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FHIR Agenda 201705 WGM

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Revision as of 12:30, 6 May 2017 by Lmckenzi (talk | contribs) (Filled in FHIR agenda topics)
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This is a list of known FHIR-related sessions happening at the May 2017 Madrid WGM.

This is the "official" list and is more up-to-date than the on-site guide, so please consider this your primary source for FHIR-related information. If you're aware of other FHIR-related activities happening or planned schedules change through-out the week, *please* update this list. Also, feel free to fill in more detailed agenda topics.

Note that some quarters are completely dedicated to FHIR. Others may only deal with FHIR for part of the session or briefly. Non-dedicated sessions (where known) are included in italics.

For those new to HL7, Quarters are as follows (adjusted to be one hour later per Spanish custom): Q0=breakfast, Q1=10-11:30, Q2=12:00-1:30, lunch=1:30-2:45, Q3=2:45-4:00, Q4=4:30-6, Q5=dinner time (6:15-8ish), Q6=after dinner until 8:30-9, Q7=late night discussions until everyone crashes NOTE: Friday will be on normal schedule, so Q1 starts at 9am

To keep this page easy to use, meetings on days that have already occurred are "commented out". (You can see them by editing or viewing history)

Most FHIR sessions are occurring as part of regular committee work, though some are FHIR-only ("FHIR Infrastructure"). You can find a list of #Work Group Abbreviations at the bottom. If you have questions, pop them on, the FHIR list or send an email to

Todo: BRR; FMG/FGB agendas

Saturday January 14

Sat Q1-Q2

Londres - FHIR Connectathon - LM, JM, EK, GG

  • See FHIR_Connectathon_15
  • Borox and Esquivias are available for break-outs
  • Solution development
  • ad-hoc testing & discussions

Sat Lunch

Madrid Restaurant (reserved section) - FHIR Connectathon participants - LM, JM, EK, GG

Sat Q3-Q4

Londres - FHIR Connectathon - LM, JM, EK, GG

  • Borox and Esquivias are available for break-outs
  • Solution development
  • ad-hoc testing & discussions
  • Note: while the official end time is 6pm, we're allowed to keep working longer if we wish
  • 2:45 - birds of a feather session on declaring version in

Sat Q5

Londres - FHIR-I co-chairs - (LM, JM, EK, GG)

  • final triage, agenda for the week

Sunday January 15

Sun Q1

Londres - FHIR Connectathon - LM, JM, EK, GG

  • Borox and Esquivias are available for break-outs
  • Formal Testing

Sun Q2

Londres - FHIR Connectathon - LM, EK, GG

  • Reports and presentations, discussion

Sun Lunch

Borox- FMG and FGB - LM, JM, EK, GG

  • Key messages/objectives for this meeting
    • Mon Q5 Co-chairs meeting presentation
  • Plan for R4 ballot publication timelines

Madrid Restaurant (reserved section) - International Council Meeting Lunch

Sun Q3

Estrasburgo - Application Implementation and Design (AID) and FHIR-I - JM, EK, GG

  • Architecting a FHIR frontend using a legacy database backend, (Rene Spronk, Ringholm, NL)
    • High level introductory discussion of implementation issues
  • Building FHIR Servers on existing Relational Databases (Robert Worden, , UK)
    • To make a FHIR Server from an existing healthcare relational database, you have to develop transforms between FHIR resources and the native database formats - in both directions (for GET and PUT). One way to do this is to use the FHIR Transform Engine. This gives bi-directional transforms from declarative mappings - saving coding effort, and increasing reliability. Transforms integrate with the HAPI server engine. An example implementation is described.
    • There is an important side-benefit to this approach. RESTFul FHIR searches are converted to efficient SQL queries, automatically - supporting a wide range of searches without coding.
  • Building a FHIR facade for an existing GP system (Christiaan Knaap, Furore, NL)
    • We have used Vonk to implement a FHIR façade to an existing GP system to open up the data to patients. We had to bridge the gap between the system’s database schema and FHIR resources, map search parameters and apply authorization based on the OAuth2 token for the patient. I will discuss the setup of the solution, what Vonk offers out of the box and what had to be coded specifically for this use case, along with difficulties we encountered.
  • Implementing databases for FHIR - 3 years experience report (Nikolai Ryzhikov, HealthSamurai, US/RU)
    • With the upcoming SQL standard 2017 with JSON - the FHIRBase approach will be suitable for Oracle, MSSQL and other compliant databases.
  • FHIRForms: generating clinical forms from FHIR profile definitions (Robert Worden, , UK)
    • Generate a form design from any FHIR profile or bundle; refine the design for specific use cases
    • Form can be used to view or edit FHIR resources and bundles; or for clinical validation of profiles

