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April 4th, Templates Minutes

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Revision as of 17:16, 11 April 2005 by Rhamm (talk | contribs)
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A meeting of the Templates SIG was April 4, 2005. A quorom was reached, and discussed the following agenda items.

  1. The co-chair election will take place Q1, Wednesday, May 4th at the working group meeting. For those who are unable to attend the meeting and would like to vote, send an email to Karen Van Hentenryck at HL7 headquarters. The following people are candidates: Peter Elkin, Russ Hamm, Martin Kernberg, and Craig Parker.
  2. The agenda for the working group was briefly discussed and more topics are solicited. To date, the agenda is as follows: Monday, May 2nd: Q3 - Review of PIC document and process. Q4 - Presentation of committee charter for review and discussion. (This document to be distributed before the meeting for comment). Wednesday May 4th: Q1 - Co-chair election.
  3. The PIC Document is attached for review for discussion at the April 18th, 2005 Telecon and the working group meeting.
  4. There are outstanding ballot reconciliation issues. The co-chairs will work with Jane Curry and HL7 headquarters to resolve these.
  5. The SIG charter/project plan will be worked on by Russ Hamm and Sarah Ryan for distribution before the next call.

NEXT CALL: April 18, 2005, Noon PT, 1pm MT, 2pm CT, 3pm ET.

Dial in: 913-643-5111 Passcode: 337360#

Please any additions or ammendments to the list.