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Difference between revisions of "FHIR Agenda 201701 WGM"

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(Created page with "CATEGORY:FHIR Meeting This is a list of known FHIR-related sessions happening at the January 2017 San Antonio WGM. This is the "official" list and is more up-to-date th...")
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''NOTE: This agenda is incomplete and won't be finalized until the Friday before the WGM (and may even change slightly during the meeting itself).  Most quarters will seen an increase of 2-5 sessions dealing with FHIR once work groups finalize their agendas.  To get a sense of the sorts of meetings that may happen, see the [[FHIR Agenda 201609 WGM | September 2016 agenda]]''
''NOTE: This agenda is incomplete and won't be finalized until the Friday before the WGM (and may even change slightly during the meeting itself).  Most quarters will seen an increase of 2-5 sessions dealing with FHIR once work groups finalize their agendas.  To get a sense of the sorts of meetings that may happen, see the [[FHIR Agenda 201609 WGM | September 2016 agenda]]''
=Saturday January 14=
=Saturday January 14=
==Sat Q1-Q2==
==Sat Q1-Q2==
'''Constellation CD''' - Connectathon LM, EK, GG, JM
'''Regency Ballroom West''' - FHIR Connectathon - LM, EK, GG
* See [[FHIR_Connectathon_13]]
* See [[FHIR_Connectathon_14]]
* '''Camden''' is available for break-outs
* '''Frio''' is available for break-outs
* Solution development
* Solution development
* ad-hoc testing & discussions
* ad-hoc testing & discussions
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==Sat Lunch==
==Sat Lunch==
'''Harbourview''' - Connectathon participants
'''Rio Grande Ballroom''' - FHIR Connectathon participants - LM, EK, GG
==Sat Q3-Q4==
==Sat Q3-Q4==
'''Constellation CD''' - Connectathon LM, EK, GG, JM
'''Regency Ballroom West''' - FHIR Connectathon - LM, EK, GG
* '''Camden''' is available for break-outs
* '''Frio''' is available for break-outs
* Solution development
* Solution development
* ad-hoc testing & discussions
* ad-hoc testing & discussions
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==Sat Q5==
==Sat Q5==
'''Constellation CD''' - FHIR-I co-chairs (LM, EK, GG, JM)
'''Regency Ballroom West''' - FHIR-I co-chairs - (LM, EK, GG)
* final triage, agenda for the week
* final triage, agenda for the week
=Sunday January 15=
=Sunday January 15=
==Sun Q1==
==Sun Q1==
'''Constellation CD''' - Connectathon LM, EK, GG, JM
'''Regency Ballroom West''' - FHIR Connectathon - LM, EK, GG
* '''Camden''' is available for break-outs
* '''Frio''' is available for break-outs
* Formal Testing
* Formal Testing
'''Regency Ballroom East''' - International Council Meeting - LM
==Sun Q2==
==Sun Q2==
'''Constellation CD''' - Connectathon LM, EK, GG, JM
'''Regency Ballroom West''' - FHIR Connectathon - LM, EK, GG
* Reports and presentations, discussion
* Reports and presentations, discussion
'''Constellation A''' - International Council - LM
'''Regency Ballroom East''' - International Council Meeting - LM
* FHIR Update & plans
'''Chula Vista''' - CIMI
* ''"Cram Session:" ''
** ''CDS/CQI Requirements,''
** ''SOLOR/Condition/Observation issues,''
** ''CQL implications''
==Sun Lunch==
==Sun Lunch==
'''Constellation B'''
'''Pecan'''- FMG and FGB - LM, EK, GG
* Lunch for those who registered as Sunday attendees
*Key messages/objectives for this meeting
**Mon Q5 Co-chairs meeting presentation
*Plan for Jan 2017 IG ballot publication timelines
*What are our priorities/what do we let slip?
'''Rio Grande Ballroom''' - International Council Meeting Lunch LM
'''Baltimore'''- FMG and FGB - LM, EK, GG, JM
*Observers welcome (space permitting), but observers need to look after their own lunch
*Report on ballot
*Plans and priorities for the week
* Future ballot plans (Mixed normative balloting)
==Sun Q3==
'''Maverick A&B''' - Application Implementation and Design (AID) and FHIR-I - LM, EK, GG
#    Administrative (max. 5 minutes)
#    Crucible and Synthea, Jason Walonski (Mitre, max 20 minutes)
**        Crucible – the open-source FHIR testing tool –
**        Synthea – an open-source synthetic patient generator --
* Additional presentations
'''Regency Ballroom East''' - International Council Meeting - LM
==Sun Q3==
3pm-4pm '''Bowie C'''
'''Constellation EF''' - AID - EK, JM
* First Time Attendees
* Administrative - minutes (max. 5 minutes)
** Not strictly FHIR, but may be useful to WGM first-timers
* Gil Alterovitz - FHIR Genomics Track
* Brian Postlethwait -
* Todd Cooper - FHIR Devices Track
'''Constellation C''' - Physician Informaticists - LM, GG
'''Chula Vista''' - CIMI
* Intro to FHIR for physician informaticists
* ''"Cram Session:" ''
** ''CDS/CQI Requirements,''
** ''SOLOR/Condition/Observation issues,''
** ''CQL implications''
==Sun Q4==
==Sun Q4==
'''Constellation EF''' - AID - EK, JM?
'''Maverick A&B''' - Application Implementation and Design (AID) and FHIR-I - EK
*Additional presentations
* Additional presentations
'''Constellation D''' - Update & coordination session (co-chairs & facilitators only) - EK?, LM, GG, JM?
'''Pecan''' - Update & coordination session (co-chairs & facilitators only) - LM, GG
* Ballot report and process
* Ballot report and process
* Tracker QA report
* Tracker QA report
* Using the new IG tooling
* Priorities for WGM
* Open issues
'''Chula Vista''' - CIMI
* ''"Cram Session:" ''
** ''CDS/CQI Requirements,''
** ''SOLOR/Condition/Observation issues,''
** ''CQL implications''
* First Time Attendees
** Not strictly FHIR, but may be useful to WGM first-timers
*Note: This starts at 3:00, not 3:30
==Sun Q5==
==Sun Q5==
'''Chesapeake A''' TSC - GG, LM?
* FHIR Update to TSC
==Sun Q6==
==Sun Q6==
* LM GG, EK, JM booked
* LM GG, EK booked
=Monday January 16=
=Monday January 16=
==Mon Q0==
==Mon Q0==
7am '''Frederick'''
7am '''Pecan'''- FMG - LM, EK, GG
* Informal Triage
7am '''Bowie C'''
* First Time Attendees
* First Time Attendees
** Not strictly FHIR, but may be useful to WGM first-timers
** Not strictly FHIR, but may be useful to WGM first-timers
7am '''Constellation F''': FGB (with SGB?) breakfast
* Open to observers (who happen to be morning people)
* Precepts
* Custom resources
* Other?
==Mon Q1==
'''Bowie C''' - Tutorial
* Precision Medicine via FHIR: From Design to Deployment
'''Regency East #1''' - FHIR-I LM, EK, JM, GG
* Administrivia - temporary cochairs
** Thur Q1 - Simone Heckman
** Thur Q2 - Bryn Rhodes
** Thur Q3 - Rick Geimer
* Change Requests
'''Rio Grande West''' - CGIT
* ''General Conformance Discussion''
** ''Data Type Flavors Discussion''
** ''Implementation Guide Template ''
*** ''Standardized conformance section (Boiler plate language that defines the definitions of conformance the way we want it defined. Included directly or referenced.)''
** ''Pulling out Chapter 2B. Needs a new title: HL7 V2 Conformance Model ?''
*** ''Higher level of constraint definitions that cross product families''
** ''General V2 Test Cases''
** ''Specification of Co-Constraints''
*** ''Issues associated with giving constraints on items such as Observation (OBX) segments. Every guide author is using different ways of defining the co-constraints.''
*** ''Discuss ideas about how to standardize the expression of these co-constraints.''
*** ''Asking for feedback in regards to how this is done in other standards such as V3, FHIR, etc.''
** ''Need a best-practices/recommendations for properly using conformance''
*** ''Conformance supports business requirements, business rules determine how to process receiving data''
*** ''How to handle HL7 versions you don't expect''
'''Directors''' - PA
* ''FHIR preparation processing candidate tracker items for WGM discussion''
**    ''Living situation 9235''
'''Garden Terrace #135
* ''Creation of a P.S.S. for a gap analysis between FHIR profile requirements and Template STU requirements''
