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Conference call minutes 9 February 2016
Health Concern Topic
Patient Care WG
February 9nd 2016
- Michael Tan – Chair
- David Pyke
- Dan Russell
- Hank Mayers
- David Tao
- Russell McDonell
- Lawrence McKnight
Participation Information
Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270
Participant Passcode: 943377
Web Meeting Info Meeting number 238 558 505
Minutes 2 February
- Motion to approve the minutes by Hank Mayers, second by David Tao.
- 1 abstention, 0 against, 5 approve.
- Jay could not be present, but has sent a proposal for the new model in which the concern list and health concern events were adapted according to the motions of February 2nd.
re were many remarks about the health concern event. A health concern has relationship with all types of events. Readers find this too abstract.
- The older versions of the model had different classes such as observations, risks as related classes, but readers always found a class that was missing.
- Jay suggests to introduce a intermediate level according to the SOAP model to make it less abstract.
- This has also the risk that this leads to comments that certain elements will be missing.
- A suggestion is to split into 2 figures, where the health concern event is drawn in a separate picture with the different SOAP type of elements. Action Jay
Action items
- Propose text about priorities between health concerns: David
- Submit the NIB: Michael
- Change allergy and problem lists to concern lists: jay
- Proposal for alternative model diagram with SOAP elements related to the health concern: Jay.
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