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20160307 FGB concall

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HL7 TSC FGB Meeting Minutes

Location: call 770-657-9270 using code 985371#
GoToMeeting ID: 136-494-157

Date: 2016-03-07
Time: 4:00 PM U.S. Eastern
Facilitator: Note taker(s): Anne W.
Quorum = Chair plus 2 yes/no
Co-Chair/CTO Members
Woody Beeler x Lorraine Constable x Grahame Grieve David Hay
Dave Shaver Ewout Kramer x Cecil Lynch (ArB) x Lloyd McKenzie (FMG)
x Wayne Kubick x Calvin Beebe .
observers/guests Austin Kreisler
x Anne W., scribe


  • Roll call -
  • Agenda Review
  • Approve minutes of 20160222 FGB concall
  • Action Item review:
    • Lloyd to update section 3 on DMP on meeting notifications to reflect reality (internal vs. external notifications)
    • Grahame to foward blog post regarding custom resources to FGB before publishing
    • Lloyd to present edits to M&C to 1) address our co-chair issue and 2) add product director
  • Discussion topics
    • further discussion on "defining metrics by which progress towards the objectives of the FGB and FMG can be measured and evaluated" (bullet point in Mission and Charter)
    • Followup on product manager role/replacement of CTO on FGB
  • FMG update -
  • Methodology update-
  • Review precepts, associated governance points and risks
  • Next steps: Define and Resource other Governance processes.


  • Convened at 4:05 pm - Lorraine chairs
  • Agenda review
    • Add Zulip to agenda
  • Minutes review
    • MOTION by Lloyd to approve minutes; second by Calvin
    • VOTE: all in favor
  • Action items:
    • Lloyd to update section 3 on DMP on meeting notifications to reflect reality (internal vs. external notifications)
      • MOTION by Lloyd to accept edits to DMP; second by Cecil.
      • VOTE: all in favor
      • Edits complete and reviewed by FGB. Decision that meeting notifications must be published on Skype and to listserve as everyone doesn't have access to Skype.
      • ACTION: Anne to ask Tamara to add "other resources" to FGB, FMG, and FHIR-I wiki pages for links to minutes
    • Grahame to foward blog post regarding custom resources to FGB before publishing - no one has seen the blog post; add to next week
    • Lloyd to present edits to M&C to 1) address our co-chair issue and 2) add product director
      • Edits made and reviewed. Added Product Director to the structure section and added statement on acting co-chair. Decision to change it to three co-chairs. Wayne wonders if the wording should be "a minimum of two co-chairs." Lloyd make the edit. Lorraine notes that under discussion we've got an issue to follow up on "defining metrics by which progress towards the objectives of the FGB and FMG can be measured and evaluated." Lloyd notes this isn't an edit, it's just discussion.
      • MOTION by Lloyd to accept the edits and submit to TSC; second by Calvin.
      • VOTE: all in favor
      • ACTION: Anne to put M&C on TSC e-vote
  • Discussion over move to Zulip ( - most Skype channels have already moved. Not sure what will happen to FMG/FGB? Lloyd notes is probably not appropriate for FMG or FGB, and FHIR-I will come off too. Has more limited capacity to have closed membership, which we would want for these groups. Lorraine is happy to see them stay on Skype. Grahame notes we can have private streams. There are issues with Skype - Skype logging is fragile, for example. Doesn't think it's a problem to have governance things hosted on the infrastructure on Lorraine takes an action to run it past the TSC so everyone is aware when the timing is appropriate.
  • Discussion
    • Defining metrics by which progress towards the objectives of the FGB and FMG can be measured and evaluated." Lloyd: one thing we're trying to achieve is familiarity in use of FHIR throughout the organization. Number of metrics we could use there in terms of responsibility for content and ballots, committee response to tracker items, committee participation. Lorraine: those seem very FMG to me, but not necessarily FGB. Lloyd: we don't often get formal issues referred to us. Calvin: one of the common things we've discussed in the past is when things aren't working or you do a risk assessment, sometimes there's a need to change governance precepts. There is a need to ensure there is some level of systematic reoccurring review of issues. Should we put together a draft of what our objectives and precepts are? FGB needs to hear the pain points that FMG is going through to determine. Issues could come from product director, CTO, TSC, ANSI, etc. First step is to record the issues that come up in a tracker and review issues annually.
  • FMG: Continues to go through Connectathon proposals; working on resource proposals; Lorraine mentions vocab changes. FHIR will only define its own codes for structural things. Will leverage non-FHIR terminologies for everything else. Cecil: what is the stance on proprietary codes? Lloyd: example bindings can point to whatever you like. For stronger bindings, if it's required or extensible, then we will not bind to terminologies that aren't free for use.
  • Call adjourned at 4:58 pm Eastern

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
  • Grahame to forward blog post regarding custom resources to FGB before publishing
  • Anne to ask Tamara to add "Other Resources" to FGB, FMG, and FHIR-I pages to link to minutes on wiki
  • Anne to add M&C to TSC e-vote
  • Lorraine to take issue of moving FGB/FMG chat to Zulip when the timing is appropriate