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None of these seem to require a change to the domain model.
None of these seem to require a change to the domain model.
== Next Meeting==
We will continue the discussion of the Health Concern Model at the HL7 WGM in Paris
We will continue the discussion of the Health Concern Model at the HL7 WGM in Paris

Revision as of 07:17, 1 May 2015

Health Concern Topic

Patient Care WG

April 30, 2015


  • Michael Tan – Chair
  • Jay Lyle
  • Larry McKnight

Participation Information Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270 Participant Passcode: 943377

Web Meeting Info Meeting number 230 634 425

Previous Meeting Notes

The meeting minutes from 23d April were discussed, but there was no quorum to approve the document.

Modeling Health Concern

We continued with the discussion on harmonization that was initiated in the Care Plan call of Wednesday 22 April. The request was to add the following elements:

  • expressed by (for example family members)
  • disagreed by ( for example the patient with a drinking habit).

We analyzed the possible use cases and came with 3 different variations:

  1. Someone may or may not be concerned with something someone else has called a concern. That person can choose whether to put it on his or her problem list for the patient.
  2. Different members of a care team may disagree about a judgment, and the care coordination process needs to take these disagreements into account in order to support a reconciliation process. But this is true of proposed procedures, goals, any judgment, and it's not specific to the health concern. However we address this requirement, it belongs in the Care Plan domain.
  3. A patient disagrees that something is a concern. This may be a barrier to care, so it's important. But it seems similar to other care barrier concepts, such as compliance. It may require a special model, or it may want to store it as an observation ( health concern event), especially if patient changes their opinion over time and you would want to track these changes. Different institutions may choose to prioritize different sorts of concern event for display in the problem list, but it's not specific to the concern domain.

None of these seem to require a change to the domain model.

Next Meeting

We will continue the discussion of the Health Concern Model at the HL7 WGM in Paris

The document of the model can be found here: File:ConcernModel.doc

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