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2016-02-29 Rx Conf Call

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Attendees to be updated

  • Marla Albitz (Chair)
  • Melva Peters
  • John Hatem


Pharmacy FHIR Issues

Renaming MedicationOrder to MedicationRequest Discussion - DEFERRED

  • From January 25 meeting: Lloyd shared the proposal to rename all request type resources to <resource>_Request. Seeking consistent name for all resources and term that encompasses larger swath of types of requests. An element beneath the tag instance would state the particular request, such as 'order'. This impacts the current Pharmacy Medication Order FHIR resource.
 Completed Action: Rx WG to discuss to determine if we agree or not. - agreed (with no vote) to comply with change but not needed to be made yet, per Lloyd
  • Lloyd suggested that we hold off on making the change, if we decide to make the change. Wait for FHIR Infrastructure group to workout additional details before we make the changes. May have impact on how other data elements are name or included.
  • Discussion: If we agree to the change, we'll need to review the description and other content for our resource to ensure that it accurately reflects the usage. This type of change will mean changes for implementers and it may not be as intuitive for implementers.
    • No decision to be made today. Will consider on a future call
 Action: to followup with Lloyd to find out status and/or next steps

FHIR Workflow Meetings Status

Action item:  Scott - find / asked for / create(?) a 1-pager explanation of what the business need and proposed solution.
  • For statuses - what we have so far is correct - may need to remove "superseded" as a status - need to find a different way to represent a relationship between 2 orders
Action:  Melva to add change request to GForge

John provided update to workflow meeting activities: discussions have occurred about the status types. Today, the discussions focused the relationships between a request and a task. Not quite ready to test against the Rx use cases.

FHIR Ballot Discussion Items

A = Dosage Related     B = Terminology     
C = Misc               D =
E = Examples           F = Multiple indications/reason for order
G = Status             H = Medication Related
I = Mappings
 Action: Marla to commit RIM mapping changes provided by John H.


  • Jose to draft the start of a PSS

[Draft PSS Posting]

Action: Jose to send reminder to group to review PSS.

Joint Meeting with ISO/IHE Pharmacy DEFERRED

Action:  Melva to check on availability of meeting room in Montreal - in progress

Template Work DEFERRED

  • Kai to let Pharmacy know when ready for review
Action:  Melva to followup with Kai to get a status

NCCN template orders - DEFERRED

  • Lee Suprenant requested input on the ChemotherapyOrderTemplates work.
 Action: Lee will document the items that should be targeted for Pharmacy.
  • Lee requests time in the next call for further discussion or a separate call.
  • Lee completed categorization, needs next steps identified for the columns marked as "maybe".
  • On 2/8 - reviewed Lee's categorizations
 Completed Action: Lee to distribute updates to the group.
  • Lee plans to continue to join our calls as we work through the list.
  • John recommended we would through the list before Lee takes the list to the FHIR workgroup.

Other business

Next meeting

  • Monday, March 7, 2016