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INM Action Items

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Open Action Items - Non transport-transmission. Each item may be edited individually.

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ITEM: 15

Chap 2 statement on restarting set IDs [v2.7]

Opened: 24-Jan-05
Old Item: 203
Assigned: Tony Julian?

For Version 2.7, add language to Chapter 2 to the effect that CQ does not express an opinion at this time on the restarting of set IDs relative to groups or message.

  • 24-Jan-05 , Tony Julian , Open , V2
    • INM WGM Orlando: Motion approved 20050506: edit needs to be done in 2.7
  • 26-Aug-05 , Tony Julian , Open , V2
    • 20050826: Larson: this item needs a proposal submitted to the v2 database and then it can be closed.
  • 28-NOV-05,Tony Julian,Reviewed,V2,20051128 This cannot be done until V2.7 is opened.
  • 20060508 InM WGM San Antonio: Tony Julian, open
    • 20060508 InM San Antonio: Remains open
  • 2006-09-12 No change – cannot do anything until V2.7 opens for development.
  • 2007-04-30 Koln WGM - started accepting v2.7 proposals, but need to wait for final v2.6 chapters to work on specific wording.
  • 20070726 Scott: v2.6 chapters are in final editing

ITEM: 961

Opened: 11-Aug-05 Old Item: 0 Developing a list of basic criteria for shared messages, so that shared messages doesn’t end up being a dumping ground. Perhaps a topic in MCCI R2?

  • 11-Aug-05 , Lloyd McKenzie , Open , MCCI
    • INM requests more details. Lloyd will provide them to Tony, and we will discuss the topic in San Diego. Lloyd to start a discussion thread about “undo” on MnM list server. Rene will bring forward notification interactions shared messages. Hope to publish shared messages in January cycle. Lloyd to offer help with shared messages publication database
  • 11-Aug-05 , Lloyd McKenzie , Open , MCCI
    • Lloyd added a fifth: sending out a “broadcast” message – such as a user notification that the system is going down in 5 minutes, etc. Lloyd needs to forward this last one to INM.
  • 28-Nov-05 , Lloyd McKenzie , Reviewed , Shared Messages
    • 20051128 INM Telcon: no update.
  • 20060110, Michael van Campen, Shared Messages
    • 20060110: INM WGM: Michael van Campen will create a list of candidates to be included/excluded. Rene will assist.
    • 20060508 WGM: Open.
  • 20060915 WGM: Michael: open
  • 20070502: WGM: Michael: open with guilt
  • 20070702: Telcon : Tony will query Michael

ITEM: 976

CNE/CWE v2.7 [v2.7]

Opened:        07-Oct-05            
Old Item:         0
Assigned to:  Doug
  • 14-Sep-05 , Doug Pratt , New , V2 Cp2a
    • MMS Doug Pratt/Sandy Stuart that the joint working group encourage Doug to submit the stronger text for version 2.7. 11-0-1
  • 28-Nov-05 , Doug Pratt , New , V2 Cp2a
    • 20051128 INM Telcon: Doug will submit 2.7 Proposal
  • 2006050508 InM WGM San Antonio: Doug Pratt, open
    • 20060508 InM San Antonio: Remains open
  • 2007-04-30 InM Koln WGM: Reviewed, remains open.
  • 2007-05-01 InM WGM Köln – v2.7 proposal (continued with guilt)
  • 20070726 Scott: added category as v2.7 proposal. will need to review/activate when v2.7 opens

ITEM: 1021

Opened: 20051031

Need to add attribute-level descriptions to HMDs in MFMI Release 2. Created as part of reconciliation of MFMI R1 M1.

  • 20051031, René Spronk, open
    • Will remain open until MFMI R2 goes out for ballot again
  • 20070814, item re-assigned from René to Charlie McKay (Wrappers R2 project)

ITEM: 1025

Opened: 20051114

Prefaces at Topic Level, Pubs issue, need to take this up with Pubs. Results from MCCI R2 C1 ballot rec. item 134.

