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Difference between revisions of "INM Telcon Chores"

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| '''Date''' ||'''Prepare Agenda''' ||'''Chair''' ||'''Scribe''' ||'''Notes''' ||'''Topics'''
| '''Date''' ||'''Prepare Agenda''' ||'''Chair''' ||'''Scribe''' ||'''Notes''' ||'''Topics'''
| 21-Jan||rowspan=1 colspan=3 align="center" style="background:gray; color:white" | '''NO CALL''' ||colspan=2 | ''Monday after Working Group Mtg.''
|28-Jan ||Grahame|| Tony|| Scott||||v2 Length Issue (proposed time box: 30min)
V3 Datatypes Ballot Reconciliation
|4-Feb ||Scott||Scott||Grahame||||OIDs in v2 CWE etc for valueset
Proposal 570: XPN-1
Datatype ballot reconcillation
|11-Feb ||Grahame|| Scott|| Tony||||V2.7 Editorial Questions
Review DMP
|18-Feb ||Tony|| JD|| Scott||||||
|25-Feb ||Scott|| Tony|| JD||||||
|3-Mar ||JD|| Grahame|| Tony||||||
|10-Mar ||Tony|| Scott|| Grahame||||||
|17-Mar ||Grahame|| JD|| Scott||||||
|24-Mar ||Cancel||Cancel||Cancel||||Defered to 31-March||
|31-Mar ||JD|| Grahame|| Tony||||Action Items & Planning for Phoenix||
|7-Apr ||Tony|| Scott|| Grahame||||||
|14-Apr ||Grahame|| JD|| Scott||||||
|21-Apr ||Scott||  Scott|| JD||||||
|28-Apr ||JD|| Grahame|| Tony||||||
|4-May||rowspan=1 colspan=6 align="center" style="background:gray; color:white" | '''Phoenix WGM  NO Call''' ||

Revision as of 18:59, 2 June 2008

NOTE TIME CHANGE! All calls are 16:00 Eastern (New York) Time Zone

Dear co-chairs: please remember to notify the other co-chairs when assignments are changed. It is recommended that you tick "Watch This Page."

Return to Infrastructure and Messaging TC main page.

Date Prepare Agenda Chair Scribe Notes Topics
2-Jun Grahame Tony Dave ? ?
9-Jun Dave Scott Tony ? ?
16-Jun Tony JD Scott ? ?
23-Jun Scott Grahame JD ? ?
30-Jun JD Dave Grahame ? ?
7-Jul Grahame Tony Dave ? ?
14-Jul Dave Scott Tony ? ?
21-Jul Tony JD Scott ? ?
28-Jul Scott Grahame JD ? ?
4-Aug JD Dave Grahame ? ?
11-Aug Grahame Tony Dave ? ?
18-Aug Dave Scott Tony ? ?
25-Aug Tony JD Scott ? ?
1-Sep Scott Grahame JD ? ?
8-Sep JD Dave Grahame ? ?
15-Sep WGM WGM WGM ? ?