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Line 53: Line 53:
==Sun Q1-Q2==
==Sun Q1-Q2==
'''Constellation CDE''' - FHIR Connectathon - LM, JM, EK, GG
'''Constellation CDE''' - FHIR Connectathon - LM, JM, EK, GG
* '''President''' and '''Chesapeak''' are available for break-outs (coordinate with Sandra)
* '''Columbia''' and '''Constellation F''' are available for break-outs (coordinate with Sandra)
* Continued development
* Continued development
Line 66: Line 66:
'''Constellation CDE''' - FHIR Connectathon - LM, JM, EK, GG
'''Constellation CDE''' - FHIR Connectathon - LM, JM, EK, GG
* Formal Testing
* Formal Testing
* '''President''' and '''Chesapeak''' are available for break-outs (coordinate with Sandra)
* '''Columbia''' and '''Constellation F''' are available for break-outs (coordinate with Sandra)
'''Constellation B''' - IC - GG
'''Constellation B''' - IC - GG

Revision as of 20:57, 29 September 2018

This is a preliminary list of known FHIR-related sessions happening at the Sept. 2018 Baltimore WGM. A more complete list will be posted at the start of the meeting

This is the "official" list and is more up-to-date than the on-site guide, so please consider this your primary source for FHIR-related information. If you're aware of other FHIR-related activities happening or planned schedules change through-out the week, *please* update this list. Also, feel free to fill in more detailed agenda topics.

Note that some quarters are completely dedicated to FHIR. Others may only deal with FHIR for part of the session or briefly. Non-dedicated sessions (where known) are included in italics.

For those new to HL7, Quarters are as follows: Q0=breakfast, Q1=9-10:30, Q2=11:00-12:30, lunch=12:30-1:45, Q3=1:45-3:00, Q4=3:30-5, Q5=dinner time (5:15-7ish), Q6=after dinner until 8:30-9, Q7=late night discussions until everyone crashes

To keep this page easy to use, meetings on days that have already occurred are "commented out". (You can see them by editing or viewing history)

Most FHIR sessions are occurring as part of regular committee work, though some are FHIR-only ("FHIR Infrastructure"). You can find a list of #Work Group Abbreviations at the bottom. If you have questions, pop them on, the FHIR list or send an email to

If you're in a FHIR-I quarter, please capture your attendance here: Notes from FHIR-I Quarters

Saturday May 12

Sat Q1-Q2

Constellation CD/Pices - FHIR Connectathon - LM, JM, EK, GG

  • See FHIR_Connectathon_19
  • Report to Constellation CD to find out what room your track has been assigned to
  • President and Chesapeak are available for break-outs (coordinate with Sandra)
  • Solution development
  • ad-hoc testing & discussions

Camden - TSC

  • Q1: [[1]]
  • Q2: Da Vinci and other accelerator projects

Sat Lunch

Atrium/Harborview - FHIR Connectathon participants - LM, JM, EK, GG

Sat Q3-Q4

Constellation CD/Pices - FHIR Connectathon - LM, JM, EK, GG

  • President and Chesapeak are available for break-outs (coordinate with Sandra)
  • Solution development
  • ad-hoc testing & discussions
  • Note: while the official end time is 5pm, we're allowed to keep working longer if we wish

Camden - TSC

  • Q3: Roles and Responsibilities of Management Groups
  • Q4: Jira ballot testing update

Sat Q5

Constellation CD/Pices - FHIR Connectathon - LM, JM, EK, GG

  • Continued solution development
  • FHIR-I co-chairs perform final triage, agenda for the week

Sat Q6

10pm: Doors close

Sunday May 13

Sun Q1-Q2

Constellation CDE - FHIR Connectathon - LM, JM, EK, GG

  • Columbia and Constellation F are available for break-outs (coordinate with Sandra)
  • Continued development

Sun Lunch

Atrium/Harborview - FHIR Connectathon participants - , EK, GG

Constellation F - FMG - LM, JM, GG, EK?

  • Ballot review
  • FMG-assigned ballot items

Sun Q3

Constellation CDE - FHIR Connectathon - LM, JM, EK, GG

  • Formal Testing
  • Columbia and Constellation F are available for break-outs (coordinate with Sandra)

Constellation B - IC - GG

  • FHIR Update

Sun Q4

Constellation CDE - FHIR Connectathon - LM, JM, EK, GG

  • Final testing, report preparation

Sun Q5

Frederick - TSC - LM

  • FHIR Management Group Update

Sun Q6

  • LM, JM, GG, EK booked

Monday May 14

Mon Q0

Mon Q1

Constellation AB - Plenary

  • FHIR might be mentioned once or twice...

Mon Q2

Constellation AB - Plenary

  • FHIR might be mentioned once or twice...

Mon Lunch

Annapolis - FMG

  • Jira overview

Constellation CD - Education

  • FHIR Experience

Mon Q3

Constellation E - FHIR-I - GG, EK, JM, LM

  • Ballot reconciliation

Doouglas - DEV

  • Standards Maintenance (PoCD)
    • PHD/PCHAlliance/Continua

Constellation F - OO, CIMI, CQI

  • DeviceUseStatement Resource Proposal
  • Catalog Update?
  • Observation Profile Principles
  • Vital Sign Post Coordination
  • Dental PSSs (last 15 min)

President - CG

  • Genetic Reporting IG - Start Ballot reconciliation
  • Prep for Joint with FHIR

Guest Room 319 - Pharm

  • Overview of Pharmacy material - V2, V3, FHIR
  • Hot Topics
  • Prep for Joint FHIR meeting

Conway - Voc

  • FHIR tracker items

Mon Q4

Constellation CD - FHIR-I, CDS, FM, II, InM, MnM, OO, PC - LM?

  • Workflow discussion

Guest Room 320 - CGIT, FHIR-I - GG

  • FHIR issues
  • Gaps between v2 and FHIR conformance constructs

Guest Room 447 - PH, FHIR-I - EK

  • gForge 15931, 15932, 15936

President - CG - JM

  • Ballot Reconciliation

Constellation F - BRR, Pharmacy - LM?

  • Review Substance and SubstanceSpecification Resources
  • Review Medication and MedicationKnowledge Resources
  • Overarching models

Charles - FM - LM?

  • FHIR Ballot Triage, Processequest/ProcessResponse vs Task

Guest Room 503 - PA

  • Review FHIR maturity levels and plan for increasing
  • FHIR ballot reconciliation Patient Resource

Guest Room 547' - SOA

  • Clinical Decision Support on FHIR

Mon Q5

Constellation AB - Cochair dinner

  • FHIR report out?

Mon Q6

Constellation CD - FHIR-I 7:00-10ish

  • Tooling & Reference implementations
  • Grab your drinks first

Frederick - Infrastructure Steering Division - LM

  • PSS reviews
    • (SOA) HL7 Cross Paradigm Interoperability Implementation Guide Extension Project
    • (SOA) HL7 Health Service Reference Architecture
    • (SOA) Health Services Platform Marketplace
    • (Mobile Health) HL7 CMHAFF Normative Ballot

Tuesday May 15

Tue Q0

Constellation AB - General Session

  • 8:00 CEO, CTO, TSC and International Council Reports, Announcements

Tue Q1

Pratt/Calvert - Introduction to FHIR

  • Tutorial

Camden/Lombard - Designing and Architecting HL7 FHIR Solutions - LM

  • Tutorial

Frederick - SD, FHIR-I - GG

  • GForge #14167 (Need OO as well)
  • #15755
  • Composition.section subject/focus issue
  • Composition.section.text vs Narrative in resource for non-document compositions
  • Defining an ImplementationGuide compartment
  • Should there be a requirement for mappings between CDA and FHIR IGs
  • CDA Templates in a FHIR Structure Definition

Conway - PA, FHIR-I - EK

  • Coordination with FHIR Infrastructure

Charles - ITS, FHIR-I - JM

  • FHIR topics, FHIRPath ballot resolution, FHIR ballot resolution

Constellation E - Pharmacy, BRR

  • Review Substance and SubstanceSpecification Resources
  • Review Medication and MedicationKnowledge Resources
  • Overarching models

