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Difference between revisions of "2016-03-11 HSI CALL"

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* Education topics and speakers
* Education topics and speakers
** Education WG chair (virginia ) has requested for WG's to present opportunities for the specific WG (co-chairs & WG members) to be considered
** Education WG chair (virginia ) has requested for WG's to present opportunities for the specific WG (co-chairs & WG members) to be considered
** John noted that CAQH is focused on the payer/health plan participants in HC.  Mary Kay remarked that CAQH is similar role to X12 as IHE is to HL7. 
** Action #1: HSI co-chairs to follow-up with Virgina re intent of this "opportunity exploration"; is it for HL7 WGM only or in general?    
* FHIR STU1/STU2  IHE-HL7 coordination/versions control update
* FHIR STU1/STU2  IHE-HL7 coordination/versions control update
** Todd reported on 2 actions undertaken to address this situation: 1) IHE has agreed to reflect the version of the underlying standards in its profiles and Connectathon results; 2)
** PSS #1231 still reflects HSI as the lead sponsor of this PSS.  This should be revised as agreed to by the FHIR Infra WG with them being the sponsor of this going forward. 
*** Action #2: Follow-up on who has the action to revise this PSS sponsorship
*** Action #3: Following result of action #2, HSI co-chairs to reach out to David Pyke re further actions re IHE-HL7 collaborations for profiles identified in this PSS
* Planning for May WGM
* Planning for May WGM
** Typical HSI is meeting on Tues Q4 & Thurs Q4...this will continued at May WGM in Montreal
** Potential other WG's for which HSI should interact with FHIR Infra WG, Structured Docs. 
** SDC has requested to present to HSI the status of its current work (PSS #1104)... on HSI agenda for 3/25/16
*** Action #4: Didi to follow-up with John Moehrke re additional WG sessions at WGM
* Use of Terms in HL7 and IHE
** HSI has been asked to help with the disambiguating of the info/message for some specific terms, e.g. Connectathon, Profile
*** Action #5: Determine what the need for a PSS or other HL7 work stream mgmt vehicle for this work
*** Action #6: Kick off a discussion thread for this work.  Todd would launch this with an inventory of the target terms and how they're used currently.

Revision as of 20:00, 11 March 2016


Mary Kay McDaniel Timothy McNeil Todd Cooper John Donnelly


  • Approve Minutes from 2/25/2016 HSI Call
    • Mary Kay made motion and Todd 2nd ..minutes approved.
  • Education topics and speakers
    • Education WG chair (virginia ) has requested for WG's to present opportunities for the specific WG (co-chairs & WG members) to be considered
    • John noted that CAQH is focused on the payer/health plan participants in HC. Mary Kay remarked that CAQH is similar role to X12 as IHE is to HL7.
    • Action #1: HSI co-chairs to follow-up with Virgina re intent of this "opportunity exploration"; is it for HL7 WGM only or in general?
  • FHIR STU1/STU2 IHE-HL7 coordination/versions control update
    • Todd reported on 2 actions undertaken to address this situation: 1) IHE has agreed to reflect the version of the underlying standards in its profiles and Connectathon results; 2)
    • PSS #1231 still reflects HSI as the lead sponsor of this PSS. This should be revised as agreed to by the FHIR Infra WG with them being the sponsor of this going forward.
      • Action #2: Follow-up on who has the action to revise this PSS sponsorship
      • Action #3: Following result of action #2, HSI co-chairs to reach out to David Pyke re further actions re IHE-HL7 collaborations for profiles identified in this PSS
  • Planning for May WGM
    • Typical HSI is meeting on Tues Q4 & Thurs Q4...this will continued at May WGM in Montreal
    • Potential other WG's for which HSI should interact with FHIR Infra WG, Structured Docs.
    • SDC has requested to present to HSI the status of its current work (PSS #1104)... on HSI agenda for 3/25/16

[1] [2]

      • Action #4: Didi to follow-up with John Moehrke re additional WG sessions at WGM
  • Use of Terms in HL7 and IHE
    • HSI has been asked to help with the disambiguating of the info/message for some specific terms, e.g. Connectathon, Profile
      • Action #5: Determine what the need for a PSS or other HL7 work stream mgmt vehicle for this work
      • Action #6: Kick off a discussion thread for this work. Todd would launch this with an inventory of the target terms and how they're used currently.