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(→‎ITEM: 1024: update of status)
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**  20050915 WGM Give to Paul – part of a way to generate requirements for R2
**  20050915 WGM Give to Paul – part of a way to generate requirements for R2
==  ITEM:      1        ==                      Opened:        12-Jan-03            Old Item:        1
We need to document difference between abstract specification and XML ITS DataTypes. Andrew H will get list of differences from Paul Biron.
<table border="1">
<tr><td>      05-Jan-04    <td>  Grahame Grieve        <td>  New              <td>  XML                        <td>  INM Telcon: Grahame reported that this is still in progress
<tr><td>      06-May-04    <td>  Grahame Grieve        <td>  Open              <td>  XML                        <td>  Still open – slated for release 2
<tr><td>      30-Sep-04    <td>  Grahame Grieve        <td>  Open              <td>  XML                        <td>  CQ WGM: deferred and slated for R2
<tr><td>      24-Jan-05    <td>  Grahame Grieve        <td>  Open              <td>  XML                        <td>  INM WGM Orlando: no change
<tr><td>      02-May-05    <td>  Grahame Grieve        <td>  Open              <td>  XML                        <td>  INM WGM Noordwijkerhout: no change
<tr><td>      05-May-05    <td>  Grahame Grieve        <td>  Defered          <td>  XML                        <td>  we still think this is a good idea, but no progress yet. May happen as part of R2
<tr><td>      15-Sep-05    <td>  Paul Biron            <td>  Open              <td>  XML                        <td>  20050915 WGM Give to Paul – part of a way to generate requirements for R2
==  ITEM:      15        ==                      Opened:        24-Jan-05            Old Item:        203
==  ITEM:      15        ==                      Opened:        24-Jan-05            Old Item:        203

Revision as of 13:04, 26 November 2005

Open Action Items. Each item may be edited individually.

Back to Infrastructure and Messaging TC == ITEM: 1a == Opened: 12-Jan-03 Old Item: 1 We need to document difference between abstract specification and XML ITS DataTypes. Andrew H will get list of differences from Paul Biron.

  • 05-Jan-04 , Grahame Grieve , New , XML
    • INM Telcon: Grahame reported that this is still in progress
  • 06-May-04 , Grahame Grieve , Open , XML
    • Still open – slated for release 2
  • 30-Sep-04 , Grahame Grieve , Open , XML
    • CQ WGM: deferred and slated for R2
  • 24-Jan-05 , Grahame Grieve , Open , XML
    • INM WGM Orlando: no change
  • 02-May-05 , Grahame Grieve , Open , XML
    • INM WGM Noordwijkerhout: no change
  • 05-May-05 , Grahame Grieve , Defered , XML
    • we still think this is a good idea, but no progress yet. May happen as part of R2
  • 15-Sep-05 , Paul Biron , Open , XML
    • 20050915 WGM Give to Paul – part of a way to generate requirements for R2

== ITEM: 15 == Opened: 24-Jan-05 Old Item: 203 For Version 2.7, add language to Chapter 2 to the effect that CQ does not express an opinion at this time on the restarting of set IDs relative to groups or message.

24-Jan-05 Tony Julian Open V2 INM WGM Orlando: Motion approved 20050506: edit needs to be done in 2.7
26-Aug-05 Tony Julian Open V2 20050826: Larson: this item needs a proposal submitted to the v2 database and then it can be closed.

== ITEM: 27 == Opened: 26-Jan-05 Old Item: 215 Present Units proposal to Facilitators Roundtable on Jan 27

26-Jan-05 Grahame Grieve New vocab INM/Vocab WGM Orlando: Agreed to prepare a proposal for Faciliator’s Roundtable. Within the PQ datatype Unit: change from CS to CV and allow the domain to be set in the model. Could set a domain and call it
04-May-05 Grahame Grieve Open vocab Changed from New to Open, assigned Grahame.
14-Sep-05 Grahame Grieve Open vocab 20050914: IM WGM San Diego: Close – Stan has developed proposal

== ITEM: 32 == Opened: 27-Jan-05 Old Item: 220 CQ WGM: ask the Conformance SIG to work on a dynamic discovery message for supported features by the receiver (profile ids, application roles, interactions, responseModeCodes)

27-Jan-05 INM Chairs New conform INM WGM Orlando: Added. Ask the Conformance SIG to work on a dynamic discovery message for supported features by the receiver (profile ids, application roles, interactions, responseModeCodes)
02-May-05 Lisa Carnahan Reviewed conform 20050502: Clarified that this is v3, not v2. Len Gallagher has been writing a white paper on the dynamic model which may have some bearing on this item.
14-Sep-05 Lisa Carnahan Reviewed Conform 20050914: Conformance says they do not do this; only have conformance for V2.
16-Sep-05 MNM Open Conform 20050916: Rene says move to MnM. They are responsable for conformance in v3. The discussion may lead to the conclusion that we don't want to cover this, but that we want to leave this to services such as UDDI.

