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May 11th, 2010 Security Conference Call
Security Working Group Meeting
- Tabitha Albertson
- Steven Connolly
- Mike Davis Security Co-chair
- Suzanne Gonzales-Webb CBCC Co-chair
- Rob Horn
- Don Jorgenson
- Jim Kretz
- Rob McClure
- John Moehrke Security Co-chair
- Pat Pyette
- Richard Thoreson CBCC Co-chair
- Serafina Versaggi scribe
- Tony Weida
- Craig Winter
- (05 min) Roll Call, Approve minutes 4 May 2010, Call for additional agenda items & Accept Agenda
- (55 min) Security and Privacy Ontology Project
- New Use Case Review and Acceptance
- Ongoing Projects
- PASS Audit Update
- US Realm Value Sets