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Difference between revisions of "2012-12-17 Rx Conf Call"

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Line 68: Line 68:
**PriorityCode - remove
**PriorityCode - remove
**confidentialityCode - will use FHIR confidentiality mechanism
**confidentialityCode - will use FHIR confidentiality mechanism
**substitution - discussion on how to solve - with vocabulary or not
***need consistent approach

Latest revision as of 22:11, 17 December 2012


  • Melva Peters (Chair)
  • Hugh Glover
  • Brad Fonseca
  • Stephen Chu
  • Scott Robertson
  • Julie James
  • Tom de Jong
  • Derrick Evans

List Discussions

  • Medication Status - not present in CCD
    • Tom will be responding to Keith
    • Medication list in the context of CCD -
      • discuss during joint with SDWG
      • Tom will update the agenda for all of the topics
      • Medication Profile - invite reps from SDWG to join us
      • Consistency between CDA and V3 models
        • product management initiative in V3 - may bring more managed approach to development of V3 artifacts
    • Lab - FHIR resource develop - have included "product"
      • need to ensure that pharmacy product and lab product are modelled consistently
      • Similar - device
 Action: add to Phoenix agenda  - Tuesday Q2 - Joint meeting

January 2013 Ballot

  • Progress check - no updates
  • Pharmacy CMET ballot - opened later


  • Julie working with epSOS - about identification of medicinal product
    • pan-European medicines coding structure
    • nothing for us to worry about at the moment
    • Julie will raise any issues that Pharmacy WG should be aware

Medication Statement - Request to Publish

Action:  Hugh to submit

Agenda for January 2013 WGM

  • may be light on chairs
  • may need to add an interim chair
    • Scott could help out
Add to next telecom agenda

FHIR Resources

  • MedicationDispense resource
    • next ballot - will need to look at YesDispense, Prescription, Medication Statement, Medication
    • MedicationDispense.text - this is redundant as it part of core FHIR attributes
    • PriorityCode - remove
    • confidentialityCode - will use FHIR confidentiality mechanism
    • substitution - discussion on how to solve - with vocabulary or not
      • need consistent approach


  • Next call - January 7th - Hugh chairing