ICTC concall 20100810
Thursday 3:00 PM (US Eastern Time, GMT -5)
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Return to IC concalls 2010
- Frank Oemig
- Jane Gilbert
- Charlie Mead
Expected Participants
- Melva Peters
- Ron Parker
Excused Participants
- Rob Snelick (excused)
ECCF: comments Next steps
ECCF: comments
Comments were received from Frank and Rob, but the ones from Rob seems to be about SAIF directly.
Charlie does not see any big problems. ECCF is not complete and perhaps not correct. NCI may be an Impl Guide for ECCF to start with, whether only parts out of it are accepted. Perhaps the usage of the terms is wrong, but the ones used should come from RM-ODP.
Charlie offers to submit the NCI documents to ICWG. Charlie also asks whether ICWG is willing to take on the responsibility for ECCF and to work with ArB and TSC on it. Frank volunteers to discuss this with the other co-chairs. (Jane and Frank are currently in favor of it, but cannot speak for the others or the group.)
In case of the terms, ARB will go in favor of the terms as being used in RM-ODP. ARB will not override. The biggest difference currently is conformance and compliance.
Next Steps
Discuss with ICWG whether the group is formally taking on the responsibility for the ECCF.
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