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INM San Antonio Agenda

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IM Agenda for San Antonio (May 2006).

  • WGM Agenda (M-F) frozen
    • The Monday-Friday agenda was accepted by motion at the InM Telconference Monday, April 14, 2006, subject to harmonizing the Thursday agenda with Vocab. The wiki version is 15:20, 24 April 2006.

Saturday 6 May

Monday 8 May

  • Q1 Meeting Overview
    • Ballot/proposal overview
    • Mission statement review
    • Decision making process document
    • Co-Chair Election
    • Organizational/procedural action items
    • XML Topics (last 30 mins)
  • Q2 Shared Messages and ControlAct Wrappers
  • Q3 Joint with MnM, MnM Hosting (has been confirmed)
    • Methodology (Dynamic Model) vs. Communication Models
      • RIM backwards compatibility issues (e.g. semanticsText)
      • Impact of QueryByparameter.ResponseElementGroupId on dynamic model
      • Guidance to comittees: 1 or 2 TEs when confirming/rejecting a RQO?
      • Interaction Pattern as a concept
      • Introduction of a formal HL7 Messaging Architecture document
    • Methodology (e.g. Update Mode, Auditing) vs. Abstract Datatypes
  • Q4 HL7 v2 issues
    • HL7 v2.7 proposals (if any)
    • Conformance issues
    • Supported Feature Discovery Interaction (v3 Conformance issue)

Tuesday 9 May

  • Q1 Transmission Infrastructure
  • Q2 Transmission Infrastructure
    • Continuation of Q1
  • Q3 INM Hosts Joint INM/HSSP Services
    • Transmission Infrastructure as a Service
  • Q4 INM hosts Joint INM/Security&Accountability
    • Transport Security Issues
    • Ballot reconciliation of WebServices and ATS Security Line Items
    • Digital Signature, proposal 970
    • Other security issues

Wednesday 10 May

  • Q1 Transports
    • Removable media ballot reconciliation
    • Abstract Transport Specification ballot reconcilliation
    • Transport related Proposals
    • Other transport related issues
  • Q2 Transports
    • Webservices ballot reconciliation
    • Discuss RAMP and delta-document as created by Chris Ferris
    • Remaining topics from Q1 (if any)
  • Q3 Hosting joint Vocab meeting
    • Use of OIDs in CNE.3 and CWE.3 in v2 messages
    • New coded data type for compositional expressions
    • OID Questions
  • Q4 Hosting joint Vocab meeting
    • Continuation of Q3

Thursday 11 May (Under Discussion, may be modified)

  • Q1 Hosting joint XML meeting
  • Q2 OPEN
  • Q3 HL7 v3 Data types
    • Abstract Data Types
    • XML ITS Data Types
  • Q4 Hot Topics
    • Walk in session, all v3 and v2 topics

Friday 12 May

  • Q1/Q2 Wrap-up meeting
    • HL7 v2.7 proposals (if any)
    • Java SIG update & status evaluation
    • Meeting evaluation
    • Ballot status
    • Direction of INM
    • co-Chair responsibilities
    • Agenda for next WGM