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*** - ask MnM for exemption because target detail is a choice of data types (i.e. Quantity and CodeableConcept could have different value sets) - Observation.value[x] does not show this same QA warning.
*** - ask MnM for exemption because target detail is a choice of data types (i.e. Quantity and CodeableConcept could have different value sets) - Observation.value[x] does not show this same QA warning.
=== MEDIUM Priority -- CareTeam, CarePlan, and Goal -- QA Information (desire FMM = 3 means we address all information) ===
=== LOW Priority -- CareTeam, CarePlan, and Goal -- QA Information (desire FMM = 3 means we address all information) ===
* CareTeam
* CareTeam
** RIM Mapping
** RIM Mapping

Revision as of 22:23, 30 January 2017

Meeting Information

Patient Care FHIR Resources Conference Call

Location: Conference Call
Phone Number: +1 770-657-9270
Participant Passcode: 943377

Date: 2017-01-30
Time: 5-6:30pm ET
Facilitator Michelle M Miller Note taker(s) Michelle M Miller
Attendee Name Affiliation

X Elaine Ayres NIH/Department of Clinical Research Informatics
X Stephen Chu The Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA)
X Dave Carlson
Evelyn Gallego EMI Advisors LLC
Eric Haas Haas Consulting
X Rob Hausam Hausam Consulting LLC
Laura Heermann-Langford Intermountain Healthcare
X Emma Jones Allscripts
Russ Leftwich InterSystems
Tony Little Optum 360
Jay Lyle Ockham Information Services LLC, VA
Russell McDonell Telstra Health
Lloyd McKenzie Gevity (HL7 Canada)
Larry McKnight Cerner
X Michelle M Miller Cerner
Lisa Nelson Life Over Time Solutions
Viet Nguyen Lockheed Martin, Systems Made Simple
M'Lynda Owens Cognosante
Craig Parker Intermountain Healthcare
Joe Quinn Optum
Simon Sum Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Iona Thraen Dept of Veterans Affairs
Serafina Versaggi Dept of Veterans Affairs
Tracey Coleman Allscripts
Amit Popat Epic
Quorum Requirements Met: yes


Agenda Topics

  1. Agenda review
  2. Approve previous meeting minutes 2017-01-26_Patient_Care_FHIR_Call
    • Motion: Emma/Rob H
  3. Prior Action Item Follow-up
  4. gForge change request

Supporting Information

STU 3 Timeline

From FHIR_Ballot_Prep

  • Sun. Feb. 5 Ballot reconciliation deadline - All ballot comments must be reconciled, tracker issue report must be clean
  • Sun. Feb. 19 Publication substantive resource freeze
  • Sun. Feb 26 Publication total freeze
  • Mon. Feb 27 QA period opens
  • Tue. Feb 28 FMM QA spreadsheet updated for all WG resources
  • Sun. Mar. 13 QA period closes
  • Sun. Mar. 20 All QA applied

The "following week" STU 3 is published!