* ''Creation of a gap analysis between the FHIR Repository requirements and the Templates Registry requirements (as discussed in the Templates Registry Business Process Analysis informative document) and/or other means of coordinating between these sets of requirements''
==Mon Q2==
'''Bowie C''' - Tutorial
* Precision Medicine via FHIR: From Design to Deployment
'''Mesquit''' - Pharmacy
*Prep for Clinicians on FHIR
*Ballot reconciliation
**Knowledge Base Query - reaffirmation
**US Realm Profiles
*FHIR Tracker Items (TBD)
==Mon Q1&Q2==
'''Regency East #1''' - FHIR-I LM, EK, JM, GG
'''Constellation AB''' - Plenary
* Change Requests
* No official meetings
* Planning for week
* Several of the presentations will touch on FHIR
==Mon Lunch==
==Mon Lunch==
'''Columbia''' - FMG - LM, JM, GG?
'''Regency East #2''': FGB Lunch - LM, EK, GG
* Term expirations
* Open to observers
* FMM level description changes
* Common open source governance challenges
* Tracker cutoff date for WGs
* Precepts
* Future ballot plans (Mixed normative balloting)
* Other?
* Custom resources
* Others?
'''Baltimore''' - CIMI - EK?, GG?
* Report out from Friday.
* Alignment with FHIR - how to generate a profile from an archetype. How to communicate semantic bindings for instances. Discuss possible approaches to go from CIMI Archetypes to FHIR profiles including via the use of logical profiles.
==Mon Q3==
'''Bowie B''' - Tutorial
*  Driving Health Information Exchange: Using XDS with CDA and FHIR
'''Bowie C''' - Tutorial
* Introduction to FHIR
==Mon Q3==
'''Rio Grande Center''' - FHIR-I, CDS, FM, II, MnM, OO, PC - LM, GG, EK
'''Calvert/Pratt''' - Tutorial - EH
* Workflow discussion hosted by FHIR-I
* Introduction to HL7 FHIR
'''Constellation D''' - FHIR-I, CDS, FM, II, MnM, OO, PC - LM, GG, EK
'''Frio''' - AID
* Workflow
*    ''User presentations / implementation experiences''
*    ''"AID Plan Going forward"''
**        ''Future Out Of Cycle meetings''
**      ''Working with FHIR - Sunday quarters''
*   ''Other topics''
'''Columbia''' - FHIR-I, PC - JM
'''Maverick A''' - CG
* Ballot reconciliation - Condition resource
* FHIR Connectathon Review
* Prep for Joint with FHIR
* FHIR Ballot reconciliation continued (?)
'''Frederick''' - CIMI, CIC
'''Chula Vista''' - CIMI
* CIMI FHIR profile governance - leverage across groups
* ''CIMI FHIR profile governance and coordination across groups''
** ''coordination across HL7 working Groups''
** ''coordination across international initiatives''
'''Guest Room 703''' - Pharmacy
'''Blanco''' - CBCC, Sec
* FHIR Ballot Reconciliation
*   ''FHIR Connect-a-thon Report Out/Demo(Duane DeCouteau, Mohammad Jafari): add info [Link to demo: ]''
*    ''FHIR Consent Directive work, resolution and IG creation (report out)''
*    ''Harmonization of FHIR provenance and FHIR Audit''
'''Guest Room 747''' - Templates
'''Directors''' - PA
* ''Creation of a P.S.S. for a gap analysis between FHIR profile requirements and Template STU requirements''
* Open for new proposals/Update from FHIR Connectathon
* ''Creation of a gap analysis between the FHIR Repository requirements and the Templates Registry requirements (as discussed in the Templates Registry Business Process Analysis informative document) and/or other means of coordinating between these sets of requirements''
** Introduction for Affiliation Resource proposal 10304
'''Charles''' - Vocab
'''Nueces''' - PC
*''SNOMED-FHIR binding''
* FHIR Change requests - Care Plan, Care Team, Goal
'''Annapolis''' - CG
'''Mesquit''' - Pharmacy
* FHIR Connectathon Review
*FHIR Tracker Items
* Prep for Joint with FHIR
** Medication Resource Related Changes
* FHIR Ballot reconciliation started
'''Chesapeake B''' - Attachments
* ''Debrief on FHIR Connectathon, FHIR Repository''
==Mon Q4==
==Mon Q4==
'''Calvert/Pratt''' - Tutorial - EH
'''Bowie B''' - Tutorial
* Introduction to HL7 FHIR
* Driving Health Information Exchange: Using XDS with CDA and FHIR
'''Constellation D''' - FHIR-I, CDS, FM, II, MnM, OO, PC - LM, GG
'''Bowie C''' - Tutorial
* Workflow
* Introduction to FHIR
'''Rio Grande Center''' - FHIR-I, CDS, FM, II, MnM, OO, PC - LM
* Workflow discussion hosted by FHIR-I
'''Executive Board Room''' - Education, GG
'''Maverick A''' - FHIR-I, CG - GG
* ''FHIR Certification''
'''Chesapeake A''' - FHIR-I, PHER - EK
'''Chula Vista Boardroom''' - FHIR-I, PHER - EK
* Update on Immunization Resources
* Workflow
'''Annapolis''' - FHIR-I, CG - JM
'''Blanco''' - CBCC, Sec
* ''Continuation from Q3''
'''Constellation F''' - CBCC, Sec
'''Regency East 1''' - Education
* ''FHIR Consent Directive work, resolution and IG creation (report out)''
** Certification program status and process including discussion of FHIR certification (Grahame will attend)
* ''FHIR Connect-a-thon Report Out/Demo(Duane DeCouteau, Mohammad Jafari)''
'''Guest Room 603''' - PA
'''Directors''' - PA
* Ballot reconciliation FHIR STU3 (Scheduling Resources + SOA rep)
* FHIR Provider Directory resource development
'''Guest Room 703''' - Pharmacy
'''Mesquit''' - Pharmacy
* FHIR Ballot Reconciliation
*FHIR Tracker Items
** Medication Resource Related Changes
'''Guest Room 317''' - SOA
'''Regency East #2''' - SOA
* ''Project Updates: Clinical Decision Support on FHIR, FHIR Connect-a-thon, SOA on FHIR''
* ''FHIR Connect-a-thon report''
* ''SOA on FHIR''
==Mon Q5==
==Mon Q5==
'''Constellation A B''' - Co-chair dinner - LM, GG, EK, JM
'''Regency Ballroom West''' - Co-chair dinner - LM, GG, EK?
* Anyone welcome, only co-chairs get food
* Anyone welcome, only co-chairs get food
* Organizational updates, including 5-10 minute FHIR update
* Organizational updates, including 5-10 minute FHIR update
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==Mon Q6==
==Mon Q6==
'''Constellation D''' - FTSD meeting - LM
'''TBD''' - FTSD meeting - LM
'''Hotel bar (Bistro 300)'''  20:00
'''TBD'''  20:00
* Java API users discussion - GG, JM
* Java API users discussion - GG
* .NET API users discussion - EK, BP
* .NET API users discussion - EK
=Tuesday January 17=
=Tuesday January 17=
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==Tue Q1==
==Tue Q1==
'''Calvert/Pratt''' - Tutorial - LM
'''Bowie C''' - Tutorial - LM
* FHIR Architecture
* FHIR for Architects
'''President''' - FHIR-I, PA - EK
'''Blanco''' - FHIR-I, ITS - GG
* Coordination with FHIR-I
'''Guest Room 317''' - FHIR-I, SOA - JM
* SOA specification within FHIR
'''Frederick''' - FHIR-I, ITS - GG
* ''FluentPath reconciliation''
* ''FluentPath reconciliation''
'''Guest Room 603''' - FHIR-I
'''Directors''' - FHIR-I, PA - EK
* Data Access Framework (DAF) ballot reconciliation
* Coordination with FHIR Infrastructure
** No co-chair
**    Gender vocab 10018
**   Encounter.class naming 11205
'''Constellation D''' - PC, CIMI, EC
'''Chula Vista''' - FHIR-I, SOA - JM
* Not expected to be FHIR-I
* SOA specification within FHIR
'''Constellation E''' - CQI, SD
'''Garden Terrace #123''' - II
* CDA on FHIR plans
* '' Consider project submission for RadReport / FHIR Profile mapping''
'''Guest Room 747''' - II
'''Rio Grande Center''' - PC
* ''Administration: Consider project submission for RadReport / FHIR Profile mapping
* ''FHIR/PCWG - CIMI - Skin Care model meeting. Stefan Hufnagle project CLIM''
'''Guest Room 320''' - OO
'''Frio''' - Sec
* Micro/susceptibility in FHIR
** ''    Liaison Reports: ISO, IHE, ONC (HEART)''
* Future of US Lab Realm FHIR IG
** ''    HL7 Project status and updates:''
* Time permitting "eDOS on FHIR"
*** ''      FHIR Security - AuditEvent, Provenance, Security Labels''
*** ''      FHIR Consent Directive work (with CBCC)''
'''Guest Room 703''' - Pharm
'''Mesquit''' - Pharmacy
* Update on Pharmacist Care Plan Project (Shelly Spiro)
*FHIR Tracker Items
* Preparation for Clinicians on FHIR meeting
** Medication Resource Related Changes
* FHIR Ballot Reconciliation
'''Columbia''' - Security
* ''HL7 Project status and updates:''
** ''FHIR Security - AuditEvent, Provenance, Security Labels''
** ''FHIR Consent Directive work (with CBCC)''
'''Charles''' - Vocab, EST
==Tue Q2==
* Suitability of FHIR terminology services for HL7