ITEM: 33

Opened: 28-Jan-05 Old Item: 221

The detectedIssue CMET should be moved to the CMET domain, and not be defined locally in MCAI

  • 20050128, INM Chairs, Open
    • INM WGM Orlando: Added. When creating the next version of MCAI, the detectedIssue CMET should be moved to the CMET domain, and not be defined locally in MCAI Pharmacy has a use-case for a message that shows all controlActs(+detectedIssue) related to a single order. This can be implemented today as a shared message. If implemented as a wrapper this would require that the tools support stubs with exit points.
  • 20051105, INM Chairs, Open
    • Rene: will remain open until such time where the controlAct domains will be up for a new release.

ITEM: 34

Opened: 28-Jan-05 Old Item: 222

Need to create a controlAct wrapper for “event replay”.

  • 20050128, INM Chairs, New
    • INM WGM Orlando: Added. Need to create a controlAct wrapper for “event replay”. Pharmacy has a use-case for a message that shows all controlActs(+detectedIssue) related to a single order. This can be implemented today as a shared message. If implemented as a wrapper this would require that the tools support stubs with exit points. (transmission wrapper - controlAct - order - 1..n - historic control acts)
  • 20051103, INM Chairs, open
    • Rene: will remain open until such a time when the control act domains are up for ballot again. Lloyd McKenzie will have to provide input in this.

== ITEM: 42 == Opened: 08-Mar-05 Old Item: 230

Present introduction to Services Oriented Transport and gain approval to continue work
08-Mar-05 Darius Kemeklis New trans INM Telcon: Need to have discussion of service oriented transport. Darius K agreed to put together a presentation
15-Mar-05 Darius Kemeklis Open trans This is a new work item. It was suggested on the transport list that service oriented transports such as JMS or Webservices offer a lot more functionality than just a "transport". Should we create a new ITS and/or Transport to fully use the services offered by these environments?

s took the group through a slide show presentation he had prepared.

22-Mar-05 Darius Kemeklis Open trans INM Telcon: Change item description from “Service Oriented Transport” to a description that reflects the action to be taken. The initial presentation has been done. It is unclear if the next step is clear. Assume that interested parties wish to continue this discussion and perhaps come forward with a proposal. Will change description to: Present introduction to Services Oriented Transport and gain approval to continue work
04-May-05 Darius Kemeklis Open trans open, no nupdate.
15-Sep-05 Darius Kemeklis Open trans 20050915: Still open-related to ATS spec.

== ITEM: 55 == Opened: 27-Sep-04 Old Item: 302

Check for vocabulary gaps in V3 Infrastructure Management.
09-Nov-04 Andrew Hinchley Open IM INM Telcon: No update. René Spronk will talk to Andrew.
14-Dec-04 Andrew Hinchley Open IM INM Telcon: No update.
27-Jan-05 Andrew Hinchley Open IM INM WGM Orlando: no update
01-May-05 Andrew Hinchley Open IM INM WGM Noordwijkerhout: Andrew wil attempt to create it during the WGM.
05-May-05 Andrew Hinchley New IM No information
05-May-05 Andrew Hinchley Open IM No information
13-Sep-05 Andrew Hinchley Reviewed IM 20050913:INM WGM: open with guilt.

== ITEM: 58 == Opened: 28-Sep-04 Old Item: 305

Clean up the list of terms definitions after business models have been described
18-Nov-04 Robert Grant Open Reg INM Telcon: No update available
25-Jan-05 Robert Grant Open Reg Open. Waiting for models to be finalized.
03-May-05 Robert Grant Open Reg No change
13-Sep-05 Robert Grant Reviewed Reg 20050913: Still no project page. Talk to Jenni P. about this if needed (if project continues).
13-Sep-05 Robert Grant Reviewed Reg 20050913: No change. Will be cleaned up and packaged with project deliverables.