Dusseldorf (Spanish), Colonia (English) 4-5pm

  • First Time Attendees
    • Not strictly FHIR, but may be useful to WGM first-timers

Sun Q4

Estrasburgo - Application Implementation and Design (AID) and FHIR-I - JM, EK, GG

  • Additional presentations

Burdeos - International Council Meeting - LM, GG?

  • Start of Q4 - FHIR update

Sun Q5

Borox 5:15pm TSC - LM, GG

  • FHIR - R3 lessons learned
    • Invite delegates from FMG, SGB, FGB
    • FHIR publication naming

Sun Q6

Marsalla - IC

  • Poster Session and Reception
  • LM, JM, GG, EK booked

Monday January 16

Mon Q0

Madrid Restaurant - 6:30-10am Breakfast (reserved section)

Dusseldorf (Spanish), Colonia (English) 8-9am

  • First Time Attendees
    • Not strictly FHIR, but may be useful to WGM first-timers

8am Marsella- FGB - LM, EK, GG, JM?

  • TBD

Mon Q1

Bristol Londres - Plenary

Mon Q2

Burdeos - FHIR-I LM, EK, JM, GG

  • FHIR Versioning report out (timeboxed to ~10min)
  • TBD

Comillas - Pharmacy

  • Hot Topics

Mon Lunch

Santa Olalla: FMG Lunch - LM, JM, GG, EK?

  • TBD

Mon Q3

Talavera - Tutorial

  • FHIR for Clinicians and Decision Makers

Marsella - Education - GG

  • Certification program status and process including discussion of FHIR certification

Burdeos - FHIR-I - JM, GG?

  • TBD

Estrasburgo - FHIR-I, PC - EK

  • Admin recap, FHIR Change requests

Altea - MnM - LM

  • Future of V3

Baden Baden - BR&R

  • FHIR overview

Oxford - CG

  • FHIR Connectathon Review
  • Prep for Joint with FHIR
  • FHIR gforge reconciliation

Berlin - AID

  • Project #1178 - Implementation Packages
    • Rene: the concept has been put forward to Publishing in the past (they like it, but don't feel they can make a decision), and has been informally communicated with the TSC and the CTO. In April 2017 I asked Wayne, the current CTO, for his suggestions as to how we can move this initiative forward. His suggestion is to a) bring the idea to the ArB so they can advice whether or not it is sufficiently fleshed out for further consideration (if not they'll have suggestions), b) go the TSC (they'll ultimately have to decide), and c) ask O&O (as the core WG which will form the HL7 v2 product management group) for comments on the exact content of the HL7v2 implementation package.

Alcudia - CBCC, Sec

  • FHIR Consent Directive work -- review of Treatment, Research and Advance Directive scope

Chinchon - Conformance

  • Prepare for FHIR meeting Wed
  • Implementation Guide Template
  • best practices/recommendations for properly using conformance
    • Conformance supports business requirements, business rules determine how to process receiving data
    • How to handle HL7 versions you don't expect

Stuttgart - OO

  • Order SOA with SD
  • IHE harmonization update
  • Lab Guide ballot reconciliation

Potsdam - PA

  • Open for new proposals/Update from FHIR Connectathon/projects

Comillas - Pharmacy

  • Prep for Clinicians on FHIR
  • FHIR Tracker Items

Chinchon - Templates

  • Creation of a PSS for a gap analysis between FHIR profile requirements and Template ITS requirements
  • Creation of a PSS for a gap analysis between the FHIR Repository requirements and the Templates Registry requirements (as discussed in the Templates Registry Business Process Analysis informative document) and/or other means of coordinating between these sets of requirements

Esquivias - Vocab

  • Value set expansion

Mon Q4

Talavera - Tutorial

  • FHIR for Clinicians and Decision Makers

Burdeos - FHIR-I, CDS, FM, MnM, OO - LM, GG?