'''Bowie C''' - Tutorial - LM
* FHIR Terminology services issues
* FHIR for Architects
* Discussions on issues surrounding using non-HL7 vocabularies in published content
'''Constellation D''' - PC, CIC
* ''Update on Structured Data Capture project''
'''Annapolis''' - CG
* ''Presentation from Structured Data Capture (SDC)''
'''Garden Terrace #125''' - FHIR-I, INM - GG
* FHIR Messaging ballot items
* No FHIR-I co-chairs
==Tue Q2==
'''Rio Grande Center''' - FHIR-I, PC - JM
'''Calvert/Pratt''' - Tutorial - LM
* FHIR requests including updating condition scope to include concern events
* FHIR Architecture
**    GF#10090 - Condition Introduction
'''Charles''' - Pharmacy, FHIR-I - EK
'''Pecos''' - FHIR-I, Pharmacy - EK
* Coordination with FHIR-I
* Coordination with FHIR-I
'''Constellation D''' - PC, EC, FHIR-I - JM
'''Garden Terrace #129''' - CBCC
* Boundaries discussion - observation vs condition vs concern?
*   ''FHIR Consent discussion''
* Linkage - how condition can be used like HC
'''Guest Room 320''' - FHIR-I, ITS - GG
'''Maverick B''' - CGIT
* RDF FHIR syntax
*    ''Tooling (FHIR, NIST, others?)''
** ''Standing quarter to look at tooling efforts.''
** ''Agenda for demonstrations and discussion will be determined at the start of the quarter based on participants who attend. ''
'''Guest Room 318''' - FHIR-I, INM
'''Navarro''' - OO
* FHIR Messaging ballot items
* '' Various based on participating workgroups''
* No FHIR-I co-chairs
*   '' Lab IGs Ballot Reconciliation Triage / Organization / Recommendations (as time permits)''
'''Baltimore''' - CIMI
'''Directors''' - PA
* FHIR STU3 Account/BillableItem draft prep
'''Guest Room 603''' - PA
'''Chula Vista''' - SOA hosting PC, PA
*Updates from the Steering Devision
* ''Scheduling Service discussion''
*Ballot reconciliation FHIR STU3
==Tue Lunch==
==Tue Lunch==
'''Annapolis''' - FHIR Repository project - LM
'''TBD''' - FHIR Repository project - LM
* project updates & planning
* project updates & planning
'''Constellation D''' - FHIR-I, CIMI - GG, JM, EK?
'''Blanco''' - FHIR-I, CIMI - GG, JM, EK
* CIMI meeting with FHIR Core Team; terminology binding; transformation from FHIR resource instance to a SNOMED CT expression template
* CIMI FHIR profile governance & coordination across groups
==Tue Q3==
==Tue Q3==
'''Calvert/Pratt''' - Tutorial
'''Bowie C''' - Tutorial
* FHIR for Specifiers (profiling)
* FHIR for Specifiers
'''Guest Room 319''' - MnM, FHIR-I - GG, LM
* Moved to Lombard
'''Charles''' - FHIR-I - EK, JM?
'''Garden Terrace #125''' - FHIR-I - JM
* Moved to '''Lombard'''
* Infrastructure ballot reconciliation
* Infrastructure ballot reconciliation
* Data types ballot items
* Data types ballot items
* References by business identifier
* References by business identifier
'''Guest Room 319''' - RCRIM
'''Maverick B''' - FHIR-I, HSI, CDS - EK
* CANCELLED This was entered in error
* Topics = CCDA and QRDA/QUICK harmonization; Condition Status, Adverse Event, Care Plan QDM Clinical Status value set discussions
* Healthcare Standards Integration Work Group: reps invited for review of these projects: FHIR for Device Data Reporting FHIR Document Sharing Guideline Appropriate Ordering Profile IHE - Lab profile to US realm lab guides harmonization Structured Data Capture (SDC) FHIR Profile International Patient Summary Template
'''Pecos''' - FHIR-I, Vocab - GG
* Ballot reconciliation
* FHIR Vocab project - code system profile
'''Baltimore''' - CIMI
'''TBD''' - RCRIM - LM
* FHIR profile efforts (DAF, HSPC, others) - analytical coordination
'''Guest Room 503''' - CBCC, Sec
'''Garden Terrace #129''' - CBCC, Sec, MH
* FHIR Consent Directive work, resolution and IG creation (Suzanne @Security, Jim @CBCC)
* ''Tentative: (ask Graham to join/availability)''
* joint Security/CBCC prep-work for Thursday joint w/FHIR
**    ''joint Security/CBCC prep-work for Thursday joint w/FHIR* FHIR Consent discussion''
***        ''Contract Resource profile (Consent profile on the contract resource)''
**    ''New Projects?''
**    ''Harmonization of FHIR Provenance and FHIR Audit (cross-organizational exchange) - Johnathan''
***      '' socialize with EHR''
'''Guest Room 747''' - II
'''Garden Terrace #123''' - II
* FHIR Topics
*Review incoming ballot comments
**Review incoming ballot comments
*Review tracker items (including mandatory elements for ImagingStudy)
**Review tracker items (including mandatory elements for ImagingStudy)
*HL7-DICOM mappings (i.e., Patient, Practitioner)
**Review the Diagnostic Module -
**HL7-DICOM mappings (i.e., Patient, Practitioner)
'''President''' - ITS
'''Navarro''' - OO
* FluentPath reconciliation carry-over, administration
* FHIR Tracker
** Request Patterns
** Statuses
'''Guest Room 603''' - PA
'''Rio Grande Center''' - PC
*FHIR STU3 Account prep
* FHIR Care Team value sets as part of ONC Care Coordination
* Tracker items
'''Guest Room 703''' - Pharm
'''Mesquit''' - Pharmacy, FHIR-I - EK
* FHIR Ballot Reconciliation
* FHIR tracker items
'''Constellation D''' - PC, CQI, CDS, RCRIM
'''Chula Vista''' - SOA, PA
* CQI and CDS - Condition Status, Allergy Intolerance and Care Plan  QDM
* Scheduling Service Work Session
RCRIM - Adverse event
==Tue Q4==
==Tue Q4==
'''Calvert/Pratt''' - Tutorial
'''Bowie C''' - Tutorial
* FHIR for Specifiers (profiling)
* FHIR for Specifiers
'''Guest Room 318''' - InM, ITS, FHIR-I - EK
'''Blanco''' - FHIR-I, CBCC - JM
* MessageHeader Change requests
* QA targets
'''Constellation D''' - PC, CIMI, EC, Vocab, FHIR-I, OO, Pharm - LM
'''Rio Grande Center''' - FHIR-I, PC, CIMI, EC, Vocab - LM
* Negation modelling & vocab discussions
* Negation + other topics;
'''Constellation D''' - SD, FHIR-I - GG
'''Garden Terrace #133''' - FHIR-I, InM, ITS, - EK
* Work on Message resource maturity
'''Rio Grande West''' - SD, FHIR-I - GG
* C-CDA on FHIR ballot reconciliation (SDWG co-chairs)
* C-CDA on FHIR ballot reconciliation (SDWG co-chairs)
* Composition resource reconciliation (SDWG co-chairs)
* Composition resource reconciliation (SDWG co-chairs)
'''Guest Room 703''' - FHIR-I - JM
'''Garden Terrace #123''' - II
* Infrastructure ballot reconciliation
*  ''Continue FHIR topics''
*  ''MHD-I discussion''
*   '' DICOM thumbnails''
'''President''' - CQI
'''Navarro''' - OO
* CQF on FHIR (Clinical Reasoning)
* FHIR Tracker
* OO FHIR Vital Signs LOINC Proposal 2016-11-17-1616
'''Charles''' - PHER, Pharm
'''Chula Vista Boardroom''' - PHER, Pharmacy
* FHIR Resources/Profiles for Immunizations
*FHIR Resources/Profiles
'''Columbia''' - Sec
*FHIR AuditEvent, Provenance Resource
*Outstanding CP Review
*Front Matter Documentation updates
*Vocabulary binding to v.3 and FHIR value sets
'''Guest Room 317''' - SOA
* ''Ordering Service Discussion - relationship to FHIR workflow activities''
==Tue Q5==
==Tue Q5==
'''Pratt Street Ale House''' - Corepoint Party
'''The Yard House'''
* Come eat Dave's food, drink Dave's beer and talk FHIR with someone you haven't met before . . .
* Corepoint Party
** Eat Dave's food, drink Dave's beer and talk about FHIR with someone new
==Tue Q6==
==Tue Q6==
* new API facility - data element collections
=Wednesday January 18=
=Wednesday January 18=
==Wed Q1==
==Wed Q1==
'''Calvert/Pratt''' - Tutorial
'''Bowie C''' - Tutorial
* Introduction to FHIR Development DH
* Introduction to FHIR Development
'''Columbia''' - MnM, Vocab, FHIR-I - LM, GG
'''Regency Ease #1''' - PC - LM
* Vocab FHIR tracker items
* PCWG-FHIR trackers for clinical resources - Procedure and applying workflow patterns
'''Guest Room 503''' - FHIR-I - EK
* Infrastructure ballot reconciliation
'''Pices''' - FHIR-I - JM
'''Pecos''' - FHIR-I, Vocab, MnM - GG, LM
* Data Access Framework (DAF) ballot reconciliation
'''Constellation C''' - FHIR-I, EHR, CBCC, Sec
'''Rio Grande East''' - FHIR-I, EHR, CBCC, Sec, SOA - EK
* FHIR Connectathon - Security WG is providing a VA hosted DSTU3 FHIR Server with SLS/PPS supported natively. The servers labels out-going data on a dynamic per-request basis labeling at resource level and providing high-water mark to resource bundle. It uses a limited set of clinical sensitivity and organizational policyset.
