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December 13th Education Telecon

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Call in info:

Online Meeting Link: Online Meeting ID: education70 The dial in number for the United States is: (605) 475-4072 Access Code: 321601 For international toll free numbers, please go to All active participants and other interested individuals are invited to join us for this call.


  • Sadhana Alangar, John Ritter, Abdul-Malik Shakir, Matt Blackmon, Caroline Bennett, Virginia Lorenzi, Fernando Campos


  • Approve Prior Minutes
    • AMS moved approval, Sadhana seconded, no abstains, approved unanimously
  • FHIR Proficiency Test Status - how do we move from pilot to GA
    • high registration for FHIR fundamentals webinar series and about 9 for the Proficiency Review webinar series. No uptake on test perhaps because people do not feel ready. Decided to close pilot after January WGM no matter how many test takers and evaluate results and update test and make it generally available. Matt said he would write up something to reduce fear based on his experience. Fernando said he would consider as well - one of the fhir fundamentals students took test and passed.
  • WGM agenda planning
    • planned lunch and all education quarters. Virginia to update WGM agenda on the wiki for review. She noted that Monday Q3 and Q4 are a bit up in the air because we don't know which quarter Grahame will come to. Virginia will draft slides for the lunch. Virginia will draft a board report and send to other co-chairs as well as to Sadhana so she can update.
  • Strategic Planning
    • We will focus on this more in January and at the meeting. Virginia is concerned that our plan is out of date. Some work was done on this but not sure of state. Was
  • HL7 Professional Certification, other cert status
    • did not discuss
  • Webpage review status
    • Caroline, Virginia, and John Moerke sent in comments. Others on call agreed to review. Goal is to look at all the training parts of HL7 website.
  • Update on Africa Proposal
    • AMS created a PSS which we reviewed to allow for a period of interest research. Workplan was generally liked. Sadhana recommended substituting Virginia for Sadhana on the roles. Virginia suggested adding international mentoring committee. AMS plans to show the PSS to the board. Virginia noted we usually go through T3SD and TSC for approval. AMS noted that this was good for socialization of the idea but not helpful for approval - board needed. Noted how education in general is different in this way.