STU3 Action Items

16 Deferred Ballot Comments

  • GF#7185 2015May core #244 - ClinicalImpression is poorly thought out (Clem McDonald) Waiting for Input
  • GF#10387 CommunicationRequest needs ability to describe the location that the communication is about (John Moehrke)
  • GF#10621 QA 4a: Consider whether CarePlan.activity.detail.category should be bound to an external code system (Michelle Miller)
  • GF#10622 QA 4a: Consider whether Goal.category should be bound to codes from an external code system (Michelle Miller)
  • GF#10635 QA 5a: Resource references exist in both directions for Condition and ClinicalImpression (Michelle Miller) -- deferred, but asking for MnM exemption
  • GF#11026 Relationship between Condition and Observation - 2016-09 core #45 (Jay Lyle)
  • GF#11209 Feedback on ClinicalImpression - 2016-09 core #363 (Riki Merrick)
  • GF#11355 CarePlan category value set is out of date or wrong - 2016-09 core #513 (Robert McClure)
  • GF#11357 Re-use the procedure value set instead of wrapping it - 2016-09 core #515 (Robert McClure)
  • GF#11358 Should not make a new value set ehre - use the Problem value set that also includes Events and SWEC concepts. - 2016-09 core #516 (Robert McClure)
  • GF#11359 Why only one medication in an activity? And the value set is problematic (but example) - 2016-09 core #517 (Robert McClure)
  • GF#11354 Substance identified in both AllergyIntolerance.code and reaction.substance is problematic - 2016-09 core #512 (Robert McClure)
  • GF#11021 Increase cardinality of substance and make certainty relation to substance not reaction - 2016-09 core #40 (Jay Lyle)
  • GF#11023 Why isn't AllergyIntolerance.reaction an Observation? - 2016-09 core #42 (Jay Lyle)
  • GF#11173 CarePlan needs support for reviews - 2016-09 core #327 (Stephen Chu)
  • GF#11332 Acknowledge Advance Directives as type of Care Plan - 2016-09 core #490 (David Tao)

Vote to defer non-ballot comments

Motion to defer the list below: Rob/Dave: 3-0-0
Non-ballot comments related to non-priority resources (e.g. Communication, ReferralRequest, FamilyMemberHistory, ClinicalImpression, Flag)

  • GF#8782 NoKnown[X] for FamilyMemberHistory (Danielle Friend)
  • GF#10352 CHange Encounter or annd element to remove referencial limitation to on Encounters (Paul Knapp)
  • GF#10508 FamilyMemberHistory ignores events (Richard Townley-O'Neill)
  • GF#12163 Update payload URL to lead to a real file (Guillaume Rossignol)
  • GF#12167 Communication Resource need valueset for communication.category (Laura Heermann) -- QA WARNING too
  • GF#12212 Include HealthcareServce in the recipient reference types (Brian Postlethwate)
  • GF#5979 Would prefer the name for this resource to be ClinicalNote (Brian Postlethwate) Waiting for Input
  • GF#8458 Is a blood transfusion closer to a medication administration or a procedure or something else? (Daniel Lanphear) Waiting for Input
  • GF#8647 Missing codes from Flag.category valueset (Jason Mathews) Waiting for Input
  • GF#8781 FamilyMemberHistory Should be Patient not Relative Centric (Danielle Friend) Waiting for Input
  • GF#8784 Proposed History Resource (Danielle Friend) Waiting for Input
  • GF#9028 Use SCT values rather than V3 for family history relationship (Jay Lyle) Waiting for Input

TOP Priority -- AllergyIntolerance, Condition, and Procedure -- QA Warnings/Information (desire FMM = 3)

  • AllergyIntolerance
    • Rob Hausam is helping with RIM mappings (clinicalStatus and verificationStatus)
    • Rob Hausam is using data Elaine sent to see if we can curate the SNOMED CT Clinical Findings to a smaller subset. If not, then we'll update the binding for AllergyIntolerance.reaction.manifestation to use the same valueset-clinical-findings
  • Condition is clean on the QA report!
    • QA Checklist: GF#10635 QA 5a: Resource references exist in both directions for Condition and ClinicalImpression (Michelle Miller) -- deferred and asking for MnM exemption
  • Procedure is clean on the QA report!

MEDIUM Priority -- CareTeam, CarePlan, and Goal -- QA Warnings (desire FMM > 0 means we address all warnings)

  • CarePlan
    • MnM exemptions requested for element names should be singular (addresses and replaces)
  • Goal
    • MnM exemption requested for element names should be singular (addresses)
    • PCWG needs to address GF#10623
      • Rob was going to help with Goal.description - example binding to a new value set
      • - ask MnM for exemption because target detail is a choice of data types (i.e. Quantity and CodeableConcept could have different value sets) - Observation.value[x] does not show this same QA warning.

