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Revision as of 17:39, 18 July 2018 by Lconstab (talk | contribs) (→To Do for September Connectathon)
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- Substantive content freeze : August 10, 2018
- Final Content freeze:
- Ballot opens: August 24, 2018
- Ballot closes: September 24, 2018
To Do for September Connectathon
- rename EntryDefinition to CatalogEntry
- Add scope and boundary text to resource
- Relationships from Activity Definition to SpecimenDefinition and ObservationDefinition
- Tracker items from ballot
- review value set bindings and definitions
- review relationship types in Catalog Entry
- Connectathon proposal
- François to flesh out use cases with Quest
- Claude to re-set up to add to build
- Coverage on examples: medication, devices,
- we should discuss Human Services use cases - look at our example use cases
- Profile on ActivityDefinition
Done Items (June)
- EntryDefinition: Rename purpose (1..1, CodeableConcept) to orderable (1..1, boolean) ---> Done!
- EntryDefinition.status: Change datatype from CodeableConcept to code, change cardinality to 1..1, and assign FHIR value set PublicationStatus(required), (values: draft | active | retired | unknown). ---> Done!
- EntryDefinition.relatedEntry.relationType: Change datatype from CodeableConcept to code, and define FHIR value set (required) with these values:
- has-input: the related entry represents an item to be provided as input to the current item
- has-output: the related entry represents an item produced as out put of the current item
- uses: the related entry represents an item (product or material or substance) used by the current item
- triggers: the related entry represents an activity that may be triggered by the current item
- is-replaced-by: the related entry represents an item that replaces the current retired item
---> Done! Thanks Jose!
To Do Items for June
- ObservationDefinition: various corrections
- Correct datatype of elements category and code: from Coding to CodeableConcept
- bind category to value set (preferred)
- Correct datatype of element permittedDataType from Coding to code, with the binding to the FHIR value set {Quantity, CodeableConcept, string, boolean, integer, Range, Ratio, SampledData, time, dateTime, Period} (required)
- Correct the definition of ObservationDefinition.qualifiedInterval from "Reference range for ordinal and continuous observations." to "Reference range for ordinal and quantity measurement observations."
EntryDefinition.type: Assign value set. The content of type represents the type of resource referenced by referencedItem (Medication, Device, Observation, ActivityDefinition, ...) How can we enforce that? [NOTE: WE DECIDED TO DEFER THIS UNTIL WE HAVE A CONCRETE USE CASE THAT WARRANT ITS USE.]
- ActivityDefinition timingTiming (Timing) - confirm ability to carry a performance schedule as in eDos ---> Done!
- an example of a performance schedule is "every Monday & Wednesday"
- Yes, this is confirmed. The datatype Timing supports quite complex performance schedules, if needed.
Other to dos
- Review all value sets and value set bindings
- Add Knowledge Artifact and Order Set to the value set for type
- review relationshipType value set - also look at similar one from Task
- Review element definitions
- Add search parameters to each resource - see connectathon report for suggestions for EntryDefinition
- Prepare design summary in preparation for meeting with Lloyd
- Add examples from connectathon to build
- Review and prepare dispositions for comments from January ballot
Items for Future Cycles
Define Implementation Guide resource and content to contain the appropriate StructureDefinitions and Resources