== ITEM: 59 == Opened: 28-Sep-04 Old Item: 306

Upload current draft docs to new project specific docs page
25-Jan-05 Jean Spohn Open Reg INM WGM Orlando: Dependant on 307; not done. Docs currently list serve distribution (issue with size)
03-May-05 Jean Spohn Open Reg Size increased but still waiting on Mike for website setup before uploading docs

== ITEM: 60 == Opened: 28-Sep-04 Old Item: 307

Ask Mike to create a new registry project webpage for uploading
18-Nov-04 Gregg Seppala New Reg INM Telcon: Gregg has talked to Mike. Mike agreed to do this. Would show at the bottom of the SIG list. Not done yet. Gregg to follow-up.
25-Jan-05 Gregg Seppala Open Reg INM WGM Orlando:Still waiting on Mike.
03-May-05 Gregg Seppala Open Reg Waiting on Mike for website
13-Sep-05 Gregg Seppala Reviewed Reg 20050913: Still no project page. Talk to Jenni P. about this if needed (if project continues).

== ITEM: 71 == Opened: 29-Sep-04 Old Item: 318 Draft procedure for agreeing to updates to 396. Will bring draft to CQ.

12-Jan-05 Stan Huff New vocab Larson: The procedure should incorporate the decision made at the Atlanta WGM as follows: “All changes to sections for which Vocab is the steward, must be submitted to the v2 change proposal database.”
04-May-05 Stan Huff Open vocab INM Noordwijkerhout: Stan will wridte procedure. It will include 1) submit to database ; 2) vocab reviews and makes decision taking in to account such things as redundancy, version and other policy requirements; 3) once approved is immediately valid; 4) notify INM editor Policy needs good definitions but also need to focus on operational factors.
01-Jun-05 Stan Huff Open vocab Vocab Telcon: Discussion – Table 396 issue:-HL7 v2.x table 396 is the table of tables. One of the changes in 2.6 was to make content extensible without requiring a re-ballot. Need to document the process of how we put new entries, or update entries to table 396. Current process is to submit a V2.x proposal through the HL7 website.-Proposed solution is that every time a terminology is registered in the OID it would automatically go into Table 396 I V2.x. Vote taken and passed.-The content of tables is only available through the ballot, the document can be updated but there is no place online that you can look it up. Same problem of how to
15-Sep-05 Tony Julian Reviewed vocab 20050914: Approved. Tony will check to see if in the substantivity guide.

== ITEM: 74 == Opened: 29-Sep-04 Old Item: 321 Clarify concept of session in context of transport documents (as opposed to session as defined by SIGSecure)

07-Dec-04 Andrew Hinchley Open Trans no update
27-Jan-05 Andrew Hinchley Open Trans INM WGM Orlando: Still open with guilt.
04-May-05 Andrew Hinchley Open Trans no status change.

== ITEM: 81 == Opened: 30-Sep-04 Old Item: 328

Produce Implementation Guide
30-Sep-04 INM Chairs Open XML WGM: not being worked on
24-Jan-05 INM Chairs Open XML Q WGM Orlando: not being worked on. Underlying negative line issue may need to be revisited.
02-May-05 INM Chairs Open XML INM WGM Noordwijkerhout: in progress. New content has been identified having to do with xsi. This is an extra constraint people want to have on XML instances. This would be a substantive change and would have to go back to ballot. The other approach is to publish ITS as is and put a paragraph in an Implementation Guide regarding xsi.
05-May-05 INM Chairs Open XML xsi in notes from 20050502 means xsi:nil. Issue is a little broader than xsi:nil, includes xsi:type. We propose to have an R2 changes proposal for comment in the next ballot or the one after that will cover proposed changes, both documentation and substance. Schema requirements will be included in the multi-cache schema page in the ballot pack (under downloads).
15-Sep-05 Grahame Grieve Open XML 20050915 Grahame to create wiki page, notify xml, strucdoc, and impl lists. Charlie will provide some seed content.

== ITEM: 88 == Opened: 30-Sep-04 Old Item: 335

contact PIC and develop a procedure to track action items that are referred to other committees
06-May-05 INM Chairs Open Admin no update
16-Sep-05 INM Chairs Reviewed Admin 20050916:This does need to go to PIC