*   VA Cascading OAuth Server Connectathon report out - Duane Decouteau and Mohammad Jafari
* Security WG FHIR STU3 Server
*    Lifecycle Vocabulary Discussion - Harmonization of HL7 and ISO concepts - Mike Davis and Reed Gelzer
* No FHIR-I co-chairs
*   PASS Security Labeling Service v-next - Diana Proud-Madruga
* WG Reports
** Behavioral Health FP R2?
** EHR Record Lifecycle Events on FHIR IG (STU-3)
** FHIR Connectathon Infrastructure Track
** Test script development
* FHIR Connect-a-thon (Duane/Mohammad)
**    Harmonization of FHIR Provenance and FHIR Audit (cross-organizational exchange) - Mike
***        socialize with EHR
'''Constellation F''' - CDS, CQI, CIMI
'''Garden Terrace #125''' - FHIR-I - JM
* Data Model - FHIR Quality Logical View / QUICK / CIMI
* QICore ballot reconciliation
'''Constellation F''' - CIMI, CQI, CDS
'''Blanco''' - FM
* (including DAF): Discuss how a number of current initatives such as CQF and DAF can align at the logical model level and how corresponding DAF and QICore profiles are to be generated from the CIMI logical model.
* ''FM FHIR Work Session''
* HL7 FHIR Profile: Quality R1
**  '' FM FHIR Overview for new attendees''
**  '' FHIR Connectathon - FM Track Review''
'''Guest Room 320''' - FM
'''Directors''' - PA
* FM FHIR Overview for new attendees
* FHIR STU3 resource work
* FHIR Connectathon - FM Track Review
'''Guest Room 603''' - PA
*FHIR discussion on Practitioner, Location and Provider directory resources
'''Anapolis''' - CG
* ''Family History''
* ''Prep for Clinical connectathon''
==Wed Q2==
==Wed Q2==
'''Calvert/Pratt''' - Tutorial
'''Bowie C''' - Tutorial
* Introduction to FHIR Development - DH
* Introduction to FHIR Development
'''Constellation F''' - MnM/Vocab - LM
* Harmonization processes
'''Charles''' - FHIR-I - GG, EK, JM
'''Garden Terrace #125''' - FHIR-I - GG, EK, JM
* Infrastructure ballot reconciliation
* Tracker items
'''Baltimore''' - CDS
'''Pecos''' - Vocab, MnM - LM
* Connect-a-thon Updates
* Vocab tooling
* Jan ballot planning and review of expiring specifications/action plan
* Comments on ONC 2017 Interoperability Stanards Advisory Draft
* CQF on FHIR ballot reconciliation (CDS aspects)
'''President''' - CQI
'''Nueces''' - CIMI
* Continue ballot reconciliation of QRDA I, QRDA III, CQF on FHIR
* ''@ CIC: Next steps for integrating the Data Elements into CIMI models;''
* ''How to support DE->FHIR project''
'''Guest Room 320''' - FM
'''Blanco''' - FM
*Review FM FHIR Tracker Issues
* Review FM FHIR Tracker Issues
'''Guest Room 603''' - PA, PC
'''Navarro''' - OO
* Episode of Care, Care Team
* ''Specimen Resource - Eric to prep Tracker items''
* ''Various topics based on participating workgroups''
* ''FHIR Tracker (if time permits)''
* ''AP on FHIR Diagnostic Report approach''
'''Chesapeake A''' - MH
'''Directors''' - PA
* ''FHIRframe Project''
* FHIR STU3 PA Resources . PC representative will join - PractitionerRole separation, CareTeam, EpisodeOfCare discussions
** Location-specific practitioner contact info 9622
==Wed Lunch==
==Wed Lunch==
'''Frederick''' PC, FHIR-I - EK, JM, LM, GG
'''Blanco''' - FHIR-I,PC - EK, JM, LM, GG
* Clinicians on FHIR Prep
* Clinician-On-FHIR Preperation meeting
==Wed Q3==
==Wed Q3==
'''Calvert/Pratt''' - Tutorial
'''Bowie C''' - Tutorial
* Understanding and Using Terminology in HL7 FHIR
* Understanding and Using Terminology in HL7 FHIR
'''Frederick''' - CGIT, Templates, FHIR-I - EK
'''Regency East #2''' - FHIR-I, CGIT, Temp - EK
* Ballot reconciliation
* FHIR discussions
* FHIR discussions
* Implementation Guide
*Implementation Guide
* Conformance Rules
*Conformance Rules
* Other items...
** Vocab Binding
* Vocab Binding
** Constraints in FHIR Profiles and IGs
* Constraints in FHIR Profiles and IG's
** FHIR Profiles (Transition from CDA Templates to FHIR Resources/Profiles)
* FHIR Profiles (Transition from CDA Templates to FHIR Resources/Profiles)
** Other items...
'''Llano''' - FHIR-I, MnM - LM
'''Charles''' - FM, FHIR-I - GG
'''Rio Grande Center''' - FHIR-I, PC, CDS, CQI, OO, RCRIM - JM
* Ballot reconciliation
* Proposed Topics:
* Review FM FHIR Tracker Issues
**    Negation
**    Care Plan
*    Order Catalog
*   FHIR Tracker
*    V2.9 Ballot Reconciliation (if time permits)
*    Lab IGs Ballot Reconciliation Triage / Organization / Recommendations (as time permits)
*  Adverse Event (RCRIM)
'''Constellation D''' - PC, OO, CQI, CDS, EC, RCRIM, FHIR-I- LM
* Order sets/PlanDefinition
* Negation
* "eDOS on FHIR"
'''Constellation F''' - Security, CBCC, FHIR-I - JM
'''Rio Grande West''' - FHIR-I, Sec - GG
* Review of all FHIR Security and Consent related guidance to ensure alignment with Security and CBCC WG positions FHIR STU3 Security and Privacy Module as this material was not previously reviewed or approved by the WGs.
* FHIR Security, Privacy, Consent, Trust, Provenance and AuditEvent Module Development
* FHIR Security Label Guidance - Align with HCS, co-occurrence constraint on Confidentiality, include trust and integrity security label vocabulary
* FHIR Privacy Impact and Security Risk Assessments
**For Infrastructure - e.g., versioning, updates, history and impact on persistence of security labels if required by policy
**By Resources - optional Privacy and Security Notes
'''Guest Room 747'''
'''Blanco''' - FM
* ''Review deletion behaviors in relation to IOCM, FHIR, DICOMweb, XDS/MHD and XDS-I/MHD-I''
* FM FHIR Overview for new attendees
* FHIR Connectathon - FM Track Review
'''Guest Room 603''' - PA
'''Garden Terrace #123''' - II
* Ballot reconciliation FHIR STU3
* ''Review FHIR-I discussion topics for the afternoon''
'''Guest Room 703''' - Pharm
'''Directors''' - PA
* SDWG Reps joining - Topics TBC
* FHIR STU3 resources''
* FHIR Ballot Reconciliation
**    Person vs. Individual 9893
* Pharmacy FHIR Work
**  Arrival date/time on Encounter 9276
'''Guest Room 317'''
'''Mesquit''' - Pharmacy
* Refresh of Service Functional Model specification process in the world of FHIR
* FHIR Tracker items
==Wed Q4==
==Wed Q4==
'''Calvert/Pratt''' - Tutorial
'''Bowie C''' - Tutorial
* Understanding and Using Terminology in HL7 FHIR
* Understanding and Using Terminology in HL7 FHIR
'''Charles''' - FHIR-I - LM (missing 1st 15), GG, JM
'''Blanco''' - FHIR-I, FM - LM
* Infrastructure ballot reconciliation
* FM v2 & FHIR Work Session
**    New FHIR work - Account and Billing
'''Baltimore''' - II - EK
**   FM FHIR Accounting and Billing Data Elements for Anesthesia
* Workflow update
* HL7-DICOM mappings (i.e., Patient, Practitioner) - discuss how to handle unambiguous mappings with FHIR-I
'''Constellation D''' - PC
'''Garden Terrace #123''' - FHIR-I, II - EK
* FHIR clinical resources ballot reconciliation
* Workflow update
'''Guest Room 317'''
'''Rio Grande Center''' - FHIR-I, PC - JM
* Refresh of Service Functional Model specification process in the world of FHIR
* Allergy/Intolerance topic meeting
* Medication value set subproject
* Food substance value set subproject
'''Constellation F''' - CDS, CQI, CIMI - GG
'''Directors''' - PA
* CIMI may not be able to join
* ''FHIR STU3 resources''
* QICore ballot reconciliation and CIMI-based data modeling
* CQF on FHIR ballot reconciliation
* Potentially discuss ActivityDefinition usage and/or Pharmacy
'''Guest Room 747''' - FM
'''Mesquit''' - Pharmacy, FHIR-I - EK
* New FHIR work - Account and Billing
*Overview of Infoway MedicationRequest profiles and extensions (Jean Duteau) - 30 minutes
* FM FHIR Accounting and Billing Data Elements for Anesthesia
*FHIR Tracker Items
'''Frederick''' - OO
'''Pecos''' - Vocab
* ''Structured Data Capture Update''
* Structured Data Capture update
'''Guest Room 603''' - PA
* Ballot reconciliation FHIR STU3
'''Guest Room 703''' - Pharm - LM (first 15)
* Meeting with CDS - DosageInstruction and DispenseRequest
* FHIR Ballot Reconciliation
* Pharmacy FHIR Work
==Wed Q5==
==Wed Q5==
'''Constellation A B''' - HL7 Reception