  • 20051114, Tony Julian, open
    • Propose to pubs to have preface at the topic level, instead of just having a preface at the domain level. If one has a varied range of Topics it makes no sense to have all preface comments at the domain level.
  • 20060113 Tony Julian, open, pubs
    • 20060113 WGM pubs will consider. Supported by pharmacy.
  • 20060508 WGM San Antonio, open
    • 20060508 WGM San Antonio: Ballot item in PFG ballot. Follow the resolution of that.
  • 20060911: WGM, INM: open. PFG = Pubs facilitators guide
  • 20070108: WGM: They'll look at it. Tony to talk to pubs about it this week.
  • 20070112: WGM: no update, Tony didnt get a chance to talk to them about this.
  • 20070122: Tony sent e-mail to Helen/Pubs list
  • 20070325: Tony Julian:

Email to editors: Helen et. al. Has there been any resolution to this? There was a note that this was a open item on the ballot of the Pubs facilitators guide.

  • 20070325: Tony Julian: Response from Helen Stevens: Julian,

No - this has not progressed - sorry, it must have got missed on our list. It is certainly something that we should entertain discussion on during our conference calls - I will put it on the agenda for the call this week (11am EST on Wednesday). It would be great if you could attend to explain the business need.

  • 20070702: Telcon :This is a tooling issue. Tony will ask to add to wish list for tooling.

ITEM: 1029

XTN data type problem in v2.5 and v2.5.1 [v2 errata]

Opened 20051129 from e-mail from Alberto Sáez  Torres
Assigned:  Scott

In the Data Type Chapter, the components table for XTN (Extended Telecommunication Number) doesn't correspond with the text description. Page 2-239.

  • 20051129, Doug Pratt, V2
  • 20060104: J Larson. The component table and narrative are correct in v.6. There was a formating/numbering problem in v2.5. Component 5 should have been "Country", but it inadvertently got embedded in the note for compoent 4. Is this ready to be closed or should we consider noting an erratum for v2.5? Email sent to A Torres.
  • 20060710: D Pratt, take up with ARB.
  • 2006-09-12: Tony Julian to find out who maintains the errata list tomorrow am.
  • 2006-11-20: Tony Julian sent e-mail to HL7 HQ requesting information.
  • 20070326: Tony Julian - Email sent again:

As the outcome of several e-mail messages,from Alberto Sáez Torres 1. (INM Item 1029)The components table for XTN datatype does not correspond with the text in V2.5, and V2.5.1. 2. (INM Item 1058)The table associated with the NA datatype, Chapter 1.A.45, is wrong, and should be updated in v2.5 and v2.5.1.

What is the process for errata? and how does HL7 publish same?

  • 20070702: Telcon : Scott will send to HQ, and ask them to publish.
  • 20070726 Scott: question sent to HL7 HQ

ITEM: 1057

V2 Datatype CNN [v2.6]

Opened:  1005-11-29
Assigned:  Scott
  • 20051129: e-mail from Alberto Sáez Torres who wrote:

5) Page 2-138 Section 2.A.9.9. Data type CNN (composite ID number and name simplified) In this element there are some references to a data type "CNS", which in my opinion is the “CNN” data type

    • 20060109 InM WGM: Doug will examine this
  • 2006050508 InM WGM San Antonio: Doug Pratt, open
    • 20060508 InM San Antonio: Remains open
  • 2006-09-12 Open: Put typo in before published.
  • 2007-05-01 InM WGM Köln – clearly a typo. Doug will need to fix in v2.6. (we won’t worry about 2.5.1)
  • 20070702: Telcon : Scott will work with Don Lloyd to fix this.
  • 20070726 Scott: checked v2.6 pre-pub, not changed. Sent email to Don L as he has control on the chapters at this time.