== ITEM: 96 == Opened: 01-Oct-04 Old Item: 343

 Research how requirements for committee membership and voting may be enforced.
09-Nov-04 René Spronk New Admin INM Telcon: in progress
12-Jan-05 René Spronk Open Admin email from Rene as follows:"From our DMP: "Committee meetings are open to all interested parties including but not limited to members of HL7, HL7 affiliates, and guests of HL7 as referenced in the HL7 Bylaws – Article 3.02.". "Guests are welcome to participate in the work of the committee and are recognized as either guests of HL7, e.g., not a member of HL7, or guests of the CQ TC, e.g., a member of HL7 but not a declared member of the CQ TC." "When formal votes are taken the chair will explain the eligibility for voting. Registered CQ TC members shall always receive a vote in keeping with ANSI openness rules. (.. snip ..). For non- binding decisions only, all meeting participants may have the opportunity to vote at the discretion of the presiding chair." - Note that this means that non-declared CQ members that participate in a CQ meeting don't have a vote. From the bylaws: "3.03.03 TECHNICAL COMMITTEE AND SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP MEMBERSHIP - Members shall have the opportunity to declare themselves members of any one or more Technical Committees and Special Interest Groups. Maintaining membership in a Technical Committee requires that the member participate in at least 60% of the Technical Committee ballots pertaining to approval or adoption of HL7 protocol specifications, or any portion thereof, cast during the period of one year from the date of declaration." However, the bylaws also state this: "5.01 PARTICIPANTS - Non-members and representative members of all categories and affiliations in good standing and present in assembly shall be deemed participants and, except as otherwise specifically provided in the bylaws or policy and procedures,
19-Mar-05 René Spronk Open Admin rene: needs follow up on a steering call.
06-May-05 René Spronk Open Admin Bylaw review is in process, this will be part of it. Joann is following up with them.
16-Sep-05 René Spronk Reviewed Admin 20050916: Is being addressed

== ITEM: 104 == Opened: 04-May-05 Old Item: 401 Follow up with MnM to see if some of the requirements of the Abstract Transports doc should be in the HDF

04-May-05 René Spronk New ATS created for resolution of a negative line-item.
04-Nov-05 René Spronk Open ATS Has been communicated to MnM. The HDF doesn't allow for this type of requirements at the moment. Deemed to be an "interesting idea". Suggest to close the INM action item.

== ITEM: 105 == Opened: 02-May-05 Old Item: 402

Apply correction to Orlando minutes for Q1 Jan 24
02-May-05 Doug Pratt New Admin INM WGM Noordwijkerhout: According to the report from Karen Van, the XML ITS Data Types has been submitted to ANSI. Doug will make correction and post to website.
26-Jul-05 Doug Pratt Reviewed Admin 20050726 INM Telcon: Doug will do this.

== ITEM: 107 == Opened: 02-May-05 Old Item: 404

Will provide list of terms
02-May-05 Lisa Carnahan New Conform INM WGM: Will provide list of terms
12-Sep-05 Lisa Carnahan Open Conform 20050912:INM WGM SanDiego. Lisa not present – will review.

== ITEM: 108 == Opened: 02-May-05 Old Item: 405

Provide definition for realm
02-May-05 Lisa Carnahan New Conform INM WGM
12-Sep-05 Lisa Carnahan Open Conform 20050912:INM WGM SanDiego. Lisa not present – will review.

== ITEM: 109 == Opened: 02-May-05 Old Item: 406 Suggest that Claims Attachments develops a proposal for modification to the attachmentClass and advance it for harmonization

02-May-05 Kepa Zubeldia New Attachments and II/IIRef Noorwijkerhout
15-Sep-05 Kepa Zubeldia Open Attachments and II/IIRef 20050915 no progress

== ITEM: 110 == Opened: 02-May-05 Old Item: 407 Complete the documentation for Option #2 and resolve the format of the URN

02-May-05 Charlie McCay New Attachments and II/IIRef Noorwijkerhout
15-Sep-05 Charlie McCay Open Attachments and II/IIRef 20050915 no progress

== ITEM: 111 == Opened: 02-May-05 Old Item: 408 after further discussion with MnM: do we need to make versionCode mandatory ? Required once we have multiple versions/Editions.

02-May-05 INM Chairs New Inter-version comp Noorwijkerhout
12-Aug-05 INM Chairs Reviewed Inter-version comp Emil from Rene suggests assigning to Grahame. E-mail sent to Grahame requestig concurrence.
15-Aug-05 Grahame Grieve Open inter-version comp Grahame accepted.
13-Sep-05 Grahame Grieve Open inter-version comp 20050913: INM WGM: open, need MnM to make recommendations as to versioning.