'''Regency Ballroom West'''
* Enjoy drinks, snacks and music while talking about FHIR
* Networking Reception
==Wed Q6==
==Wed Q6==
*Module table organization (homepage)
=Thursday January 19=
=Thursday January 19=
Line 561: Line 606:
==Thur Q1==
==Thur Q1==
'''Calvert/Pratt''' - Tutorial
'''Bowie C''' - Tutorial
* Precision Medicine via FHIR: From Design to Deployment
* C-CDA on FHIR  
'''Frederick''' - Security, CBCC, FHIR-I - GG
'''Seguin''' - FHIR-I, Dev - SH
* FHIR Consent Profile - Discussion (CBCC-Security)
* FHIR Connectathon Privacy and Security testing scenarios
'''Annapolis''' - Devices, FHIR-I - EK
'''Rio Grande Center''' - FHIR-I, PC, CH, LHS - LM
* ballot reconciliation
*Care Plan -invite FHIR, Structured Docs, Pharmacy
*HL7 C-CDA 2.1 Care Plan Document Template - Lisa Nelson
* HL7 Care Plan Domain Analysis Model/FHIR Harmonization - Laura Heermann/EMma Jones
* HL7 Care Coordination Services (CCS) functional model - LH/EJ
* HL7 CDA R2 Personal Advanced Care Plan Document - Lisa Nelson
* HL7 FHIR Care Plan Resource - LH/EJ
* IHE PCC Dynamic Care Planning Profile- EJ
* IHE QRPH Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Plan of Care- Lisa Nelson
*  HL7 Clinical Oncology Treatment Plan and Summary - Jeff Brown
* NCPDP/HL7 Pharmacist Care Plan - Shelly Spiro
* Care team members definition update (Laura/Emma)
* Child special needs Care Plan/Care Team Implementations
* Check the minutes ....
'''Constellation D''' - PC, SD, Pharm, FHIR-I - LM
'''Rio Grande West''' - FHIR-I, Sec, CBCC - EK
* Pharmacy Care Plan - PSS (Shelly Spiro)
* TENTATIVE: FHIR Consent Profile - Discussion (CBCC-Security) see Wiki: [ HL7 FHIR Consent Directive Project]
* C-CDA on FHIR: care plan template (Rick Geimer)
*   Discussion of STU3 Ballot for Provenance and AuditEvent
* C-CDA - clinical oncology treatment plan (Jeff Brown)
*   Report out on Security and CBCC Module Page updates
* HL7 Care Plan model - FHIR - C-CDA harmonization (Laura/Emma/Lisa Nelson)
* CCS update (Emma)
* Care team members definition update (Laura/Emma)
'''Chesapeake A''' - FHIR-I, Vocab, CGIT, InM - GG
'''Rio Grande East''' - EHR, PHER
* ballot reconciliation
* ''FHIR Infrastructure Certification''
'''Baltimore''' - CDS
'''Navarro''' - OO, Temp
* OO invited reps
* Order Service Update
* CQF on FHIR ballot reconciliation
* FHIR Tracker Items
'''Guest Room 703''' - Pharm
'''Mesquit''' - Pharmacy
* FHIR Ballot Reconciliation
*Update from IHE Pharmacy (Michael Tan)
* Pharmacy FHIR Work
*FHIR Tracker Items
==Thur Q2==
==Thur Q2==
'''Calvert/Pratt''' - Tutorial
'''Bowie C''' - Tutorial
* Precision Medicine via FHIR: From Design to Deployment
* C-CDA on FHIR  
'''Guest Room 603''' - MnM, FHIR-I - LM
'''Rio Grande West''' - FHIR-I, CQI, CDS - BR
* Methodology ballot reconciliation
* Proposed Topics:
* Quality Criteria for conformance resources
**    CQL-based HQMF ballot reconciliation
**    CDS expressed interest in other topics during this quarter.
'''Columbia''' - OO, FHIR-I - GG
'''Llano''' - FHIR-I, MnM - LM
* FHIR Planning
* FHIR Ballot Reconciliation
'''Constellation F''' - CDS, CQI, FHIR-I - JM
'''Navarro''' - FHIR-I, OO - EK
* HL7 Cross-Paradigm Specification: Neutral Mapping Notation, Release 1 (aka FluentPath)
*   Order Catalog
* CQF on FHIR, including ServiceDefinition
*   FHIR Planning
* FHIR 3.0 Specifications
*   FHIR Tracker
* Other proposed topics: QICore ballot reconciliation, FHIR-based Infobutton
'''Constellation D''' - PC, SD, Templates, FHIR-I - EK??
'''Directors''' - FM, PA
* Structured Doc/CDA update (SDWG co-chairs)
* ''FM Joint with PA''
* Clinical status vs Act
** ''    Current FHIR Activities Updates''
** ''  Discuss Alignment of C-CDA Payer section and the FM FHIR Resources''
'''President''' - PA, FM
'''Mesquit''' - Pharmacy
*Current FHIR Activities Updates
*FHIR Tracker Items
*Discuss Alignment of C-CDA Payer section and the FM FHIR Resources
'''Guest Room 703''' - Pharm
* FHIR Ballot Reconciliation
* Pharmacy FHIR Work
==Thur Lunch==
'''Regency East #2'''
* US Realm IG reconciliation & planning
==Thur Lunch==
'''Constellation F''' - US Realm Steering Commmittee
* Discuss renaming DAF-core to US Core at approximately 1 PM
* Review and vote on US Realm extension process
==Thur Q3==
==Thur Q3==
'''Constellation F''' - CDS, CQI, FHIR-I - LM, JM
'''Rio Grande West''' - FHIR-I, CQI, CDS - EK
* CQF on FHIR and QICore ballot reconciliation
* Proposed Topics: TBD
* CIMI-based CQF/FHIR data modeling
* HL7 Cross-Paradigm Specification: Neutral Mapping Notation, Release 1 (aka FluentPath)
* CQF on FHIR, including ServiceDefinition
* FHIR 3.0 Specifications
'''Frederick''' - SD, FHIR-I - GG
'''Live Oak''' - FHIR-I, PC - LM
* C-CDA on FHIR ballot reconciliation (SDWG co-chairs)
* FHIR Ballot Reconciliation - ClinicalImpression, CommunicationRequest (and possibly OO joint discussion on Condition/Observation and ProcedureRequest/DiagnosticRequest)
* Composition resource reconciliation (SDWG co-chairs)
'''Annapolis''' - FHIR-I, PC, OO, CS - EK??
'''Regency East #3''' - FHIR-I, SD - RG
* Assessment scale
* ''FHIR - AllergyIntolerance resource''
'''Guest Room 317''' - ARB
'''Directors''' - PA
* ''Occupational Data for Health Elements and Structure in HL7 V2 Messaging and FHIR''
* ''FHIR - representative from PC will join''
'''President''' - PA
'''TBD''' - Sec
*FHIR - representative from PC will join
* ''Security WG Project Meeting''
** ''    FHIR Documentation Writing Session''
<strike>'''Guest Room 703''' - Pharm</strike>
'''Mesquit''' - Pharmacy
<strike>* FHIR Ballot Reconciliation</strike>
*FHIR Tracker Items
<strike>* Pharmacy FHIR Work</strike> (Pharm cancelled Thurs Q3/Q4 during planning)
==Thur Q4==
==Thur Q4==
'''Charles'''(moved from Guest Room 317) - FMG+FGB - LM, EK, JM, GG
'''Regency East #2''' - FGB, FMG - LM, EK, JM
* Ballot reconciliation and publication planning
'''Baltimore''' - CDS
'''Blanco''' - CIMI
* Likely cancel
* ''Datatypes: Harmonization with FHIR, 13606''
'''Annapolis''' - OO
'''Directors''' - PA
* FHIR Ballot Reconciliation
* ''Wrap up''
** ''    Approve next ballot''
** ''    FHIR Planning''
** ''  Address PBX matrix''
** ''  Work Group Health''
** ''  3 year work plan ''
'''Live Oak''' - PC
* ''Dynamic Care Planning and Dynamic Care Team Management FHIR Profile and other interoperability related projects''
'''President''' - PA
'''Mesquit''' - Pharmacy
* ''FHIR Planning'' - Cancelled
*FHIR Tracker Items
<strike>'''Guest Room 703''' - Pharm </strike>
<strike>* FHIR Ballot Reconciliation </strike>
<strike>* Pharmacy FHIR Work </strike> (Pharm cancelled Thurs Q3/Q4 during planning)
'''Guest Room 320''' - Vocab
'''Constellation D''' - PC
* Dynamic Care Planning FHIR Implementation
* Laura to invite HSI to join this meeting
==Thur Q5==
==Thur Q5==
'''Columbia''' - MnM, Vocab - LM, GG, JM, EK
'''Regency East #2''' - FHIR-I, MnM, Vocab - LM, EK
* Facilitator's Roundtable
* Facilitator's Roundtable
==Thur Q6==
==Thur Q6==
'''Columbia''' - LM, GG, EK, JM?
* Snapshot generation reconciliation + validation issues
=Friday January 20=
=Friday January 20=
==Fri Q0==
==Fri Q0==
'''Harborview''' - Testing (7:30am)
* production testing
* the TestScript resource
* the TestReport resource
==Fri Q1==
==Fri Q1==
'''Chesapeake A B''' - Clinicians on FHIR - LM, EK, JM, GG
'''Regency East #1''' - Clinicians on FHIR - LM, EK, JM
* Orientation and data entry
* Orientation and data entry
'''Frio''' - OO
* ''Until we run out of quorum or co-chairs.''
**    ''FHIR Tracker''
**    ''V2.9 Ballot Reconciliation (if time permits)''
**    ''Lab IGs Ballot Reconciliation Triage / Organization / Recommendations (as time permits)''
==Fri Q2-Q3==
==Fri Q2-Q3==
'''Chesapeake A B''' - Clinicians on FHIR - LM, EK, JM, GG
'''Regency East #1''' - Clinicians on FHIR - LM, EK, JM, GG
* Continued data entry, review
* Continued data entry, review
=Work Group Abbreviations=
=Work Group Abbreviations=
* AID - Application Implementation & Design
* AID - Application Implementation & Design

