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20180213 OO FHIR conCall

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HL7 OO on FHIR (for Orders and Observations)

Call in details:
Phone: +1 515) 739-1430, Passcode: 294586

Join the meeting at:

Date: 2018/02/13
02:00 PM (Eastern Time, GMT -04 DST)
Quorum = chair + 4 no

scope="col" Co chairs Chair Notetaker
Riki Merrick
Rob Hausam X
Lorraine Constable
Patrick Lloyd
KD Nolan
Hans Buitendijk

X Eric Haas
Hans Buitendijk
Jose Costa-Teixeira
X Dan Rutz
X Rob Hausam
Andrea Pitkus
Kirk Schaper
Marti Velezis
Bob Milius
Elliot Silver

  • Roll Call


Attendees: Dan Rob Eric

As a reminder we are only a couple of weeks away from submitting changes for the Normative ballot and quickly running out of time. We will focus on the remaining OO trackers. Notes: we will discussing those by Claude and Mark on Thursday as well when they can be present. The tracker "themes" are:

New Profiles

which will not make it into R4 due to the shortness of time, so we will defer these trackers. Ready for vote:

  1. 12913 Create+a+profile+for+%22Patient+characteristics%22 (Lloyd McKenzie)
  2. 13938 Add+phsyical+activity+profiles+like+vitals (Harri Honko)
  3. Third profile for labs proposed by Finns/Swedes

Workflow related changes

(with emphasis on work :-))- if we have time will be reviewing this.

EH to review offline and present next time.


  1. 14466 Clarify+Observation+boundaries+%28with+OccupationalData%29+around+Social+History (Michelle Miller) - disposition to defer until OccupationalData is settled. Ready for vote
  2. 15145 Feature+lost+with+new+boundary+Observation%2FMedia (Francois Macary)

Withdrawn by submitter.

Clarify how to use Observation and grouping observations:

We simply can not be more prescriptive than we currently are in the base FHIR specification since we need to provide maximum flexibility. However it is appropriate for jurisdictional or organizational implementations to be more prescriptive through profiling or implementation guides.

  1. 14509 more+prescriptive+guidance+on+observation+patterns (Jay Lyle Or Mark Kramer??)

Disposition as not per with mod since felt inappropriate for OO to prescribe rules about this in base FHIR specification. Will add note to spec about this. Ready to Vote

EH to add new tracker to add LOINC guidance to pattern 3:

Subject and Focal Subject:

Although it may be convenient for some to represent everything with an Observation - that is not the current scope of Observation. These proposals represent marked departures from current scope of Observation and the very philosophy behind FHIR is to build a base set of FHIR resources to "define a small amount of highly-focused data". My opinion is that these are important and overirding considerations when discussing these trackers. For Observation to remain on the path to a normative resource, the scope of Observation cannot be radically expanded as suggested in the tracker proposals.

background: Also OpenEHR archetypes describing Evaluation vs Observation

Offline discussion lead to Zulip posting to implementers for feedback:

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