ITEM: 1058

20060104 Check accuracy of 3rd example for NA data type [v2 errata]

Opened:  1006-01-04
Assigned: Scott Robertson
  • 20051129: e-mail from Alberto Sáez Torres who wrote:
6) Page 2-175 Section 2.A.45 P. Data type NA (Numeric Array)
The first component is declared as “REQUIRED” (field OPT of the components table) but in the 3rd example, it’s shown as non-present 
This is an error in the example, the OPT or in my understanding?
  • 20060109 InM WGM: Doug will examine this
  • 2006050508 InM WGM San Antonio: Doug Pratt, open
    • 20060508 InM San Antonio: Remains open
  • 2006-09-12 Examined the NA datatype and determined that the table is wrong – the R should be an O for required in the first component. Tony will take to ARB to find out how we can publish the errata, since it is a mistake in 2.5 and 2.6.
  • 20070326 Tony Julian: E_mail sent again to ARB and HQ

As the outcome of several e-mail messages,from Alberto Sáez Torres 1. (INM Item 1029)The components table for XTN datatype does not correspond with the text in V2.5, and V2.5.1. 2. (INM Item 1058)The table associated with the NA datatype, Chapter 1.A.45, is wrong, and should be updated in v2.5 and v2.5.1.

What is the process for errata? and how does HL7 publish same?

  • 2007-05-01 InM WGM Köln – review of chapter: the table is wrong! The narrative states that if no values exist in a row, then no
    • For v2.5 / v2.5.1 – do an erratum for both (try through John Quinn). V2.6 – can’t change R to O without reballot … table is wrong according to the narrative … Scott will have Joann check for past ARB decisions on this point – can we fix it? Do we need to publish the chapter with an erratum?
  • 20070702: Telcon : Scott will follow up.
  • 20070726 Scott: see Item 1029

ITEM: 1059

V2.7 Cleanup the escape sequence language [v2.7]

Assigned: Frank Oemig (Scott Robertson)
  • Change the escape usage language.
  • 20060508 InM WGM San Antonio: Tony Julian, open
    • 20060508 InM San Antonio: section 2.5.4 and section 2.14.9 need to be consistent. Note that the sub component can be omitted. Table should be re-ordered. Open.
  • 2006-09-12 Partially fixed in 2.6; need a proposal for 2.7 to fix the 3 inconsistent references.
  • 2007-01-11 Scott will ask Frank to provide proposal
  • 2007-05-01 InM WGM Köln – Scott will check his email again … if no email, will contact Frank

ITEM: 1072

Formal liaison between HL7 and WS-I

Opened: 20060508
Assigned: Grahame

seek Board approval to have a formal liaison between HL7 and WS-I.

  • 20060508 San Antonio WGM, TBD, new
    • 20060508 San Antonio WGM: New item. Need to have a liaison to WS-I. This can be informal or formal. Formal liaison is a Board decision.
  • 20060511: San Antonio WGM: Motion that we recommend to the organization committee that Don be the HL7 representative to the WS-I initiative. Grahame / Rene 14-0-0. Don is from Inpriva, and active in Eclipse and IHE.
  • 20060814 InM Telcon - Grahame will approach board.
  • 20060914 open with Guilt – Grahame will talk to board
  • 20070108: WGM: Don is hassling Grahame about this. Grahame asked to talk to board about it. Didn't get a clear response. Grahame to talk to Marc McD.
  • 20070112: closed, board approved formal liason.
  • 20070330: Scott sent msg to Karen Van to identify liaison
  • 20070726: Karen replied on 3/30, the liaison is Don Jorgensen. Did we want to document this somewhere?
  • 20070730: Telcon: Scott will check with HQ "is there a master list of liaison's somewhere?"

ITEM: 1083

Opened 20060619 Telcon

ask ARB about normative interactions currently explicitly marked as examples, non implementable now being marked implementable

  • 20060619, Tony Julian, new, shared messages
    • 20060828, Rene: to add some detail: originally the shared messages domain was designated to define re-usable Message Types (payloads) but not Interactions. Interactions, Application Roles and Trigger Events were smetimes added to illustrate the use of the Message Types. The artefacts were designated (in textual form) as being "examples, non implementable". Because they were part of the ballot, their status has progressed to normative. Nowadays the Shared Messages domain also defines re-usable Interactions. We now would like to turn some of the old "Example" interactions into "real, implementable" interactions. Changing the deignation may be a substantive change.
    • 20060914 WGM: Tony Julian: E-mail sent to ARB to re-request action on this task
  • 20060915 WGM: Tony: No update, ARB is running behind.
  • 20070108: WGM: we'll be meeting week. ARB telcons tend to get cancelled.
  • 20070122: Tony will discuss with ARB on 2007-01-25
  • 20070326: Tony - Email to ARB:Could the ARB please rule on this?