Revision as of 01:45, 15 January 2017

This is a list of known FHIR-related sessions happening at the January 2017 San Antonio WGM.

This is the "official" list and is more up-to-date than the on-site guide, so please consider this your primary source for FHIR-related information. If you're aware of other FHIR-related activities happening or planned schedules change through-out the week, *please* update this list. Also, feel free to fill in more detailed agenda topics.

Note that some quarters are completely dedicated to FHIR. Others may only deal with FHIR for part of the session or briefly. Non-dedicated sessions (where known) are included in italics.

For those new to HL7, Quarters are as follows: Q0=breakfast, Q1=9-10:30, Q2=11:00-12:30, lunch=12:30-1:45, Q3=1:45-3:00, Q4=3:30-5, Q5=dinner time (5:15-7ish), Q6=after dinner until 8:30-9, Q7=late night discussions until everyone crashes

To keep this page easy to use, meetings on days that have already occurred are "commented out". (You can see them by editing or viewing history)

Most FHIR sessions are occurring as part of regular committee work, though some are FHIR-only ("FHIR Infrastructure"). You can find a list of #Work Group Abbreviations at the bottom. If you have questions, pop them on, the FHIR list or send an email to

NOTE: This agenda is incomplete and won't be finalized until the Friday before the WGM (and may even change slightly during the meeting itself). Most quarters will seen an increase of 2-5 sessions dealing with FHIR once work groups finalize their agendas. To get a sense of the sorts of meetings that may happen, see the September 2016 agenda

Saturday January 14

Sat Q1-Q2

Regency Ballroom West - FHIR Connectathon - LM, EK, GG

  • See FHIR_Connectathon_14
  • Frio is available for break-outs
  • Solution development
  • ad-hoc testing & discussions

Sat Lunch

Rio Grande Ballroom - FHIR Connectathon participants - LM, EK, GG

Sat Q3-Q4

Regency Ballroom West - FHIR Connectathon - LM, EK, GG

  • Frio is available for break-outs
  • Solution development
  • ad-hoc testing & discussions
  • Note: while the official end time is 5pm, we're allowed to keep working longer if we wish

Sat Q5

Regency Ballroom West - FHIR-I co-chairs - (LM, EK, GG)

  • final triage, agenda for the week

Sunday January 15

Sun Q1

Regency Ballroom West - FHIR Connectathon - LM, EK, GG

  • Frio is available for break-outs
  • Formal Testing

Regency Ballroom East - International Council Meeting - LM

Sun Q2

Regency Ballroom West - FHIR Connectathon - LM, EK, GG

  • Reports and presentations, discussion

Regency Ballroom East - International Council Meeting - LM

Chula Vista - CIMI

  • "Cram Session:"
    • CDS/CQI Requirements,
    • SOLOR/Condition/Observation issues,
    • CQL implications

Sun Lunch

Pecan- FMG and FGB - LM, EK, GG

  • Key messages/objectives for this meeting
    • Mon Q5 Co-chairs meeting presentation
  • Plan for Jan 2017 IG ballot publication timelines
  • What are our priorities/what do we let slip?

