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*Lorraine Constable, YouCentric, CA
*Lorraine Constable, YouCentric, CA
*Tom de Jong, Nova-Pro, NL
*Tom de Jong, Nova-Pro, NL
*Hans Vonkeman, Furore, NL

Revision as of 12:48, 9 October 2013

This is the agenda of the "Application Implementation and Design" (AID, formerly known as RIMBAA) out-of-cycle meeting which is to be held on November 28th in Amsterdam. The meeting venue is kindly provided by Furore.

  • Date: November 28, 2013 (09:00-17:00)
  • Language: all presentations and discussions will be in English
  • Location: Furore offices, Amsterdam, @ Bos en Lommerplein 280, 1055 RW Amsterdam
  • Directions: in Dutch, and/or Google Maps
  • Registration: There is no registration fee. The size of the meeting room is limited however, so we urge you to please sign up by adding your name to the tail end of this page.


  1. Administrative agenda items
    • Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
    • Review and approval of the agenda
  2. FHIR Implementation Aspects (Ewout Kramer, Furore)
    • Details to follow..
  3. HL7 v3 implementation using the Everest Toolkit (Freek Geerdink, Vrumun)
    • Details to follow..
  4. Approaches to Persistence on FHIR Servers (Andy Stechishin/Lorraine Constable, YouCentric, Canada)
    • Details to follow..
  5. Persistence of FHIR Resources using the MGRID RIM based database (Willem Dijkstra, Ybe Havinga)
    • Details to follow ..
  6. Enformcement of CDA templates using code generation (Harry Buckleworth)
    • Details to follow ..


  • Rene Spronk, Ringholm, NL
  • Michael van der Zel, UMCG, NL
  • Ewout Kramer, Furore, NL
  • Andy Stechisin, YouCentric, CA
  • Lorraine Constable, YouCentric, CA
  • Tom de Jong, Nova-Pro, NL
  • Hans Vonkeman, Furore, NL