My personal opinion is that since the artifacts in question were non-implementable, no-one should have implemented them. Since changes to Shared messages makes them implementable, I would consider the change in designation to be substantive - since it is the same as new content. It is also backward compatable, since is was originally non-implementable, and should not have been implemented.

ITEM: 1084

Opened 20060701

Ask Security and/or EHR amd/or MR/IM TC to review the Masking shared messages topic, there may be regulatory issues, wording needs to be in sync with other parts of HL7.

  • 20060701, ?, new, shared messages
    • Added as a result of shared messages ballot reconciliation.
  • 20060912 WGM – documented in ballot with shared message item.
    • If dealing with anonymization/pseudonymization, there is normative work in TC215 (passed, in resolution). Recommend deferring this discussion pending result from ISO. Addresses drugs, devices, etc in addition to people
    • Continue OPEN. Glenn will work with Canadian project to provide info on TC215 work and will report back on TC215 as information is available. Assigned item to Glenn
  • 20070110 WGM: Michael to check this issue with Glenn
  • 20070502 WGM: Open. Garry checked this; Michael will confirm that no issues were found.

Item: 1089

proposal for cleaning up obsolete language in chapter 5 related to queries [v2.7]

Opened 20060911
Assigned:  Scott
  • 20060911, Scott, v2
    • New action item for Scott: proposal for cleaning up obsolete language in chapter 5 related to queries, take up with conformance. Note that queries are used in various chapters, these use query profiles as well.
  • 2007-01-11 Scott, no action to date. will work with conformance SIG, they already stated that they would like to see convergence of Conformance Profiles and Query Profiles (or at least 'alignment')
  • 20070726 Scott: added "v2.7" categorization

Item: 1099

Opened 20060915, Mark Tucker, ControlActs

research query processing variant based on "send full query again, with offset in resultset"

  • 20060915, resulted from adoption of continuationToken to support server-side stateless queries.
  • 20061002: Telcon still open - Doug will remind Mark
  • 20061003: Mark thanks Doug for the reminder - will address.
  • 20070502: Mark: open with guilt

Item: 1100

Reserve Q31 trigger event ID submit documentation. [v2.7]

Opened 20060914
Assigned:  Jack Harrington

Original request was to reserved Q31 in Version 2.6 Ch 5. as of June 2007, v2.6 chapters closed, will need to be followed up with a v2.7 proposal.

  • 14-Sep-06 Opened. InM agrees to reserve Q31 trigger event, but needs supporting documentation from requestor (Jack)
  • 20061002: Telcon still open - Doug will follow up.
  • 20061003: Doug sent a reminder to Jack. He will try to supply the requested information by 13 October.
  • 20061004: Doug discovered Q31 already taken - will tell Jack to use Q32.
  • 20061204: Doug reminded Jack again - Jack promissed an answer in a week.
  • 2007-01-11: Doug will send final reminder to Jack.
  • 20070726: Scott reviewed pre-pub Chap 5. Neither Q31 or Q32 appear in v2.6 Chap 5 in any form. v2.6 chapters in find editing, this will not be able to be added to the official chapter. Continue as a probable v2.7 proposal

Item: 1103

Opened 20060914, Tony Julian
Resolve use of structure code in depracated messages with ARB, version 2

  • V2.6 Ballot, Item 180: Regarding the MFR_M01, the entire set of MFQ/MFR transaction pairs were deprecated as of v2.5. We have several dilemmas. The UAC segment should not have been added. The balloter is correct that the message structure has been applied to messages with different structures. In addition to MFR_M01, there should have been MFR_M02 etc. However, this was not evident in v2.5 and earlier versions because the message structure was not explicitly delineated until the v2.6 ballot. We appear to be digging ourselves into a deeper hole by applying changes to deprecated messages.
  • 14-Sep-06 Opened. Tony to take to ARB as a huge mess. Defer to telcon until we have a response.
  • 20061002: Telcon still open - ARB did not meet.
  • 2006-11-13 Open, but may have been resolved. Scott to check with Joann.