Rio Grande Ballroom - International Council Meeting Lunch LM

Sun Q3

Maverick A&B - Application Implementation and Design (AID) and FHIR-I - LM, EK, GG

  1. Administrative (max. 5 minutes)
  2. Crucible and Synthea, Jason Walonski (Mitre, max 20 minutes)

Regency Ballroom East - International Council Meeting - LM

3pm-4pm Bowie C

  • First Time Attendees
    • Not strictly FHIR, but may be useful to WGM first-timers

Chula Vista - CIMI

  • "Cram Session:"
    • CDS/CQI Requirements,
    • SOLOR/Condition/Observation issues,
    • CQL implications

Sun Q4

Maverick A&B - Application Implementation and Design (AID) and FHIR-I - EK

  • Additional presentations

Pecan - Update & coordination session (co-chairs & facilitators only) - LM, GG

  • Ballot report and process
  • Tracker QA report
  • Priorities for WGM
  • Open issues

Chula Vista - CIMI

  • "Cram Session:"
    • CDS/CQI Requirements,
    • SOLOR/Condition/Observation issues,
    • CQL implications

Sun Q5

Sun Q6

  • LM GG, EK booked

Monday January 16

Mon Q0

7am Pecan- FMG - LM, EK, GG

  • Informal Triage

7am Bowie C

  • First Time Attendees
    • Not strictly FHIR, but may be useful to WGM first-timers

Mon Q1

Bowie C - Tutorial

  • Precision Medicine via FHIR: From Design to Deployment

Regency East #1 - FHIR-I LM, EK, JM, GG

  • Administrivia - temporary cochairs
    • Thur Q1 - Simone Heckman
    • Thur Q2 - Bryn Rhodes
    • Thur Q3 - Rick Geimer
  • Change Requests

Rio Grande West - CGIT

  • General Conformance Discussion
    • Data Type Flavors Discussion
    • Implementation Guide Template
      • Standardized conformance section (Boiler plate language that defines the definitions of conformance the way we want it defined. Included directly or referenced.)
    • Pulling out Chapter 2B. Needs a new title: HL7 V2 Conformance Model ?
      • Higher level of constraint definitions that cross product families
    • General V2 Test Cases
    • Specification of Co-Constraints
      • Issues associated with giving constraints on items such as Observation (OBX) segments. Every guide author is using different ways of defining the co-constraints.
      • Discuss ideas about how to standardize the expression of these co-constraints.
      • Asking for feedback in regards to how this is done in other standards such as V3, FHIR, etc.
    • Need a best-practices/recommendations for properly using conformance
      • Conformance supports business requirements, business rules determine how to process receiving data
      • How to handle HL7 versions you don't expect

Directors - PA

  • FHIR preparation processing candidate tracker items for WGM discussion
    • Living situation 9235

Garden Terrace #135

  • Creation of a P.S.S. for a gap analysis between FHIR profile requirements and Template STU requirements
  • Creation of a gap analysis between the FHIR Repository requirements and the Templates Registry requirements (as discussed in the Templates Registry Business Process Analysis informative document) and/or other means of coordinating between these sets of requirements

Mon Q2

Bowie C - Tutorial

  • Precision Medicine via FHIR: From Design to Deployment

Mesquit - Pharmacy

  • Prep for Clinicians on FHIR
  • Ballot reconciliation
    • Knowledge Base Query - reaffirmation
    • US Realm Profiles
  • FHIR Tracker Items (TBD)

Regency East #1 - FHIR-I LM, EK, JM, GG

  • Change Requests

Mon Lunch

Regency East #2: FGB Lunch - LM, EK, GG

  • Open to observers
  • Common open source governance challenges
  • Precepts
  • Other?

Mon Q3

Bowie B - Tutorial

  • Driving Health Information Exchange: Using XDS with CDA and FHIR

Bowie C - Tutorial

  • Introduction to FHIR

Rio Grande Center - FHIR-I, CDS, FM, II, MnM, OO, PC - LM, GG, EK

  • Workflow discussion hosted by FHIR-I

Frio - AID

  • User presentations / implementation experiences
  • "AID Plan Going forward"
    • Future Out Of Cycle meetings
    • Working with FHIR - Sunday quarters
  • Other topics

Maverick A - CG

  • FHIR Connectathon Review
  • Prep for Joint with FHIR
  • FHIR Ballot reconciliation continued (?)

Chula Vista - CIMI

  • CIMI FHIR profile governance and coordination across groups
    • coordination across HL7 working Groups
    • coordination across international initiatives

Blanco - CBCC, Sec

  • FHIR Connect-a-thon Report Out/Demo(Duane DeCouteau, Mohammad Jafari): add info [Link to demo: ]
  • FHIR Consent Directive work, resolution and IG creation (report out)
  • Harmonization of FHIR provenance and FHIR Audit

Directors - PA

  • Open for new proposals/Update from FHIR Connectathon
    • Introduction for Affiliation Resource proposal 10304

Nueces - PC

  • FHIR Change requests - Care Plan, Care Team, Goal

Mesquit - Pharmacy

  • FHIR Tracker Items
    • Medication Resource Related Changes

Mon Q4

Bowie B - Tutorial

  • Driving Health Information Exchange: Using XDS with CDA and FHIR

Bowie C - Tutorial

  • Introduction to FHIR

Rio Grande Center - FHIR-I, CDS, FM, II, MnM, OO, PC - LM

  • Workflow discussion hosted by FHIR-I

Maverick A - FHIR-I, CG - GG

Chula Vista Boardroom - FHIR-I, PHER - EK

  • Workflow

Blanco - CBCC, Sec

  • Continuation from Q3

Regency East 1 - Education

    • Certification program status and process including discussion of FHIR certification (Grahame will attend)

Directors - PA

  • FHIR Provider Directory resource development

Mesquit - Pharmacy

  • FHIR Tracker Items
    • Medication Resource Related Changes

Regency East #2 - SOA

  • FHIR Connect-a-thon report
  • SOA on FHIR

Mon Q5

Regency Ballroom West - Co-chair dinner - LM, GG, EK?

  • Anyone welcome, only co-chairs get food
  • Organizational updates, including 5-10 minute FHIR update

Mon Q6

TBD - FTSD meeting - LM

  • TBD

TBD 20:00

  • Java API users discussion - GG
  • .NET API users discussion - EK

Tuesday January 17

Tue Q0

Tue Q1

Bowie C - Tutorial - LM

  • FHIR for Architects

Blanco - FHIR-I, ITS - GG

  • FluentPath reconciliation

Directors - FHIR-I, PA - EK

  • Coordination with FHIR Infrastructure
    • Gender vocab 10018
    • Encounter.class naming 11205

Chula Vista - FHIR-I, SOA - JM

  • SOA specification within FHIR

Garden Terrace #123 - II

  • Consider project submission for RadReport / FHIR Profile mapping

Rio Grande Center - PC

  • FHIR/PCWG - CIMI - Skin Care model meeting. Stefan Hufnagle project CLIM

Frio - Sec

    • Liaison Reports: ISO, IHE, ONC (HEART)
    • HL7 Project status and updates:
      • FHIR Security - AuditEvent, Provenance, Security Labels
      • FHIR Consent Directive work (with CBCC)

Mesquit - Pharmacy

  • FHIR Tracker Items
    • Medication Resource Related Changes

Tue Q2

Bowie C - Tutorial - LM

  • FHIR for Architects

Garden Terrace #125 - FHIR-I, INM - GG

  • FHIR Messaging ballot items
  • No FHIR-I co-chairs

Rio Grande Center - FHIR-I, PC - JM

  • FHIR requests including updating condition scope to include concern events
    • GF#10090 - Condition Introduction

Pecos - FHIR-I, Pharmacy - EK

  • Coordination with FHIR-I

Garden Terrace #129 - CBCC

  • FHIR Consent discussion

Maverick B - CGIT

  • Tooling (FHIR, NIST, others?)
    • Standing quarter to look at tooling efforts.
    • Agenda for demonstrations and discussion will be determined at the start of the quarter based on participants who attend.