== ITEM: 132 == Opened: 01-Jul-04 Old Item: 518 Request PIC to create a process to ensure that those that bring forward v2 proposals should include a v3 mapping analysis

01-Oct-04 Doug Pratt New Admin Not always possible (some elements are V2 artifacts) but the analysis needs to be done always.
05-May-05 Doug Pratt Open Admin 20050506: Doug will ask PIC about status.
16-Sep-05 Joann Larson Open Admin 20050916: Joann will take to PIC

== ITEM: 153 == Opened: 21-Sep-04 Old Item: 919

Review action items from previous ballot reconciliations.
27-Aug-04 INM Chairs Closed DT 20040927: These responsibilities may be able to be split. Some of it might fall within the purview of XML SIG, but they have been difficult to reach lately. It might also be well grouped with MnM, but they do not want to add data types to their responsibilities. Pat Willmott of Sigma Systems volunteered to work with Gunther Schadow on at least already-known issues.
21-Sep-04 INM Chairs Closed DT 20040921: Email from G. Shadow: We should recruit another editor, the person needs to be able to use CVS and to edit the XML sources of the specification directly.
27-Jan-05 INM Chairs Re-Opened DT 20050127: INM WGM Orlando: open. Hard to reconcile ballot records. Confusion between HQ and those working on ballot reconciliation. 20050505: INM WGM Noordwijkerhout: Grahame will work with HQ on this tomorrow 20050915: Given up trying to find these records. Karen will do a final ballot reconciliation notice.
05-May-05 INM Chairs Open DT 20050505: INM WGM Noordwijkerhout: Grahame will work with HQ on this tomorrow
15-Sep-05 INM Chairs Open DT 20050915: Given up trying to find these records. Karen will do a final ballot reconciliation notice.

== ITEM: 178 == Opened: 10-Jan-05 Old Item: 945 Guidelines for Attachments proposal status

12-Jan-05 Charlie McCay Closed XML - A 20050112 Added by Larson in response to email thread between INM, CDA and XML.

20050329 INM Telcon: This is being followed by the Attachments Taskforce cited in item 217. This is a multi-group issue: XML, IM

05-May-05 Charlie McKay Open XML-A 20050505: INM WGM Noordwijkerhout: Gregor has produced some documentation. Need agenda time at the next meeting.
15-Sep-05 Charlie McKay Open XML-A 20050915 Need agenda time at Scottsdale meeting

== ITEM: 179 == Opened: 12-Jan-05 Old Item: 946

Explore Single set of rules for sending Attachments with v3 messages and documents
12-Jan-05 INM Chairs Open Vocab Added by Larson following receipt of email from Bob Dolin on as follows: “We’ve created two new MIME types for use with structured documents that we’d like to officially register with INM. The first (text/x-hl7-text+xml) is used to constrain Act.text. The second (text/x-hl7-title+xml) is used to constrain Act.title, which was changed from ST to ED datatype at the last harmonization meeting. Each of these types are undergoing ballot - the former is part of CDA and SPL, the latter is part of SPL. Can you let me know how to proceed?.”

Later conversation with Bob revealed these 2 new MIME types were heard and approved in RIM Harmonization. What do we do with them now? Is this a v3 or a v2 issue or both? Should these items be added to v2 t Imported Table 0834 “MIME Types” for use in component 3 “Type of Data” in the RP Reference Pointer data type? If so, it would be an HL7 added value to an external table. Or, should it be added to External Table 0291 “Subtype of Referenced Data” as an HL7 enhancement. It would live there alongside our other HL7 enhancement

26-Jan-05 INM Chairs Open Vocab INM/Vocab WGM: Add them to v2.7. Grahame will add to the data types document for release 2.
04-May-05 INM Chairs Open Vocab INM/Vocab WGM Noordwijkerhout: Confirmed that these are planned for v2.7 and release 2 of v3 data types.
16-Sep-05 INM Chairs Open Vocab 20050916: Need to confirm that these changes are on the change list for 2.7 and for V3 Data Types

== ITEM: 957 == Opened: 26-Jul-05 Old Item: 0 MFMI check the preface for previously known as

26-Jul-05 Tony Julian New MFMI 20050726: INM Telcon: Joann reported that HQ needs for us to include the previously balloted name in the preface. This document was originally balloted as a component of the Infrastructure Management document
13-Sep-05 Tony Julian Reviewed MFMI 20050913: INM WGM San Diego: no update.
03-Nov-05 Rene Spronk Reviewed MFMI Suggest to close, moot point, has gone normative. In a next release it will be part of yet another grouping: all control act domains. Suggest to close.

== ITEM: 958 == Opened: 26-Jul-05 Old Item: 0 MCCI - Check preface

26-Jul-05 Tony Julian New MCCI 20050726: INM Telcon: Joann reported that HQ needs for us to include the previously balloted name in the preface. This document was originally balloted as a component of the Infrastructure Management document
13-Sep-05 Tony Julian Reviewed MCCI 20050913: INM WGM San Diego: no update.

== ITEM: 961 == Opened: 11-Aug-05 Old Item: 0 Developing a list of basic criteria for shared messages, so that shared messages doesn’t end up being a dumping ground. Perhaps a topic in MCCI R2?