ITEM 1113

Take 2.6 ballot items 57 and 259 to Vocab for resolution, HL7 v2

  • Scott to take to Vocab for resolution
  • 2006-10-30 - new. Vocab call is 11/1. Proposed: Since we have no way to know if the codes are unique, do we assume that they are not unique and then need partitions identified?
  • 2006-11-01 [smr] - requested and received agenda time on vocab call on Nov 8
  • 2006-11-13 Scott waiting for response from Vocab chairs.
  • 2007-01-10 Scott will contact the chairs again, providing context

ITEM 1122

Create Consent model for use in CcontrolAct wrappers, ControlActs

  • 2006-09-04 - Rene, New. w/ Bob Dolin, Jari Porrasmaa, create controlAct R-MIM with Consent, suggest ways to pre-adopt it. SeeConsent in Queries for details.
  • 2006-12-22 - Consent now is the responsibility of the CBCC SIG (Rob Swenson, Richard Thoreson, Max Walker), part of the Patient Care TC. The co-chairs have been informed that they have this joint workitem with INM.
  • 2006-12-22: note the link with action item #33 (detectedIssue CMET and the management thereof)
  • 2007-01-01: will be discussed during a Monday breakfast meeting with CBCC SIG, and during a Thursday quarter at the January2007 WGM.
  • 20070502: WGM: Rene: did talk to Kathleen, no meeting with CBCC this WGM. INM’s concern is to ensure that a generalized (cross domain, cross realm) version ends up in the right place in the controlAct wrapper. INM to assist CBCC in creating the consent model for use in the wrapper.
  • 20070814, item re-assigned from René to Charlie McKay (Wrappers R2 project)

ITEM 1125

Create smart/dumb applications, vs Trigger Event document, ControlAct domains

  • Mark T/Doug, 2007-01
    • Create document related to “contract”/device/application role/logical receiver/ smart vs dumb applications on Wiki
  • 20070502: WGM: This aspect of communication style needs to be document. Remains open.
  • 20080618: Telcon: Doug will contack Mark T.

ITEM 1126

v2.6 item 62 ballot item follow-up, v2

  • Scott R
  • 2007-01-11 Scott to follow up with Frank O, unclear what the ballot comment is referring to.

ITEM 1133

Create proposal related to use of Headers instead of Wrappers, related to BehaviorialContract wrapper.

  • Charlie McCay, new, 20070111
    • During discussion Charlie thought an alternative approach, suing Headers (siblings) instead of Wrappers (parent/child). The INM committee would like to see a proposal related to this before making any motions.
  • 20070502: WGM: Open for now, probably subsumed by Wrappers R2.
  • 20070618: Telcon: Doug will talk to Charlie

ITEM 1137

Document the Version 2 Bolus

  • Mark Tucker/Doug Prat, 20070109 new
    • Doug and Mark will collaborate on the description of bolus.
  • 20070618: Doug will contact mark.

ITEM 1143

Chapter 5: document end-of-query mechanism

opened:  2007-05-03
assigned: Tony
  • 20070502 InM WGM Köln: Document v2 equivalent of the v3 motion “an error (either AR or AE) reported the AcknowledgementTypeCode attribute in the transmission wrapper (in the query response interaction) when doing query continuations ends the query continuation, i.e. one may send no further query continuations. In the absence of an error the query ends when resultRemainingQuantity equals 0.
  • 20070604: this will stay open until 2.7 gets published

ITEM 1146

Complete paperwork for Wrappers R2 Draft for comment Approved project scope statement 2007-06-04 Opened 2007-05-04

assigned: Charlie
  • 20070604: still need ballot announcement form

ITEM 1147


Opened 20070702 Telcon Scott will contact Don Lloyd and update the wiki.

ITEM 1149


Opened 20070702 Scott will contact the point person to join the next call, or send an update.