supporting content (specifically the Visio and/or Design Repositories) must be available for use in generating graphics, Excel views, table views, schemas, etc.

  • Nov 21 (Sunday) - T minus 1: Final Content Deadline – XML-based Submissions:

All final Version 3 content is required. Only changes expressly requested by the technical publishers will be made to content after this deadline.

  • Nov 20 (Monday) - T minus 0: Provisional Ballot Opening

This is the earliest date that the ballot site can open and be announced to the membership. In any event, the ballot must open before the end of this week.

  • Jan 2 (Sunday): Projected Ballot Close