11-Aug-05 Lloyd McKenzie Open MCCI INM requests more details. Lloyd will provide them to Tony, and we will discuss the topic in San Diego. Lloyd to start a discussion thread about “undo” on MnM list server. Rene will bring forward notification interactions shared messages. Hope to publish shared messages in January cycle. Lloyd to offer help with shared messages publication database
11-Aug-05 Lloyd McKenzie Open MCCI Lloyd added a fifth: sending out a “broadcast” message – such as a user notification that the system is going down in 5 minutes, etc. Lloyd needs to forward this last one to INM.
13-Sep-05 Lloyd McKenzie Reviewed MCCI 20050913: INM WGM San Diego: no update.

== ITEM: 965 == Opened: 13-Sep-05 Old Item: 0 Develop a questionnaire so that groups can submit use case attributes and get the best possible recommendation from Security TC. This will be done through a dialogue. Discussion of transforms needs to take place in this context.

13-Sep-05 Glenn Marshall New Security 20050913 WGM NEW.

== ITEM: 966 == Opened: 13-Sep-05 Old Item: 0 Tooling should be updated to support SAML, DSIG in schemas. XML ITS R2 targeted.

13-Sep-05 Paul Biron New IM 20050913 WGM

== ITEM: 967 == Opened: 13-Sep-05 Old Item: 0 Security TC is requested to read WS security specification and provide guidance and suggestions related thereto.

13-Sep-05 Glenn Marshall New Security 20050913 WGM: New

== ITEM: 968 == Opened: 13-Sep-05 Old Item: 0 Develop decision tree for the purpose of not tying implementations to potentially mismatched/wrong requirements.

13-Sep-05 Glenn Marshall New Security 20050913 WGM New.

== ITEM: 970 == Opened: 03-May-05 Old Item: 0 20050503: Ask for change to by-law 2.3.1 to permit proprietary ITS.

03-May-05 INM Chairs New WSP 20050503: INM WGM Noordwijkerhout: Ask for change to by-law 2.3.1 to permit proprietary ITS.
09-Sep-05 INM Chairs Reviewed WSP 20050909: Larson: Close occurred on 20050628. Re-opened because other communication suggested INM should seek change to Bylaw 2.03.01. Change request submitted to PIC.
11-Sep-05 INM Chairs Reviewed WSP 20050911: Change Request has been forwarded to BPR and discussed in meeting today. Unclear to BPR as to the precise change INM is seeking. Clarification of policy under consideration..
14-Sep-05 INM Chairs Reviewed WSP 20050914WGM In progress
16-Sep-05 INM Chairs Reviewed WSP Working on poicy and procedures to cover this. Plan to submit a change request( we were asked to do this rather than change bylaws)

== ITEM: 975 == Opened: 14-Sep-05 Old Item: 0 Add Religious affiliation codes to 396

14-Sep-05 Tony Julian New v2 Ch2 Add Religious affilition codes to table 396
14-Sep-05 Ted Klein Open v2 ch2 Will mail codes to tony Julian

== ITEM: 976 == Opened: 07-Oct-05 Old Item: 0 CNE/CWE 2.7

14-Sep-05 Doug Pratt New V2 Cp2a MMS Doug Pratt/Sandy Stuart that the joint working group encourage Doug to submit the stronger text for version 2.7. 11-0-1

== ITEM: 977 == Opened: 13-Sep-05 Old Item: 0 Removable Media

13-Sep-05 Doug Pratt New Removable Media Its Doug will contact Alexander Henket from HL7 Netherlands in re removable media ITS.

== ITEM: 978 == Opened: 15-Sep-05 Old Item: 0 Work to add a new batch group class to the batch transmission wrapper. The new class will contain attributes such as batch ID. A new sequence number needs to be added to the current batch class as well. New dynamic models, interactions, etc. need to be documented.

15-Sep-05 Penny Aitchson Open IM 2005-09-15 SAN WGM: New action item.

== ITEM: 979 == Opened: 15-Sep-05 Old Item: 0 Develop alternatives/solutions for 962.1 (Domain specific masking)Also for other shared messages items.

15-Sep-05 René New IM/RX 20050915 WGM new Spronk Michael v C
04-Nov-05 René New IM/RX Michael will edit pubs db and present material during upcoming telCon.