Columbia - OO, DEV

  • FHIR Ballot Reconciliation (Device/Definition)
  • LIVD Ballot Reconciliation

Guest Room 447 - PH

  • FHIR eCR ballot recon (Minutes)

Guest Room 319 - Sec

  • FHIR Security Report out/S&P Considerations

Guest Room 547' - SOA

  • Cross-Paradigm Interoperability Version 2

Executive Boardroom - Voc

  • Demonstration of UTG prototype progress

Tue Q2

Pratt/Calvert - Introduction to FHIR

  • Tutorial

Camden/Lombard - Designing and Architecting HL7 FHIR Solutions - LM

  • Tutorial

Conway - FHIR-I


Executive Boardroom - OO - GG

  • Various WG Updates
    • HealthProduct
    • FHIR Ballot Reconciliation
    • Principles for Observation patterns for profiles

Baltimore - Pharm, FHIR-I - EK

  • Joint meeting with FHIR

Constellation E - CQI, CDS, FHIR - JM

  • FHIR Clinical Reasoning ballot reconciliation
  • DEQM ballot reconciliation
  • Da Vinci update

Chesapeake A - Attachments

  • ONC Interoperability Forum and P2 FHIR Task Force - Bob and attendees
  • Da Vinci - Lenel
  • Connectathon Readout - Attendee's from AWG

Annapolis - BRR

  • Connectathon tracks report and planning

President - CG

  • FHIR reconciliation

Guest Room 403 - II

  • Status of Potential Project: FHIR Release 4 II Objects

Charles - ITS

  • RDF

Guest Room 503 - PA

  • Ballot Reconiliation - Patient

Columbia - PC

  • Clinical Notes in FHIR (continuation from Jan 2018)
    • Update on the Connectathon
    • Update from Argonaut

Guest Room 447 - PH

  • FHIR eCR ballot recon (Minutes)

Guest Room 547' - SOA

  • Order Service Update

Tue Lunch

Annapolis - CIMI, FHIR-I - LM, JM, EK, GG

  • CIMI recommendations to major FHIR resources
  • How the teams work together to make recommended changes to FHIR before March 4th
  • Discuss some concrete issues (Observation, Condition)
  • Style guidelines for new resources (e.g., Occupational Health)
  • Coordinate how to represent CIMI content as FHIR Profiles

Baltimore - Birds of a Feather - ??

  • Inferno: A New FHIR Testing Tool from ONC

Tue Q3

Camden/Lombard - HL7 FHIR Profiling

  • Tutorial

Pratt/Calvert - Introduction to HL7 FHIR for Software Developers

  • Tutorial

Constellation F - PC, FHIR-I - JM

  • FHIR Admin and FHIR Trackers
  • Goal-related trackers

Chesapeake B - EHR, FHIR-I, CGIT - RG

  • EHR System, Conformance and FHIR Certification Testing

Constellation CD - CDS, CQI, FHIR - LM

  • FHIR ballot Clinical Reasoning comments
  • CDS Hooks project update/connectathon report out
  • CDS Hooks Discussion Github Issue 377
  • Clinical Reasoning Project Update/Connectathon Report Out
  • FHIR Ballot Reconciliation

Constellation F - BoD, FHIR Foundation - GG, EK

  • Future of FHIR Foundation

Annapolis - BRR

  • FHIR Tracker items

Columbia - CBCP, Sec

  • FHIR-Security and Privacy Topic Overview/cont.
    • also future FHIR-Security and Privacy topics (John Moehrke)
  • eLTSS Service Plan (confirm room: possibly joint with Attachments, and FM)
  • ONC Research Patient Choice presentation
  • Security and Privacy Outreach for member recruitment (discussion)
  • Drill down of FHIR Security-Privacy activities