  • Workflow discussion hosted by FHIR-I

Frankfurt - FHIR-I, CG - JM

  • R4 plans
  • TBD

Noblejas - FHIR-I, PHER - EK

  • discussing progress on STU3 - including aligning PHER's resources to the workflow patterns

Munich - SD, FHIR-I? - GG?

  • DocumentReference vs Composition
    • SDWG voted to add Unstructured Document support to Composition, considering a choice at Composition.section.
  • Composition to meet Catalog requirements, while proposing a CatalogEntry resource for the catalog detail. (Lorraine)

Estrasburgo - PC, FHIR-I

  • No FHIR-I chair
  • FHIR Change requests

Chinchon - Conformance

  • Continue from Q3

Potsdam - PA

  • FHIR Scheduling

Comillas - Pharmacy

  • FHIR tracker items

Mon Q5

Bristol Londres - 6:15-8pm Co-chair dinner - LM, JM, GG, EK

  • Anyone welcome, only co-chairs get food
  • Organizational updates, including 5-10 minute FHIR update?

Mon Q6

Dresden - 8-9:30 FTSD meeting - LM

  • TBD

Burdeos 20:00-23:00

  • FHIR Reference Implementations
    • We got too big for a bar

Tuesday January 17

Tue Q0

Madrid Restaurant - 6:30-10am Breakfast (reserved section)

Bristol Londres - 9am IC, CTO and TSC reports

Tue Q1

Yepes - Tutorial - LM

  • FHIR for Architects

Alcudia - FHIR-I, ITS - GG

  • FHIR ITS issues
    • JSON revamp?

Potsdam - FHIR-I, PA - EK

  • R4 planning

La Puebla - FHIR-I, SOA - JM

  • SOA specification within FHIR

Esquivias - PC, FHIR-I, CIMI

  • No FHIR-I co-chairs
  • Skin care models
  • CLIM

Comillas - Pharmacy

  • NL Project update & discussion

Chinchon - Sec

  • Project status and updates
    • FHIR Security - Audit Event
    • SLS Revisions - WGM Development Plans, Links to FHIR Security
    • SOA Audit - Status, Development Plans, Links to FHIR Security
    • FHIR Privacy and Security Conformance Test Suite Development - Discussions planned for WGM

Esquivias - Vocab

  • Review value sets shared between V3 and FHIR
  • Planning for R4 - sweep of scope, open issues, and maturity planning
  • Start discussion around curation/approval/publication of code systems / value sets / concept maps

Tue Q2

Yepes - Tutorial - LM

  • FHIR for Architects

Frankfurt - FHIR-I, INM - GG

  • Work on Message resource maturity
  • MessageDefinition and GraphDefinition

Esquivias - FHIR-I, PC - JM

  • FHIR Change requests

Marsella - FHIR-I, Pharmacy - EK

  • R4 planning

Estrasburgo - FHIR-I, CQI, CDS - BR

  • No FHIR-I co-chairs
  • Clinical Reasoning and CDS Hooks

Altea - CBCC

  • Treatment, Research and Advance Directive scope
  • Possible circular reference design

Stuttgart - OO, BR&R, Pharmacy?

  • WG updates
  • Update on order catalog

Potsdam - PA

  • FHIR R4 ChargeItem review

Tue Lunch

Marsella - FHIR-I, CIMI - GG, JM, EK, LM

  • CIMI FHIR profile governance & coordination across groups
  • Report that the CIMI datatypes now map one-to-one with the FHIR datatypes
  • Describe the plan for the CIIC meeting to be held at NIH on July 13
  • Our plans for the September ballot

Tue Q3

Torrijos - Tutorial

  • FHIR for Specifiers

Frankfurt - FHIR-I, CQI, CDS - JM

  • Clinical Reasoning and CDS Hooks
  • PHER WG key stakeholders will join remotely at 2:30pm Madrid time / 8:30am US Eastern Time for discussion of immunization CDS IG
  • Other topics TBD

Esquivias - FHIR-I, Vocab - GG, LM?

  • Rework HL7 FHIR terminology tools and processes
  • Summary of where we are (Ted/Lloyd/Grahame)
  • Definition of success (Ted)
  • Strawman candidate for going forward (Grahame)
  • Discussion of adding FHIR readable identifier to V3 code systems
  • Scheduling VSE future quarters to include FHIR (and CNF)

Marsella - FHIR-I, PC - LM?