== ITEM: 980 == Opened: 09-Sep-05 Old Item: 0 20050909: Request change to Bylaw 15

09-Sep-05 Joann Larson New Appeals for DSTU 20050909: Larson: Submitted to PIC: Section 14 of the POLPRO document describes no appeals proces for committee level ballots nor DSTUs. Given that informative ballots have an appeals proces (POLPRO Appendix A, section 5), and that membersip ballots have an appeals process, this is probably an unintentional oversight. -Your negative line items were given the disposition "persuasive" or "persuasive with mod", the appeals proces is only related to items that were found to be "not persuasive". This again probably needs to be addressed when the POLPRO are revised,to include other dispositions as well. -POLPRO 15.10.01 (although meant to be used to appeal "Not Persuasive" decisions in a membership ballot)states that "If, in a two-thirds majority opinion of the Board of Directors, there is found to be insufficient cause for confirmation
11-Sep-05 Joann Larson Open Appeals for DSTU 20050911: Larson: Discussed in BPR. I did not have the issue statement handy, so reconstructed from memory. Feedback was that the Appeals process is open only to line items found Not Persuasive.
16-Sep-05 Joann Larson Reviewed Appeals for DSTU 20050916: We should rule things not persuasive (as opposed to persuasive with mod) unless submitter is ok with the mod.

== ITEM: 1003 == Opened: 03-Oct-05 Old Item: 0 20051003: Prepare Project Scope and RFI for ebXML

03-Oct-05 Doug Pratt New ebXML 20051003: Prepare Project Scope and RFI for ebXML Due Oct 17
  • 20051115: Doug, open
    • Next ballot cycle

== ITEM: 1004 == Opened: 03-Oct-05 Old Item: 0 20051003: Post Project Scope for Data Types Abstract and related documents XML ITS DT and UML.

03-Oct-05 Grahame Grieve New ITS 20051003: Post Project Scope for Data Types Abstract and related documents XML ITS DT and UML.

20051114: open, deferred to May ballot

== ITEM: 1005 == Opened: 03-Oct-05 Old Item: 0 20051003: Prepare RFI for Data Types Abstract

03-Oct-05 Grahame Grieve New Data Types 20051003: INM Telcon: Prepare RFI for Data Types Abstract. Needs to be approved and posted by Oct 17.
  • Open, deferred to may ballot

== ITEM: 1006 == Opened: 03-Oct-05 Old Item: 0 20051003: Prepare RFI for XML ITS Data Types

03-Oct-05 Grahame Grieve New XML ITS 20051003: INM Telcon: Prepare RFI for XML Its Data Types. Needs to be approved and posted by Oct 17.
  • 20051114: Open, May ballot

== ITEM: 1007 == Opened: 03-Oct-05 Old Item: 0 20051003: Prepare RFI for UML

03-Oct-05 Grahame Grieve New UML 20051003: INM Telcon: Prepare RFI for UML. Needs to be approved and posted by Oct 17.
  • 20051114: Open, deferred to may ballot

== ITEM: 1008 == Opened: 03-Oct-05 Old Item: 0 20051003: Post UML reconciliation package for May 2005 ballot.

03-Oct-05 Grahame Grieve New UML Post UML reconcillation Package for May 2005 ballot

== ITEM: 1009 == Opened: 03-Oct-05 Old Item: 0 20051003: Request withdrawal of negative votes against UML May 2005 ballot.

03-Oct-05 Grahame Grieve New UML 20051003: INM Telcon: After Reconciliation Package is posted, need to officially request voters to withdraw negative votes by November 14.

== ITEM: 1012 == Opened: 03-Oct-05 Old Item: 0 20051003: Inquire of Pubs and MNM as to the proper name for WSnnn (implementation guidelines)

03-Oct-05 Joann Larson New WSP 20051003: INM Telcon: Reconciliation of negative line item 5 in WSP September 2005 ballot. Agreement reached that the WSnnn things (Implementation Guidelines) will be changed to a name that is consistent with

== ITEM: 1013 == Opened: 03-Oct-05 Old Item: 0 20051003: Prepare a discussion document on differentiating assertions in the WSP by Nov 28th.

03-Oct-05 Paul Biron New WSP 20051003: INM Telcon: Reconciliation of negative line item 18 in WSP September 2005 ballot. It is unclear if we need to differentiate assertions: those dealing with how message looks on the wire vs those assertions that do not affect the wire format. Perhaps these should be in different sections. How would these be factorized? To be revisited Nov 28th.
  • 20051115: Paul will have document ready for the 23rd, ready for discussion on the 28th

== ITEM: 1014 == Opened: 03-Oct-05 Old Item: 0 20051003: Post MLLP reconcillation

03-Oct-05 Tony Julian New MLLP Post Reconcillation Package
  • 20051114: still open

== ITEM: 1015 == Opened: 10-Oct-05 Old Item: 0 20051010: INM Telcon: Follow-up with Vocab on proposal 438 to add new values to table 0396 to support ePrescribing proposal.