President - CG

  • FHIR reconciliation

Guest Room 403 - II

  • Review open list of tracker items
  • Review FHIR Topics
    • Discuss plan for advancing ImagingStudy maturity
  • Discuss Images of Reference concept (see previous tracker item 17183 / provenance conversation)

Charles - ITS

  • FHIR/FHIRPath Ballot overflow

Executive Boardroom - OO

  • FHIR Ballot Reconciliation
    • GF#14677 (?create a subcommittee to work up?)
    • GF#11963

Guest Room 503 - PA

  • Ballot Reconciliation - Patient

Guest Room 319 - Pharm

  • FHIR Tracker Items

Guest Room 317 - Voc

  • SNOMED ON FHIR/TermInfo Update

Tue Q4

Camden/Lombard - HL7 FHIR Profiling

  • Tutorial

Pratt/Calvert - Introduction to HL7 FHIR for Software Developers

  • Tutorial

Constellation E - FHIR-I - GG, EK, JM, LM?

  • Ballot rec & tracker items

Annapolis - BRR

  • CRN - review ballot comments
  • CDM-H Project report back (invite CIMI)

Chesapeake B - CDS

  • PDDI Ballot Reconciliation/Discussion

Columbia - CBCP, Sec - ??

  • ONC Patient Choice Pilot(s) - Johnathan
  • FHIR Consent and FHIR Contract Comparison proposed white paper

Douglas - DEV - LM?

  • SDC FHIR Implementation Guide

Guest Room 403 - II

  • Review FHIR Topics (continued)

Charles - ITS

  • FHIR/FHIRPath Ballot overflow

Executive Boardroom - OO

  • GF#17576 ( if MIchelle/Cerner available) 1st half if possible
  • Discuss Dental PSSs (If not Mon Q3, or more time to dive deeper)

Guest Room 503 - PA

  • Ballot Reconciliation - Other resources (besides Patient)

Constellation AB - PC, CIMI, CQI, Voc - LM?

  • Negation
  • Core binding strength issues (harmonization across realms and standards families)
  • ConceptMap equivalence

Guest Room 319 - Pharm

  • Patient/Practitioner preferences
  • FHIR Tracker Items

Tue Q5

Tir na nOg - CorePoint Party

  • Come eat Dave's food, drink Dave's beer and talk about FHIR with someone you haven't met before

Columbia - Birds of a Feather

  • 5:15-6:30 Blockchain Hyperledger Fabric
    • FHIR might be mentioned?

Annapolis - Birds of a Feather - ??

  • 5:15-6:30 Reporting with FHIR

Tue Q6

Wednesday May 16

Wed Q0

Frederick - Product Management Council - LM, GG

  • Formal name of group
  • Management group authority over balloting and quality critera
  • Management group responsibilities regarding PSS and publication requests
  • New product family methodology review

Constellation AB - General Session

  • 8:00 Annual Business Meeting, HL7 Board Report, Awards Presentations, Announcements

Wed Q1

Pratt/Calvert - HL7 FHIR Experience

  • Tutorial

Camden/Lombard - HAPI on HL7 FHIR

  • Tutorial

Charles - Clinical Documents on HL7 FHIR - RG

  • Tutorial

Constellation C - FHIR-I - JM

  • Ballot rec & tracker items

Constellation F - MnM, Voc, FHIR-I - LM, GG

  • Understanding of and use case for abstract, not selectable and optional codes in value set expansions
  • Timing for migration of FHIR non-ballot-bound items to
  • Strategy for identifiers for unified terminologies (poster child V3 Observation Interoperation and V2 table 0078, unified in July 2018 Harmonization)
  • Discuss results of comparison completed by Vocab of VSD and FHIR
  • Process for management of canonical URLs/URIs (Rob M.)
  • FHIR defined terminology (ballot-bound) vs. non-ballot-bound material in FHIR
  • Work to develop a single method to register code systems

Constellation D - EHR, CBCP, Sec, FHIR-I - EK

  • S&P Considerations for FHIR - John Moehrke
  • ONC Trusted Exchange Framework Common Agreement (TEFCA - US)
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR - Europe)

