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== USE CASE Catagories ==
== Use Case Catagories ==
=== Carryover Requirements from CTS I ===
=== Carryover Requirements from CTS I ===

Revision as of 18:10, 21 April 2005

Use Case Catagories

Carryover Requirements from CTS I

Server Information Services

This section is concerned with services that provide information about the terminology server and the terminologies it supports.

Terminology Metadata Services

This section is concerned with services which access the information about a terminology as supported by the server. All use cases envisaged in this section require access to a single specified terminology each time a service is invoked. Each request for a service specifies one identified terminology that is available on the server.

Terminology Content Services

This section is concerned with services which access the information content of a terminology.

Most use cases envisaged here require access to a single specified terminology each time a service is invoked. Each request for a service specifies one identified terminology that is available on the server. An alternative approach would be to instantiate a session for a particular terminology in which all subsequent service requests apply.

Some use cases may arguably benefit from an option to apply the same service request across all or a selected set of terminologies supported by a server. For example, to search for all terms in all supported terminologies containing a specified phrase. However, this imposes a significant set of complications:

   * The server would need to integrate results from various source terminologies
   * The terminologies may not share a common structure and may not be searchable in the same ways.
   * It requires each retrieved item to identify the terminology at



  1. Actor:
  2. Description:
  3. Preondition:
  4. Postcondition:
  5. Normal Course:
  6. Alternate Course:
  7. Assumptions:
  8. Notes:



  1. Actor:
  2. Description:
  3. Preondition:
  4. Postcondition:
  5. Normal Course:
  6. Alternate Course:
  7. Assumptions:
  8. Notes: