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ModuleMetadata FHIR Resource Proposal
Revision as of 12:30, 4 April 2016 by Bryn rhodes (talk | contribs)
- 1 ModuleMetadata
- 1.1 Owning committee name
- 1.2 Contributing or Reviewing Work Groups
- 1.3 FHIR Resource Development Project Insight ID
- 1.4 Scope of coverage
- 1.5 RIM scope
- 1.6 Resource appropriateness
- 1.7 Expected implementations
- 1.8 Content sources
- 1.9 Example Scenarios
- 1.10 Resource Relationships
- 1.11 Timelines
- 1.12 gForge Users
NOTE: This resource proposal has been withdrawn in favor of the following structure:
The ModuleMetadata resource provides a structure for representing metadata that is common across quality improvement artifacts, including:
- Artifact Identity, Versioning, and Lifecycle
- Documentation and Supporting Evidence
- Authorship, Stewardship, and Endorsement
- Keyword/Topical Metadata
Owning committee name
Clinical Decision Support Work Group
Contributing or Reviewing Work Groups
- Clinical Quality Information Work Group
- FHIR Management Group
- Service Oriented Architecture Work Group
FHIR Resource Development Project Insight ID
1187: FHIR-Based Clinical Decision Support (CDS-on-FHIR)
Scope of coverage
Various types of quality improvement artifacts share a common need to document metadata associated with the artifact. Rather than re-express this common information in each artifact resource, a separate resource is defined to allow this information to be referenced by the following artifact types:
- Library
- DecisionSupportServiceModule
- DecisionSupportRule
- DocumentationTemplate (Questionnaire)
- OrderSet
- Measure
RIM scope
Resource appropriateness
Expected implementations
Content sources
- Clinical Quality Common Metadata Conceptual Model
- Clinical Decision Support Knowledge Artifact Specification
- Health Quality Measure Format
- Decision Support Service
- Decision Support Service Implementation Guide
Example Scenarios
Resource Relationships
gForge Users