LOW Priority -- CareTeam, CarePlan, and Goal -- QA Information (desire FMM = 3 means we address all information)

  • CareTeam
    • RIM Mapping
  • Goal
    • RIM Mapping
    • QA Checklist: GF#10622 QA 4a: Consider whether Goal.category should be bound to codes from an external code system (Michelle Miller)
  • CarePlan
    • RIM Mapping
    • Examples
      • CarePlan/activity/detail/definition Path had no found values in any example. Consider reviewing the path
      • CarePlan/activity/detail/quantity Path had no found values in any example. Consider reviewing the path
      • CarePlan/activity/detail/reasonCode Path had no found values in any example. Consider reviewing the path
      • CarePlan/activity/detail/reasonReference Path had no found values in any example. Consider reviewing the path
      • CarePlan/supportingInfo Path had no found values in any example. Consider reviewing the path
    • QA Checklist: GF#10621 QA 4a: Consider whether CarePlan.activity.detail.category should be bound to an external code system (Michelle Miller)

LOW Priority -- All other resources -- QA Warnings (desire FMM > 0 means we address all warnings)

  • ClinicalImpression
    • Stephen Chu will work on examples to cover all elements
      • ClinicalImpression.action Search Parameter 'ClinicalImpression.action' had no found values in any example. Consider reviewing the expression (ClinicalImpression.action)
      • ClinicalImpression.previous Search Parameter 'ClinicalImpression.previous' had no found values in any example. Consider reviewing the expression (ClinicalImpression.previous)
    • PCWG: ClinicalImpression.code Need to provide a binding
  • Communication & CommunicationRequest
    • PCWG: category Need to provide a binding GF#12167 and GF#8564
      • Check to see if v3 has existing codes. If so, use v3. If not, then add v3 codes: alert, notification, reminder, instruction
    • PCWG: workflow could resolve GF#10293
      • A resource must have an 'entered in error' status
      • CommunicationRequest.subject Elements with name 'subject' cannot be a reference to just a patient
  • FamilyMemberHistory
    • PCWG: FamilyMemberHistory.condition.onset[x] Element has a todo associated with it (Define/find appropriate observation code.)
  • ReferralRequest
    • PCWG: Bindings/Value Sets
      • ReferralRequest.type Need to provide a binding
      • ReferralRequest.reason Need to provide a binding
      • pc:ValueSetComparison Duplicate Valueset Names: v2-0284 (v2 Referral Category) & referralcategory (ReferralCategory) (name: [referrals, categories] / [referrals, categories]))
      • pc:ValueSetComparison Duplicate Valueset Names: v2-0283 (v2 Referral Status) & referralstatus (ReferralStatus) (name: [referrals, statuses] / [referrals, statuses]))
    • PCWG: ReferralRequest.description Element has a todo associated with it (This would be a good candidate for a 'markdown' data type.)
    • Examples
      • ReferralRequest.context Search Parameter 'ReferralRequest.context' had no found values in any example. Consider reviewing the expression (ReferralRequest.context)
      • Search Parameter '' had no found values in any example. Consider reviewing the expression (ReferralRequest.groupIdentifier)
  • Linkage
    • PCWG: Linkage A resource must have an 'entered in error' status
    • PCWG: Linkage All resources should have an identifier
    • PCWG: Linkage.item Element has a todo associated with it (Make this 2..*.)

Block Vote (Thurs, Feb 2)

Non-ballot comments

  • GF#12585 Add invariant (Michelle Miller) Persuasive
  • GF#12645 CarePlan.activity.reference includes ProcessRequest (Dave Carlson) Persuasive
  • GF#12646 Add "careplan-title" extension (Dave Carlson) Persuasive with Mod
  • GF#12668 ClinFHIR: extension-condition-partof - add support for referencing Condition (Michelle Miller) Persuasive
  • GF#12669 Please add note element to careTeam (Emma Jones) Persuasive


Adjourned at .

Meeting Outcomes

Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items
  1. Agenda review
  2. Approve previous meeting minutes
    • Motion: <moved>/<seconded> Abstain - <#>, Negative - <#>, Approve - <#>
  3. gForge change request

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