President - CG

  • FHIR reconciliation

Constellation E - CQI, CDS

  • QI Core - QDM-mapping and Argonaut issues
  • CIMI - update to CQI and CDS
  • CQL Project Update
  • Quality Improvement IG discussions

Guest Room 317' - FM

  • FM FHIR Overview for new attendees
  • FHIR Connectathon - FM Track Review
  • Review of the FHIR Ballot Comments

Guest Room 320 - II

  • Status of Project 1392 (FHIRcast: Application Context Synchronization in FHIR)

Columbia - OO, DEV

  • Catalog
  • ObservationDefinition Resource Proposal

Guest Room 503 - PA

  • Validated Healthcare Services Directory ballot comment review.

Columbia - PC

  • FHIR Trackers

Wed Q2

Pratt/Calvert - HL7 FHIR Experience

  • Tutorial

Camden/Lombard - HAPI on HL7 FHIR

  • Tutorial

Charles - Clinical Documents on HL7 FHIR - RG

  • Tutorial

Constellation C - FHIR-I - GG, EK, JM

  • Ballot rec & tracker items

Constellation F - MnM, Voc - LM

  • V3 vocabulary topics
    • Policy statement on legacy V2/V3 code systems (tentative) (moved from next Q because transition from HL7 code systems to other codes systems, internal HL7 or external needs clarification.

Constellation E - CQI, CDS

  • Brian Alper: EBM on FHIR project update/connectathon report out (30 min.)
  • Gaps in Care - Follow up?

Guest Room 317' - FM

  • FM FHIR ballot outcome report out

Chesapeake B - OO, II

Executive Boardroom - PA, PC

  • Ballot Reconciliation: (Practitioner, PractitionerRole, CareTeam, EpisodeOfCare)

Wed Lunch

Annapolis - PC - LM. JM, EK, GG

  • Clinicians on FHIR update

Wed Q3

Pratt/Calvert - HL7 FHIR Experience

  • Tutorial

Camden/Lombard - Understanding and using Terminology on HL7 FHIR

  • Tutorial

Charles - Clinical Genomics Using HL7 FHIR

  • Tutorial

Constellation F - FHIR-I, MnM - LM, GG

  • Data types and methodology ballot issues

Chesapeake B - FHIR-I, CGIT, Templates - EK

  • Versioning FHIR
    • Conformance_Position_on_FHIR_Versions
    • Review Work done for new metadata
    • How lessons from HL7 v2 versioning can help FHIR
  • FHIR Conformance Review
    • Original document FHIR_Constraints_and_Rules
    • Review slide set of recommendations for improvements to FHIR to support conformance needs
  • Running Items
    • FHIR Quality Criteria
      • Review of further requests for more/other criteria
    • FHIR StructureDefinition vs. Templates vs. v2 Profiling
      • Constraint Language: Status Update
  • Test Script and FHIR Validation

Constellation C - Sec, CBCP, FHIR-I - JM

  • S&P Considerations for FHIR
  • 9167 AuditEvent needs to make more obvious how to record a break-glass event (John Moehrke)
  • 10343 Three additional Signature.type codes (Kathleen Connor)
  • 11071 Improve security label guidance (Kathleen Connor)
  • 12660 HCS use clarification (John Moehrke)
  • 17192 Verification of given resource without changing the content (Thomas Johansen)
  • 17299 enhance current disclosure AuditEvent so that it explains what is being recorded and why (John Moehrke)
  • 17300 Break-Glass description needs clarifications (John Moehrke)
  • 14678 Implementation guide for signatures+-+2018-Jan Core+%231 (Brian Pech)

Annapolis - BRR

  • BRIDG_FHIR Mapping work report

Constellation E - CQI, CDS, Pharm

  • PDDI (Drug-Drug Interaction)
  • FHIR Tracker Items - Clinical Reasoning

Guest Room 320 - FM

  • New FHIR Program Resource
  • FHIR Contract updates

Guest Room 317 - OO

  • GF#15726 (OO/PC/FM)
  • (GF#17576 follow up from T Q4 discussion)
  • (follow-up from Tue Q4 Dental discussion, if joint needed)

Guest Room 503 - PA

  • Validated Healthcare Services Directory ballot comment review.

Guest Room 447 - PH

  • BSeR-Ballot Recon

Executive Boardroom - Voc, Pubs

  • UTG publishing of vocabulary on
  • Cross references and publishing of V2 and FHIR material

Wed Q4

Pratt/Calvert - HL7 FHIR Experience

  • Tutorial

Camden/Lombard - Understanding and using Terminology on HL7 FHIR

  • Tutorial

Charles - Clinical Genomics Using HL7 FHIR

  • Tutorial

Constellation F - JM

  • Ballot issues

Chesapeake B - FM - GG

  • FHIR Ballot Reconcilliation
  • FM FHIR Accounting and Billing Data Elements for Anesthesia
  • Process Request/Response vs. Task (requested by Lloyd)

Conway - FHIR-I, II - EK

  • FHIR Agenda

President - CG - LM

  • FHIR - IG
  • Vocabulary/Coding systems - Clem
    • need to gather publicly available examples that need to

be clarified as what they are: HGVS, ICSN, GL String, HGNC, locus specific database, IMGT/HLA, etc

      • how SNOMED, LOINC is used in CG FHIR
    • Joel: FYI, HGVS is currently listed as an external coding

system for FHIR ...

Annapolis - BRR

  • FHIR
    • Tracker items
    • Development ???

Constellation E - CDS, CQI, CIMI

  • CIMI for Quality (overflow)

Douglas - DEV, MH

  • FHIR Tooling Discussion
  • FHIR Projects Update
  • Devices on FHIR:
    • PoCD IG Ballot Comment Resolution / UDI (??)
  • Devices on FHIR
    • PHD IG Ballot Update & Status
    • Tooling issues (?) as moving forward
  • Device Metric Resource Discussion

Guest Room 317 - OO

  • 2-to-FHIR?

Guest Room 503 - PA

  • Scheduling

Baltimore - PC

  • FHIR Trackers

Guest Room 319 - Pharm

  • Update on Medication concepts in SNOMED CT (Julie)
  • FHIR Tracker Items

Guest Room 447 - PH

  • BSeR-Ballot Recon

Wed Q5

Constellation AB - Networking Reception

  • Come discuss FHIR while enjoying drinks an snacks

Wed Q6

Thursday May 17

Thur Q0

Constellation AB

  • Announcements

Thur Q1

Pratt/Calvert - HL7 FHIR Experience

  • Tutorial

Camden/Lombard - HL7 FHIR for Clinical and Administrative Workflows

  • Tutorial

Annapolis - BRR - LM

  • regular liaison session

Constellation C - SEC, CBCP, FHIR-I - GG

  • HL7_FHIR_Consent_Directive_Project
  • FHIR Consent Resource - Discussion (CBCP-Security) see Wiki: HL7 FHIR Consent Directive Project
    • Contract vs Consent Issue Grahame, Lloyd
  • FHIR categorization by security/privacy considerations
    • can the FHIR tooling help build UI around categorization into various groups (public, business, personal, patient, other)
    • thus each page would have something at the top similar to 'compartment' with possibly multiple classifications
    • and each page 'might' have additional S&P considerations only where it is different than that classification
  • FHIR FMM advancement for Security and Privacy resources

Charles - DEV, FHIR-I - EK

  • General update

Guest Room 317 - CIMI - JM?

