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December 12, 2017 Security Conference Call

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x Member Name x Member Name x Member Name x Member Name
. John Moehrke Security Co-chair x Kathleen Connor Security Co-chair x Alexander Mense Security Co-chair . Trish Williams Security Co-chair
x Christopher Shawn Security Co-chair x Suzanne Gonzales-Webb x Mike Davis x David Staggs
. Mohammed Jafari . Beth Pumo . Ioana Singureanu . Rob Horn
x Diana Proud-Madruga . Serafina Versaggi x Joe Lamy x Greg Linden
. Paul Knapp . Grahame Grieve . Johnathan Coleman . Aaron Seib
. Ken Salyards . Jim Kretz . Gary Dickinson x Dave Silver
. Oliver Lawless . Lisa Nelson . David Tao . Nathan Botts

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  1. (2 min) Roll Call, Agenda Approval
  2. (3 min) Review and Approval of December 5, 2017 minutes
  3. (25 min) Next week - Using Biometrics for Patient Matching - Healthcare Privacy and Security Considerations. Discussion with Privacy Attorney Expert, Devon Connor-Green.
  4. (10 min) Consumer Centered Data Exchange Connectathon scenario with Cascading Authorized App acting "on behalf of" a patient. - Draft storyboard and flows - Kathleen and Mohammad
  5. (5 min) PSAF call report out on HL7 Security and Privacy Domain Model - Mike Davis and Chris Shawn
  6. (5 min) Is Privacy Obsolete? Study Group wiki page has the "Is Privacy Obsolete?" Listserve link. Update on project - Mike Davis and Chris Shawn
  7. (5 min) GOM Change vote
  8. (5 min) FHIR Security update Call later? - John Moehrke


  • Chris Shawn chaired.
  • Agenda informally approved.
  • Minutes from December 5th reviewed. Minute Approval: XX moved; XX seconded. Approved:
  • RE: Using Biometrics for Patient Matching - Healthcare Privacy and Security Consierations. Devon Connor-Green....
  • RE: Consumer Centered Data Exchange Connectathon scenario with Cascading Authorized App acting "on behalf of" a patient. - Kathleen and Mohammad presented updates to the CCDE scenario and discussions with participants...
  • RE: PSAF call report out - Mike reported....
  • RE: Updates to Is Privacy Obsolete? Study Group wiki page - Mike....
  • RE GOM Change vote
  • RE: FHIR Security call report out - John

Meeting Materials

RE GOM Change vote recommendations:

  • Changed Recommendation - Vote to approve WI1709004 Variations from standard DMP - Proposal to stipulate that deviations from the standard/common DMP shall be approved by the TSC. During FM discussion, Mary Kay and Andy Stechishin pointed out that whenever a WG’s DMP changes, they have to be approved by the WG’s Steering Division. So whenever the standard DMP has been updated, all the WGs have to make changes to their DMPs, and have them approved. The proposed change would eliminate the need for WGs who simply adopt the current standard DMPs to have them approved. Only those WGs whose DMPs vary from an update to the standard DMP would need approval by TSC, rather than their Steering Divisions, going forward. This would lower administrative overhead.
  • Vote negative on WI1709002 Non-member participation in User Groups - Implementation of EC decision to limit non-member participation to one-year. Need rationale for what appears to be a barrier to participation. Note, this pertains to User Groups, not Work Groups.
  • Vote to approve WI1709003 Revise resolution of motions by email - Proposal from the CTO to allow submission of email vote on electronic motion (§06.06) to either the list or directly to the Secretary.
  • Vote to approve WI1709004 Variations from standard DMP - Proposal to stipulate that deviations from the standard/common DMP shall be approved by the TSC.
  • Vote to approve WI1709005 Electronic voting for WG co-chair elections - Implementation of electronic voting for WG co-chair elections piloted at September WGM
  • Vote to approve WI1709006 Revise Contract Work process - Implementation of revisions to Contract Work process prepared by EC task force.