  • FHIR change requests

Munich - FHIR-I, HSI - EK

  •  ???

Berlin - CG

  • Faimily History

Potsdam - SOA, PA

  • Scheduling Service Work Session

Comillas - Pharmacy

  • FHIR tracker items

Alcudia - CBCC, Sec

  • Consent resource

Tue Q4

Torrijos - Tutorial

  • FHIR for Specifiers

Alcudia - FHIR-I, CBCC - JM

  • Treatment, Research and Advance Directive scope
  • STU3, STU4

Estrasburgo - FHIR-I, PC, CIMI, Vocab - EK

  • Negation + other topics

Frankfurt - FHIR-I, InM, ITS - LM

  • RDF on FHIR

Munich - SD, FHIR-I - GG

  • Composition.section as a datatype vs. BackboneElement to support section type profiles.
  • Modifications to $document to include min/max referenced resources in bundles (shallow vs. deep copy).
  • Review C-CDA to FHIR mapping files. No good candidate for 'No Information' in empty reason (Invite Jay Lyle (negation) and Attachments)

Berlin - CG

  • Roadmap of workgroup products

Stuttgart - OO

  • Block votes
  • Tracker items
  • QA on resources

Marsella - PHER, Pharmacy

  • MedicationAdministration/Immunization alignment

Chinchon - Sec

  • FHIR Privacy and Security Conformance Test Suite Planning Session
  • FHIR Security Front matter Work Session
  • Outstanding FHIR Security CR Resolution

Tue Q5

Tue Q6

Wednesday January 18

Wed Q0

Madrid Restaurant - 6:30-10am Breakfast (reserved section)

Bristol Londres - 9am Board report, Award presentations

Wed Q1

Torrijos - Tutorial

  • Introduction to FHIR Development

Altea - AID

Burdeos - PC - JM

  • FHIR Change Requests

Esquivias - FHIR-I, Vocab, MnM - GG, LM

  • FHIR terminology items
  • planning for R4 + curation discussions + other open issues

Oxford - FHIR-I, EHR, CBCC, Sec, SOA - EK

  • WG reports
  • Behavioral Health FP R2
  • EHR Record Lyfecycle Events on FHIR IG (STU-3)
  • FHIR Connectathon Infrastructure Track
  • Test script development
  • Discussion with AEGIS Team on development of a FHIR Privacy, Security, Provenance, and Digital Ledger Technology Conformance Testing Suite. Expectation is that WGs will bring any test cases [e.g., Cascading OAuth for Patient Right of Access] have been developed or input to test cases.

Baden Baden - BR&R

  • Adverse Event FHIR project

Estrasburgo - CQI, CDS, CIMI

  • Review new CIMI models
  • Discuss alignment with QDM, QI Core Resources and Extensions
  • HQMF Terminology Section - managing value sets and direct referenced codes
  • Other topics as proposed

Marsella - CG, WHO

  • International Summit - Low & Middle-income Countries (LMICS) and FHIR
    • not a technical meeting, high level
    • LMICS, interoperability, and FHIR
    • illuminate how advanced standards (such as HL7's FHIR) are being deployed in LMICS and used as critical connectors
    • LMIC needs assessment
    • Genomics resources, toolkits, e-learning
    • New partnerships
    • invited groups
      • DHIS2
      • OpenHIE (Paul Biondich0
      • Health Data Collaborative (HDC)
      • De Garret Mehl
      • PATH -
      • USAID Innovation Lab
      • SDGS - Sustainable Development Goals)

Figueras - FM

  • FM FHIR Work Session
    • FM FHIR Overview for new attendees
    • FHIR Connectathon - FM Track Review

Stuttgart - OO

  • Diagnostic Reports for AP
  • FHIR trackers

Potsdam - PA

  • FHIR STU4 resource work

Wed Q2

Torrijos - Tutorial

  • Introduction to FHIR Development

Santa Olalla - FHIR-I - GG, EK, JM

  • Tracker items

Esquivias - Vocab, MnM - LM

  • Vocabulary maintenance/harmonization process

Altea - CBCC - ???

  • FHIR/FHIR Consent

Baden Baden - BR&R

  • Identification of Medicinal Products (IDMP) FHIR project

Estrasburgo - CDS, CQI

  • Tentative: Janek Metsalik to present on Estonian CDS interoperability plan
  • Tentative: update from international chemotherapy FHIR IG project

Marsella - CG, WHO

  • International Summit - Low & Middle-income Countries (LMICS) and FHIR
  • (continued from Q1)

Frankfurt - CIMI, CIC

  • @ CIC: Next steps for integrating the Data Elements into CIMI models;
  • How to support DE->FHIR project

Figueras - FM

  • Review FM FHIR Tracker Issues

Stuttgart - OO

  • WG updates
  • Specimen definition review
  • Specimen DAM reconciliation
  • Lab Guide recon

Posdam - PA, PC

  • FHIR R4 PA Resources
  • PC representative will join - PractitionerRole separation, CareTeam, EpisodeOfCare discussions

Comillas - Pharm

  • Pharmacy template work

Wed Lunch

Alcudia - FMG

  • CANCELLED (error in on-site guide)

Santa Olalla - FHIR-I,PC - EK, JM, LM, GG

  • Clinician-On-FHIR Preperation meeting

Wed Q3

Torrijos - Tutorial

  • Understanding and Using Terminology in HL7 FHIR

Burdeos - FHIR-I, CGIT, Temp - EK

  • FHIR versioning
  • FHIR version as code rather than id

Chinchon - FHIR-I, MnM - LM

  • FHIR data types tracker items
  • FHIR methodology data items
  • FHIR QA criteria - what's important/managable?

Santa Olalla - FHIR-I

  • CANCELLED (error in on-site guide)

Estraburgo - FHIR-I, PC, CDS, CQI, OO - GG

  • Order Set & Plan Definition discussion
    • FHIR resources with joint interest, such as Plan Definition, Activity Definition, Activity Group, ProcedureRequest, Condition, Observation
  • DiagnosticRequest/ProcedureRequest tracker topics - add DosageInstructions or Quantity?
  • ReferralRequest / ProcedureRequest boundaries
  • Negation handling
  • Device EMR project update

Alcudia - FHIR-I, Sec - JM

  • FHIR Security, Privacy, Consent, Trust, Provenance and AuditEvent Module Development
  • Smart on FHIR
    • Deep dive
    • How FHIR should address SMART vs HEART vs IUA vs TLS vs others
  • CDS-Hook

Baden Baden - BR&R

  • BRIDG & FHIR project

Marsella - CG, WHO

  • International Summit - Low & Middle-income Countries (LMICS) and FHIR
  • (continued from Q1)

Figueras - FM

  • Review FM FHIR Tracker issues

Potsdam - PA

  • FHIR R4 resources

Wed Q4

Torrijos - Tutorial

  • Understanding and Using Terminology in HL7 FHIR

Blanco - FHIR-I, FM - GG

  • FM v2 & FHIR Work session
  • New FHIR work - Account and Billing
  • FM FHIR Accounting & Billing Data Elements for Anesthesia

Stuttgart - FHIR-I, OO - EK?

  • Handling of device / medication instances vs. definition
  • UDI project update

??? - FHIR-I - JM* TBD

  • No room allocated yet

Baden Baden - BR&R - LM

  • BRIDG & FHIR project

Burdeos CDS, CIMI, CQI

  • Use of Organization Resource for plan, disease management program participation
  • CIMI for Quality

Marsella - CG, WHO

  • International Summit - Low & Middle-income Countries (LMICS) and FHIR
  • (continued from Q1)

Potsdam - PA

  • FHIR R4 resources

Comillas - PC

  • Allergy/Intolerance topic meeting. Drug list approach & QA. Christian Hay to present on IDMP.

Comillas - Pharmacy

  • FHIR Tracker Items

Wed Q5

Wed Q6

Thursday January 19

Thur Q0

Madrid Restaurant - 6:30-10am Breakfast (reserved section)

Bristol Londres - 9am Announcements

Thur Q1

Torrijos - Tutorial

  • C-CDA on FHIR

Dresden - FHIR-I, Dev - EK

Munich - FHIR-I, PC, LHS - LM

  • CarePlan project report-out

Marsella - FHIR-I, Sec, CBCC - JM, GG?

  • FHIR Connectathon Privacy & Scurity testing scenarios

Baden Baden - BR&R

  • DAF FHIR project

Stuttgart - OO, CDS

  • FHIR trackers of joint interest and update on Ordering Service
  • Ordering Service update
  • Specimen definition
  • Device definition resources

Oxford - EHR

  • FHIR Infrastructure Certification

Borox - MnM - GG?

  • Future of v3

Comillas - Pharmacy

  • FHIR Tracker Items

Thur Q2

Torrijos - Tutorial

  • C-CDA on FHIR

Borox - FHIR-I, MnM - LM

  • FHIR QA criteria - how to publish

Stuttgart - FHIR-I, OO - GG

  • FHIR Planning
  • Observation/PHD/mobile
  • Vision prescription resource / Eyecare project
  • LVID

??? - FHIR-I

  • No room yet allocated

Baden Baden - BR&R

  • DAF FHIR project

Potsdam - FM, PA

  • Current FHIR Activities Updates
  • Discuss Alignment of C-CDA Payer section and the FM FHIR Resources

Comillas - Pharmacy

  • FHIR Tracker Items

Chinchon - Sec

  • July Harmonization Proposals: Signature Types
    • Addition to FHIR Agent value set
    • POU additions - HTEST, Research Consent POUs
    • Prose Object code system

Thur Lunch

Borox - US Realm

  • US Core
  • Other US FHIR projects?

Thur Q3

Torrijos - Tutorial

  • Precision Medicine via FHIR: From Design to Deployment

??? - FHIR-I - JM

  • No room yet allocated

Munich - FHIR-I, PC - EK

  • FHIR Change requests

Berlin - FHIR-I, SD - GG

  • TBD

Baden Baden - BR&R - LM

  • Regulatory FHIR project

Stuttgart - OO, CS

  • CS Project Status and Administrivia
  • Ballot reconciliation overflow

Potsdam - PA

  • FM stuff?

Esquivias - PC

  • Parallel session on assessment scales
  • SDC update

Comillas - Pharmacy

  • FHIR Tracker Items

Thur Q4

Torrijos - Tutorial

  • Precision Medicine via FHIR: From Design to Deployment

Borox - FGB, FMG - LM, EK, JM

  • TBD

Baden Baden - BR&R

  • Regulatory FHIR project

Stuttgart - OO

  • TBD

Directors - PA

  • FHIR planning

Comillas - Pharmacy

  • CIMI Medication Model

Thur Q5

Alcudia - FHIR-I, MnM, Vocab - LM, EK, GG, JM

  • Facilitator's Roundtable

Thur Q6

Friday January 20

Fri Q0

Oxford - 6:30-9am Breakfast (reserved section)

Fri Q1

Marsella - 9am start Clinicians on FHIR - LM, EK, JM, GG

  • Orientation and data entry

Frio - OO

  • Until we run out of quorum or co-chairs.
    • FHIR Tracker
    • V2.9 Ballot Reconciliation (if time permits)
    • Lab IGs Ballot Reconciliation Triage / Organization / Recommendations (as time permits)

Fri Q2-Q3

Marsella - Clinicians on FHIR - LM, EK, JM, GG

  • Continued data entry, review

Work Group Abbreviations

  • AID - Application Implementation & Design
  • BR&R - Biomedical Research and Regulation
  • CBCC - Community Based Collaborative Care
  • CDS - Clinical Decision Support
  • CIC - Clinical Interoperability Council
  • CIMI - Clinical Information Modeling Initiative
  • CG - Clinical Genomics
  • CH - Child Health
  • CQI - Clinical Quality Information
  • CGIT - Conformance & Guidance for Implementation/Testing
  • DEV - Devices
  • EHR - Electronic Health Records
  • EST - Electronic Services & TOoling
  • FGB - FHIR Governance Board
  • FM - Financial Management
  • FMG - FHIR Management Group
  • FTSD - Foundation and Technology Steering Division
  • HSI - Healthcare Standards Integration
  • IHE - Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise
  • II - Imaging Integration
  • InM - Implementation & Messaging
  • ITS - Implementation Technology Services
  • MnM - Modeling & Methodology
  • MH - Mobile Health
  • OHT - Open Health Tools
  • OO - Orders & Observations
  • PA - Patient Administration
  • PC - Patient Care
  • PHER - Public Health, Emergency Response
  • Pharm - Pharmacy
  • SD - Structured Documents
  • Sec - Security
  • SOA - Service Oriented Architecture
  • Temp - Templates
  • Voc - Vocabulary