10-Oct-05 Tony Julian New Vocab 20051010: INM Telcon: Follow-up with Vocab on proposal 438 to add new values to table 0396 to support ePrescribing proposal.
10-Oct-05 Tony Julian Open Vocab 20051011: E-mail sent " Colleagues: Do you wish to add these values to table396 in V2.6 to support ePrescibingproposal" including proposal 438.

== ITEM: 1018 == Opened: 10-Oct-05 Old Item: 0 20051010: INM Telcon: Seek harmonization of definitions in glossary for Sender and Receiver

10-Oct-05 Joann Larson New WSP 20051010: INM Telcon: Seek harmonization of definitions in glossary for Sender and Receiver. Specifically need to follow-up with Pubs. Roberto will send info to Joann.

ITEM: 1019

Opened: 24-Oct-05

Add Message adapter and Interaction Patters as used in MCCI to the Glossary. MCCI R2 C1 Ballot reconcillation, database Items 4 and 5

  • 20051024, René Spronk, New
    • Work with pubs to add definitions to the glossary.

ITEM: 1020

Opened: 24-Oct-05

Harmonize V3 Guide descriptions of Wrappers with the current infrastructure ballot. MCCI R2 C1 Ballot Reconcillation of database Item 14.

  • 20051024, René Spronk, New
    • This new release of MCCI is (by the very fact that it is a new release) out of sync with the v3guide. Work with publishing to change the v3guide.

ITEM: 1021

Opened: 20051031

Need to add attribute-level descriptions to HMDs in MFMI Release 2. Created as part of reconciliation of MFMI R1 M1.

  • 20051031, René Spronk, open
    • Will remain open until MFMI R2 goes out for ballot again

ITEM: 1022

Opened: 20051105

Are messages contained in a batch identified by the "Message" tag or an InteractionID?. XML ITS issue related to MCCI Batch wrappers.

  • 20051105, René Spronk, open
    • From the XML-ITS, section 2.5.2: Message Elements That Are HL7 Classes. The name for the element representing the Class is taken either from the association name, or in the case of the root element represention a transmission wrapper, from the InteractionID.
    • In the case of a batch-transmission which contains multiple message-transmissions (of different type) it would be advisable to change the above text to state that: "The name for the element representing the Class is taken either from the association name, or in the case of the Transmission class (or specializations thereof), from the interactionId." - This to conform with the way batches are currently implemented in various projects, i.e. the receiver of the batch can simply throw away the batch wrapper and process its contents as-if the interactions had been received on a one-by-one basis.
  • 20051105, René Spronk, open
    • asked Grahame Grieve/Charlie McKay (XML SIG) for comments by e-mail

ITEM: 1023

Opened: 20051031

Work out how context conduction applies between Batch Transmission Wrapper and Message Transmission Wrapper, need to take this up with MnM. Results from MCCI ballot rec. item 117.

  • 20051031, René Spronk, open

ITEM: 1024

Opened: 20051114

Change Message.profileID to LIST in MCCI R2 (used to be: Is Message.profileId a SET or a LIST?) Results from MCCI R2 C1 ballot rec. item 131.

  • 20051114, René Spronk, open
    • Get Conformance TC to make a statement one way or the other (LIST or SET?), and motivate them to bring forwarded a harmonization proposal if it is a SET (unordered). The MCCI material shows it as a SET, RIM has it as a LIST.
  • 20051115, René Spronk, open
    • Sent question related to ordering to the Conf e-mail list
  • 20051124, René Spronk, open
    • Discussion on the lists confirms that it is a list. This was agreed upon during a harmonization meeting at some time in the past, but the change wasn't made in MCCI.

ITEM: 1025

Opened: 20051114

Prefaces at Topic Level, Pubs issue, need to take this up with Pubs. Results from MCCI R2 C1 ballot rec. item 134.

  • 20051114, Tony Julian, open
    • Propose to pubs to have preface at the topic level, instead of just having a preface at the domain level. If one has a varied range of Topics it makes no sense to have all preface comments at the domain level.

ITEM: 1026

  • Opened 20051121

Add text to the ATS about Message Exchange Patterns, and remove from WS profile.

  • 20051121, Roberto, new
    • This work item is in reference to Item 20 in the WS ballot, Section 3.3.1. New wording to be created jointly with Miroslav Koncar, editor of the ATS document.