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|ISO ballot conclusion||Sept-Oct||ISO&CEN conclude their normal ballot processesat Istanbul meeting
|ISO ballot conclusion||Sept-Oct||ISO&CEN conclude their normal ballot processesat Istanbul meeting
Note: Feb 11 deadline has been missed by a few days. As of this comment, it should be Feb 16 ish. --[[User:GrahameGrieve|GrahameGrieve]] 00:26, 13 February 2008 (CST)

Latest revision as of 06:26, 13 February 2008


This is a project under the CEN ISO HL7 Joint Initiative

This is a project page for the ISO datatypes activity led by Grahame Greive for HL7, and Tom Marley for ISO.

The project is currently in reconciliation activity -- with the work being done on the XML SIG telcons XML SIG#Conference_Calls.

Note: this page was a full draft of the ISO datatypes document - this is now maintained in the hl7 svn repository, and published in the Ballot pack [1].

Project Plan as of Jan 2008

Step Expected Date Details
Ballot Resolution & Editing Feb 11 HL7 ballot resolution for both Abstract Datatypes and ISO datatypes, followed by editorial updates for these documents.
Internal Review Mid-Feb Review by ISO & HL7 leads, ITS & WG co-chairs
Abstract Datatypes ballot Mar-Apr Normal HL7 ballot
ISO Datatypes ballot Opens Late Mar Our provisional date is Mar 29. ISO, CEN, and HL7 will all open and close their own ballots on the document the same day.
CEN/ISO combined meeting May 30 Time for consideration of datatypes at combined meeting; HL7 editor attends.
ISO Datatypes ballot closes Late Aug Our provisional date is Aug 29. Editor will triage comments
Joint Disposition Meeting 11&12 Sept a satellite meeting of the HL7 Vancouver meeting - joint CEN/ISO/HL7 meeting. We encourage all interested parties to attend this meeting. At this meeting, we will resolve the ballot line items.
ISO ballot conclusion Sept-Oct ISO&CEN conclude their normal ballot processesat Istanbul meeting

Note: Feb 11 deadline has been missed by a few days. As of this comment, it should be Feb 16 ish. --GrahameGrieve 00:26, 13 February 2008 (CST)