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RIMBAA 201009 Minutes
Revision as of 07:53, 3 June 2010 by Rene spronk (talk | contribs)
On September 15th an international RIMBAA meeting will be held in Rome, Italy. This is a joint HL7 Italy & RIMBAA WG meeting, with HL7 Italy hosting. This meeting has been designated as an out-of-cycle meeting of the international HL7 RIMBAA working group.
- Date: September 15 and 16 2010, 09:30-17:00
- Location: Rome, Italy
- Registration: For Italian attendees: see the website of HL7 Italy. For international attendees: e-mail Rene Spronk.
- Note that HL7 Italy has a large conference-style meeting on September 15th and 16th. The out-of-cycle meeting will be held in parallel.
- Co-chairs: Rene Spronk (co-chair of the RIMBAA WG), Andrea Ceiner (HL7 Italy)
- Short URL:
September 15, 10:00-12:00
- Topics specifically catering to those with prior knowledge of RIMBAA.
- Administrative (max 30 minutes)
- Agenda Review/Additions/Changes (max 5 minutes)
- Approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting in Rio: (max 5 minutes)
- Announcements (max 10 minutes)
- Report from the HL7 Rio WGM (Rene, max 15 minutes)
- Planning of next meeting
- Various product/concept presentations (te be added)
- Davide/Andrea: JavaSIG 2010 (what is your final decision about it ? take it or not ?)
- Creation of a Java based HL7 v3 Datatypes R2 library
- Davide/Andrea: creation of an open-source Dictionary Manager to manage OIDs and VOCs (code systems, value sets...) in 1st instance as a client-server program (where eclipse is the client and mysql is the server). A web application will follow next year for search and retrieve and download.
- Discussion of RIMBAA Issues
- See RIMBAA Issues
September 15, 14:00-17:00
- Workshop with Italian attendees, most of whom will be new to RIMBAA
- This part of the agenda will mostly be about providing an overview of some of the key RIMBAA issues; and allowing (italian) vendors who have used RIMBAA principles (without being aware that there is such a thing as RIMBAA) to present their applications and approaches.
September 16, 09:00-13:00
- Topics catering to newbies as well as those with prior knowledge of RIMBAA.
- Davide/Andrea to present various RIMBAA/MDD principles using modules from the PHI Technology product suite:
- RIMBAA scheduler
- Outpatient management system
- e-Prescription
- A RIM Based IHE XDS Registry / Repository, using a RIM based database
- O3Enterprise about creating an IHE XDS Registry/Repository solution based on the RIM instead of on an ebXML db structure.
- Davide/Andrea to present various RIMBAA/MDD principles using modules from the PHI Technology product suite: