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Conference call minutes 12 July 2016

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Health Concern Topic

Patient Care WG

July 12th 2016


  • Michael Tan – Chair/ Scribe
  • David Pyke
  • Hank Mayers

Participation Information Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270 Participant Passcode: 943377

Web Meeting Info Meeting number 231 951 456


  • Ballot comment 137: Jay has sent a spreadsheet in which has compared the names of attributes in the model and the definitions in the document.
  • The names attached to Health Concern model were in line with the explanation in the document.
  • The names attached to Health Concern Event have to be modified:
    • Attribute description has to be removed from the document part.
    • Time is called Event time in the document and Clinical Time in the model. Suggestion to change name in model to Event time approved.
    • Event kind only present in the text. Should add to the model.
    • clinical status is OK.
    • Model shows confidentiality, but not in document. Remove from document.
    • Likelihood is OK. Jay suggests to remove, but this could create new discussions and a necessity to reballot. Leave as it is.
    • Attribute detail is called value in the model. Suggestion to retain the value and change text in the document.
    • Record time: name is OK. Change the explanation in the document.
  • Concern List seems to be OK
  • The explanation of Concern Constituent is not available in the document part and should be added.
  • Jay has also distributed a Word document with changes of definitions. It is not clear, what the intention is of this document. David and Michael are not in favor of applying these changes, because it would arouse new debate on balloted material. Hank agrees.

Action items

  • comment lines 11, 95 and 137 have to be adjusted (action Jay Lyle).
  • The ballot comment spreadsheet has to uploaded and a request has to be sent to the commenters to withdraw the negative vote ( Action Michael Tan).
  • Final review of the DAM document ( action All).

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