  • Review CIM->FHIR Profile tooling

Chesapeake A - Attachments

  • Da Vinci Use Cases deeper dive

Baltimore - FM

  • Review FM FHIR Resource Ballot Comments
  • Review work plan to complete the current FHIR ballot

Charles - II

  • Argonaut Diagnostic Report for Imaging

Guest Room 503 - PA

  • PSS V2 - FHIR mapping
  • FHIR Planning

Constellation E - PC, LHS

  • Model/FHIR Harmonization - Laura Heermann/Emma Jones

Guest Room 319 - Pharm

  • MedicationKnowledge resource

Thur Q2

Pratt/Calvert - HL7 FHIR Experience

  • Tutorial

Camden/Lombard - HL7 FHIR for Clinical and Administrative Workflows

  • Tutorial

Constellation F - FHIR-I - LM, EK, JM

  • Ballot rec & tracker items

Chesapeake B - OO, FHIR-I - GG

  • FHIR Planning

Guest Room 320 - Education

  • FHIR Certification

Conway - EST

Guest Room 503 - PA, FM

  • Current FHIR Activities Updates
  • Invoice, Coverage, ChargeItems, SelfPay

Douglas - DEV

  • FHIR Planning / Review / Discussion

Baltimore - PC

  • Updates on CCDA to FHIR
  • Update on use of StructuredDefinition to represent CDA Templates

Guest Room 319 - Pharm

  • FHIR Tracker Items

Frederick - SD

  • FHIR Tracker Items

Thur Lunch

Constellation AB - FMG co-chairs - LM, GG

  • BsER implementation guide discussion

Thur Q3

Pratt/Calvert - HL7 FHIR Experience

  • Tutorial

Constellation F - FHIR-I - LM?, GG, EK, JM

  • Ballot rec & tracker items

Guest Room 503 - PA

  • FHIR Trackers - wrap up

Constellation E - PC, BRR - LM?

  • FHIR Trackers (AdverseEvent)
  • PC proposes a new FHIR resource - Adverse Reaction that is referenced by AdverseEvent and AllergyIntolerance

Guest Room 319 - Pharm

  • FHIR Tracker Items

Frederick - SD

  • International Patient Summary

Thur Q4

Pratt/Calvert - HL7 FHIR Experience

  • Tutorial

Chesapeak B - FMG - LM, EK, GG, JM

  • Review of the week

Executive Boardroom - OO

  • Observation Profile Principles
  • Vital Sign Post Coordination

Guest Room 503 - PA

  • ballot reconciliation - other resources

Guest Room 319 - Pharm

  • FHIR Tracker Items

Frederick - SD

  • FHIR Tracker Items

Thur Q5

Constellation D - Roundtable - MnM, Vocab, FHIR-I - LM, GG, JM, EK

  • Roundtable of events
  • hot topics

Thur Q6

Friday May 18

Fri Q0

Fri Q1

Executive Boardroom - FHIR-I


Annapolis/Baltimore - Clinicians on FHIR - LM, GG, EK, JM

Lombard - SGB

  • Continuous Maintenance in FHIR
  • Updates that we do to newer versions of FHIR that are also applicable to older versions

Fri Q2-Q3

Annapolis/Baltimore - Clinicians on FHIR - LM, GG, EK, JM

Work Group Abbreviations

  • AID - Application Implementation & Design
  • AWG - Attachments
  • BRR - Biomedical Research and Regulation
  • CBCP - Community Based Care and Privacy
  • CDS - Clinical Decision Support
  • CIC - Clinical Interoperability Council
  • CIMI - Clinical Information Modeling Initiative
  • CG - Clinical Genomics
  • CH - Child Health
  • CQI - Clinical Quality Information
  • CGIT - Conformance & Guidance for Implementation/Testing
  • DEV - Devices
  • EHR - Electronic Health Records
  • EST - Electronic Services & Tooling
  • FGB - FHIR Governance Board
  • FM - Financial Management
  • FMG - FHIR Management Group
  • FTSD - Foundation and Technology Steering Division
  • HSI - Healthcare Standards Integration
  • IHE - Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise
  • II - Imaging Integration
  • InM - Implementation & Messaging
  • ITS - Implementation Technology Services
  • MnM - Modeling & Methodology
  • MH - Mobile Health
  • OHT - Open Health Tools
  • OO - Orders & Observations
  • PA - Patient Administration
  • PC - Patient Care
  • PH - Public Health, Emergency Response
  • Pharm - Pharmacy
  • SD - Structured Documents
  • Sec - Security
  • SOA - Service Oriented Architecture
  • Temp - Templates
  • Voc - Vocabulary