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Conformance Jan 2019 WGM Agenda

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Proposed Agenda

Titles of quarters are agreed upon but agenda was copied from the last WGM. Contents of quarters is still being discussed.


Quarter Agenda Room Responsibilities
Q1 not meeting
Q2 not meeting
Q3 not meeting
Q4 not meeting


Quarter Agenda Room Responsibilities


  • Review and make final changes for agenda for WGM
  • Review Group Health Items
    • Review and approve SWOT
    • Review and approve DMP
    • Review and approve Mission & Charter
    • Review and approve 3 year plan
  • Projects review
  • Review Gforge tracker items (new, assigned, open, etc.)
Leeward - Riverside Bldg
  • Host: Conformance
  • Chair: Frank
  • Scribe: Nathan

not meeting - HL7 v2 Governance Meets


General Conformance Discussion

Primary Topics

  • Review and finalize PSS
    • Data Type Flavor PSS
    • Conformance Specification (move Chapter 2b out) PSS
  • Master (Standard) Data Type Library
  • Using FHIR Structured Definition to represent V2 profiling (if time)

Additional topics if there is time and interest

  • Cross Paradigm Implementation Guide
  • Conformance length in HL7 v2
    • Need to write the history
    • What is allowable in constraining?
    • Need to write it down - Position Statement / White Paper? Will go into Conformance Chapter / Best Practices
  • Unified Conformance Model - How they relate to FHIR
  • Implementation Guide Template
    • Standardized conformance section (Boiler plate language that defines the definitions of conformance the way we want it defined. Included directly or referenced.)
  • Pulling out Chapter 2B. Needs a new title: HL7 V2 Conformance Model ?
    • Higher level of constraint definitions that cross product families
  • General V2 Test Cases
  • Specification of Co-Constraints
    • Issues associated with giving constraints on items such as Observation (OBX) segments. Every guide author is using different ways of defining the co-constraints.
    • Discuss ideas about how to standardize the expression of these co-constraints.
    • Asking for feedback in regards to how this is done in other standards such as V3, FHIR, etc.
  • Need a best-practices/recommendations for properly using conformance
    • Conformance supports business requirements, business rules determine how to process receiving data
    • How to handle HL7 versions you don't expect
  • Data Type Flavors Discussion
  • Conformance statement versus small value set (question from PHER)
  • Test Script and FHIR Validation
  • Host: Conformance
  • Chair: Rob Snelick
  • Scribe: Frank Oemig

Data Type Flavor Ballot Discussion

  • Host: Conformance
  • Chair: Rob Snelick
  • Scribe: Nathan Bunker


Quarter Agenda Room Responsibilities

Conformance Issue Discussion

  • Host: Conformance
  • Chair: Rob Snelick
  • Scribe: Nathan Bunker

Conformance Tooling

Leeward - Riverside Bldg
  • Host: Conformance
  • Chair: Nathan Bunker
  • Scribe:

Joint Discussion with InM

  • Review 2 PSS's that we need their approvals on
    • Data Type Library
    • Separate Conformance Specification
  • Alternative ITS
    • Using HTTPS status codes
  • Conformance length in HL7 v2
  • Profile identifiers, versioning and how it is used in queries
    • Query id in MSH-21, review and give best practices
  • Acknowledgement debrief, update on where we are at with it
Leeward - Riverside Bldg

Host: InM
Joining: Conformance

Q4 not meeting


Quarter Agenda Room Responsibilities

No Meeting - V2 Governance Meets


Conformance within Immunization Space

A roundtable informal discussion will be held with reports on progress from:

Bridge - Riverside Bldg

Host: Conformance
Chair: Nathan
Scribe: Rob


FHIR discussions

  • Versioning FHIR
  • FHIR Conformance Review
    • Original document FHIR_Constraints_and_Rules
    • Review slide set of recommendations for improvements to FHIR to support conformance needs
  • Running Items
    • FHIR Quality Criteria
      • Review of further requests for more/other criteria
    • FHIR StructureDefinition vs. Templates vs. v2 Profiling
      • Constraint Language: Status Update
  • Test Script and FHIR Validation
Bridge - Riverside Bldg

Host: Conformance
Joining: FHIR-I, Templates
Chair: Ioana
Scribe: Nathan


not meeting - v2 FHIR mapping


Host: Conformance
Chair: Rob
Scribe: Nathan


Quarter Agenda Room Responsibilities


  • Terminology Quality Assurance
  • Tables Project

Items that can be discussed Thursday AM

  • Table 0163 and 0550.
  • Adding new codes to HL7 tables (what code system to use, what is the process)
  • How to use the new code systems (hl7 table project)
Magazine - 3rd Floor Host: Vocab


Magazine - 3rd Floor Host: Vocab


Magazine - 3rd Floor Host: Vocab
Q4 not meeting


Quarter Agenda Room Responsibilities
Q1 not meeting
Q1 not meeting

Quarter Times

Quarter Time
Q1 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Q2 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Q3 1:45 PM - 3:00 PM
Q4 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM