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**1861: Request to have Austin or Patrick join the EHR call (Tuesdays 2:30-4pm) and SOA call, Mondays at 4pm
**1861: Request to have Austin or Patrick join the EHR call (Tuesdays 2:30-4pm) and SOA call, Mondays at 4pm
***Any update from Steve Hufnagel?
***Any update from Steve Hufnagel?
****EHR call – finishing up the final ballot work, so this week wasn’t good.  But next week is fine.  SOA is 4pm.
****Upcoming weeks are good for both calls.  Austin will work with Patrick.
**1860: Send the EA contact person to Austin, Dave and Patrick  
**1860: Send the EA contact person to Austin, Dave and Patrick  
***Any update from Steve Hufnagel?
***Any update from Steve Hufnagel?
****Steve sent Austin the EA Contact person; Austin sent it to Dave.
****Coordinate with John Quinn/Tooling on moving forward with this
**** is the POC for HL7 to use Enterprise Architect.  The current version is 8.0; but, the version 9 Beta is available and will soon be out formally.  Once Ken has provided one-or-more license number(s), the software can be downloaded from There are extensive tutorials and other resources  available on the Sparx web site.
*'''Patrick Loyd:
*'''Patrick Loyd:
**1850: ID List of Tools that the Composite Order Project Needs  
**1850: ID List of Tools that the Composite Order Project Needs  

Revision as of 21:10, 31 March 2011

SAIF Architecture Program – 2011-03-30 Meeting

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Meeting Logistics


  1. Role Call
  2. Agenda Review
  3. Action item review (see below)
  4. Approve Mission/Charter
  5. Update on HL7 Product Quality Plan convergence with SAIF AP
  6. Planning for Orlando
  7. Detail out the SAIF BF WG spreadsheet
  8. Scribe Volunteers for the 4/6 call? Or cancel next weeks call?
  9. Next steps

Action Items to Review

  • Steve Hufnagel:
    • 1861: Request to have Austin or Patrick join the EHR call (Tuesdays 2:30-4pm) and SOA call, Mondays at 4pm
      • Any update from Steve Hufnagel?
        • EHR call – finishing up the final ballot work, so this week wasn’t good. But next week is fine. SOA is 4pm.
        • Upcoming weeks are good for both calls. Austin will work with Patrick.
    • 1860: Send the EA contact person to Austin, Dave and Patrick
      • Any update from Steve Hufnagel?
        • Steve sent Austin the EA Contact person; Austin sent it to Dave.
        • Coordinate with John Quinn/Tooling on moving forward with this
        • is the POC for HL7 to use Enterprise Architect. The current version is 8.0; but, the version 9 Beta is available and will soon be out formally. Once Ken has provided one-or-more license number(s), the software can be downloaded from There are extensive tutorials and other resources available on the Sparx web site.
  • Patrick Loyd:
    • 1850: ID List of Tools that the Composite Order Project Needs
      • Update from Patrick Loyd
        • No update provided
    • 1862: Review the OO project and get them cleaned up (Create OO PSS's)
      • Patrick to create PSS for:
        • 38 – Composite Order
        • Behavioral Framework
        • 587 – 3YP Lab Order Template
  • Austin Kreisler, Patrick Loyd:
    • 1853: Break out the Patrick’s Spreadsheet that he revealed in Sydney
      • Will this be an ongoing item?
        • Yes, it will, and it will be the basis for the PSC’s Pilot Coordination project.
        • Rick Haddorff will become the owner of this task.
  • Austin Kreisler:
    • 1856: Add SAIF PA Project Category to the Project Wiki pages
      • Dave/Austin work on this offline or on Friday?
        • Completed.
  • Team:
    • 1851: Logo Ideas for the SAIF AP
      • No submissions received yet
        • Announce the need for it at the May WGM; perhaps hold a contest.
    • 1854: Finalize Mission and Charter
      • Ready to post to Wiki?
        • Completed.

Link to the Complete List of Action Items/Issues/Risks (GForge)

Meeting Attendees

Facilitator Austin Kreisler Note taker(s) David Hamill
Attendee Name Affiliation
X Austin Kreisler TSC Chair
X Brian Pech Interested Participant
X David Hamill HL7 HQ / Program Manager
Ed Tripp Domain Experts SD \ TSC
X Gregg Seppala Product Quality Plan Project
X Jane Curry Tooling
Jim McClay Emergency Care
John Quinn HL7 CTO
Lloyd McKenzie MnM Work Group / SAIF Implementation Guide Pjt
Lorraine Constable Composite Order Pjt \ OO Behavioral Framework Pjt
X Lynn Laakso HL7 HQ / TSC Project Manager
Patrick Loyd OO Work Group / Composite Order Pjt
X Rick Haddorff Project Services WG / SAIF Pilot Coordination Pjt
Robert Lario Object Management
X Steve Hufnagel ArB / SAIF Book Project / SOA
X Wendy Huang Implementation Conformance WG
Quorum Requirements Met: Yes
quorum achieved as defined in the Work Group Decision Making Practices?


Minutes/Conclusions Reached:

Approve Mission/Charter

  • Will evolve over time, but we can approve what we have today.
  • Motion: Approve Mission/Charter. In Favor: 9 / Opposed: 0 / Abstain: 0
  • Mission/Charter was approved.

Update on HL7 Product Quality Plan convergence with SAIF AP

  • Monday’s Quality Plan conference call focus was on processes to produce a quality product.
  • The Quality Plan is morphing into identifying what things need to be governed in the SAIF AP. The governance will enable and drive quality standards.
  • Discussed how the Quality Plan impacts the HDF, as SAIF will imply changes to the HDF.
  • All processes need to be maintained – i.e. subject to recurring assessment of how they are performing and conduct necessary updates. Perhaps similar to the Strategic Initiatives process that has an annual cycle for review and updates.
  • Also, we will need to be able to measure quality as well. Note that the PSS is missing this objective. The Quality Plan team plans on adding this to the objectives. Also note that the PSS was written about a year ago, and perhaps much of the scope has changed. The TSC will be reviewing the current PSS and address any changes.

Planning for the May WGM in Orlando

  • Wednesday Q4
  • Suggested Agenda Topics:
    • Review the charter
    • Review status of Projects
      • Pilot Coordination Project’s work on the SAIF BF WG spreadsheet
      • Project Services meets Mon Q3 at the May WGM
    • Begin discussion of governance, and what it should look like
  • ArB is still working on their agenda. Austin was wondering when they were going to focus on ballot reconciliation.
  • Steve H. indicated that ArB does meet Sunday at the WGM, and he thought the ArB would use Sunday for ballot reconciliation, and will probably flow into other ArB meetings during the week.

Detail out the SAIF BF WG spreadsheet

  • Rick H. will take the lead on this work

Scribe Volunteers for the 4/6 call or cancel next weeks call?
No meeting on 4/6.

Gforge Accounts can be requested via:

Adjourned 10:44 AM Eastern Time

New Action Items

Greg – Revise the Quality Plan PSS
Dave – Update Action Items
Dave – Post Mission/Charter on Wiki
Dave – Add tentative agenda to the TSC Wiki for Wed Q4 meeting in Orlando
Team – Send the listserv info on your WG’s meeting time in Orlando
Dave – Include the URL to request a GForge Link in the minutes email sent to the listserv

Next Meeting / Preliminary Agenda Items

Coordinate message for communicating the SAIF AP in Orlando. – Dave to add to the agenda a week or two before Orlando (May 4th call)