Navarro - OO

  • Various based on participating workgroups
  • Lab IGs Ballot Reconciliation Triage / Organization / Recommendations (as time permits)

Directors - PA

  • FHIR STU3 Account/BillableItem draft prep

Chula Vista - SOA hosting PC, PA

  • Scheduling Service discussion

Tue Lunch

TBD - FHIR Repository project - LM

  • project updates & planning

Blanco - FHIR-I, CIMI - GG, JM, EK

  • CIMI FHIR profile governance & coordination across groups

Tue Q3

Bowie C - Tutorial

  • FHIR for Specifiers

Garden Terrace #125 - FHIR-I - JM

  • Infrastructure ballot reconciliation
  • Data types ballot items
  • References by business identifier

Maverick B - FHIR-I, HSI, CDS - EK

  • Topics = CCDA and QRDA/QUICK harmonization; Condition Status, Adverse Event, Care Plan QDM Clinical Status value set discussions
  • Healthcare Standards Integration Work Group: reps invited for review of these projects: FHIR for Device Data Reporting FHIR Document Sharing Guideline Appropriate Ordering Profile IHE - Lab profile to US realm lab guides harmonization Structured Data Capture (SDC) FHIR Profile International Patient Summary Template

Pecos - FHIR-I, Vocab - GG

  • Ballot reconciliation
  • FHIR Vocab project - code system profile


  • TBD

Garden Terrace #129 - CBCC, Sec, MH

  • Tentative: (ask Graham to join/availability)
    • joint Security/CBCC prep-work for Thursday joint w/FHIR* FHIR Consent discussion
      • Contract Resource profile (Consent profile on the contract resource)
    • New Projects?
    • Harmonization of FHIR Provenance and FHIR Audit (cross-organizational exchange) - Johnathan
      • socialize with EHR

Garden Terrace #123 - II

  • Review incoming ballot comments
  • Review tracker items (including mandatory elements for ImagingStudy)
  • HL7-DICOM mappings (i.e., Patient, Practitioner)

Navarro - OO

  • FHIR Tracker
    • Request Patterns
    • Statuses

Rio Grande Center - PC

  • FHIR Care Team value sets as part of ONC Care Coordination
  • Tracker items

Mesquit - Pharmacy, FHIR-I - EK

  • FHIR tracker items

Chula Vista - SOA, PA

  • Scheduling Service Work Session

Tue Q4

Bowie C - Tutorial

  • FHIR for Specifiers

Blanco - FHIR-I, CBCC - JM

Rio Grande Center - FHIR-I, PC, CIMI, EC, Vocab - LM

  • Negation + other topics;

Garden Terrace #133 - FHIR-I, InM, ITS, - EK

  • Work on Message resource maturity

Rio Grande West - SD, FHIR-I - GG

  • C-CDA on FHIR ballot reconciliation (SDWG co-chairs)
  • Composition resource reconciliation (SDWG co-chairs)

Garden Terrace #123 - II

  • Continue FHIR topics
  • MHD-I discussion
  • DICOM thumbnails

Navarro - OO

  • FHIR Tracker
  • OO FHIR Vital Signs LOINC Proposal 2016-11-17-1616

Chula Vista Boardroom - PHER, Pharmacy

  • FHIR Resources/Profiles

Tue Q5

The Yard House

  • Corepoint Party
    • Eat Dave's food, drink Dave's beer and talk about FHIR with someone new

Tue Q6

Wednesday January 18

Wed Q1

Bowie C - Tutorial

  • Introduction to FHIR Development

Regency Ease #1 - PC - LM

  • PCWG-FHIR trackers for clinical resources - Procedure and applying workflow patterns

Pecos - FHIR-I, Vocab, MnM - GG, LM

Rio Grande East - FHIR-I, EHR, CBCC, Sec, SOA - EK

  • VA Cascading OAuth Server Connectathon report out - Duane Decouteau and Mohammad Jafari
  • Lifecycle Vocabulary Discussion - Harmonization of HL7 and ISO concepts - Mike Davis and Reed Gelzer
  • PASS Security Labeling Service v-next - Diana Proud-Madruga
  • WG Reports
    • Behavioral Health FP R2?
    • EHR Record Lifecycle Events on FHIR IG (STU-3)
    • FHIR Connectathon Infrastructure Track
    • Test script development
  • FHIR Connect-a-thon (Duane/Mohammad)
    • Harmonization of FHIR Provenance and FHIR Audit (cross-organizational exchange) - Mike
      • socialize with EHR

Garden Terrace #125 - FHIR-I - JM

Blanco - FM

  • FM FHIR Work Session
    • FM FHIR Overview for new attendees
    • FHIR Connectathon - FM Track Review

Directors - PA

  • FHIR STU3 resource work

Wed Q2

Bowie C - Tutorial

  • Introduction to FHIR Development

Garden Terrace #125 - FHIR-I - GG, EK, JM

  • Tracker items

Pecos - Vocab, MnM - LM

  • Vocab tooling

Nueces - CIMI

  • @ CIC: Next steps for integrating the Data Elements into CIMI models;
  • How to support DE->FHIR project

Blanco - FM

  • Review FM FHIR Tracker Issues

Navarro - OO

  • Specimen Resource - Eric to prep Tracker items
  • Various topics based on participating workgroups
  • FHIR Tracker (if time permits)
  • AP on FHIR Diagnostic Report approach

Directors - PA

  • FHIR STU3 PA Resources . PC representative will join - PractitionerRole separation, CareTeam, EpisodeOfCare discussions
    • Location-specific practitioner contact info 9622

Wed Lunch

Blanco - FHIR-I,PC - EK, JM, LM, GG

  • Clinician-On-FHIR Preperation meeting

Wed Q3

Bowie C - Tutorial

  • Understanding and Using Terminology in HL7 FHIR

Regency East #2 - FHIR-I, CGIT, Temp - EK

  • FHIR discussions
    • Implementation Guide
    • Conformance Rules
    • Vocab Binding
    • Constraints in FHIR Profiles and IGs
    • FHIR Profiles (Transition from CDA Templates to FHIR Resources/Profiles)
    • Other items...

Llano - FHIR-I, MnM - LM

Rio Grande Center - FHIR-I, PC, CDS, CQI, OO, RCRIM - JM

  • Proposed Topics:
    • Negation
    • Care Plan
  • Order Catalog
  • FHIR Tracker
  • V2.9 Ballot Reconciliation (if time permits)
  • Lab IGs Ballot Reconciliation Triage / Organization / Recommendations (as time permits)
  • Adverse Event (RCRIM)

Rio Grande West - FHIR-I, Sec - GG

  • FHIR Security, Privacy, Consent, Trust, Provenance and AuditEvent Module Development

Blanco - FM

  • FM FHIR Overview for new attendees
  • FHIR Connectathon - FM Track Review

Garden Terrace #123 - II

  • Review FHIR-I discussion topics for the afternoon

Directors - PA

  • FHIR STU3 resources
    • Person vs. Individual 9893
    • Arrival date/time on Encounter 9276

Mesquit - Pharmacy

  • FHIR Tracker items

Wed Q4

Bowie C - Tutorial

  • Understanding and Using Terminology in HL7 FHIR

Blanco - FHIR-I, FM - LM

  • FM v2 & FHIR Work Session
    • New FHIR work - Account and Billing
    • FM FHIR Accounting and Billing Data Elements for Anesthesia

Garden Terrace #123 - FHIR-I, II - EK

  • Workflow update

Rio Grande Center - FHIR-I, PC - JM

  • Allergy/Intolerance topic meeting
  • Medication value set subproject
  • Food substance value set subproject

Directors - PA

  • FHIR STU3 resources

Mesquit - Pharmacy, FHIR-I - EK

  • Overview of Infoway MedicationRequest profiles and extensions (Jean Duteau) - 30 minutes
  • FHIR Tracker Items

Pecos - Vocab

  • Structured Data Capture update

Wed Q5

Regency Ballroom West

  • Networking Reception

Wed Q6

Thursday January 19

Thur Q0

Thur Q1

Bowie C - Tutorial

  • C-CDA on FHIR

Seguin - FHIR-I, Dev - SH

Rio Grande Center - FHIR-I, PC, CH, LHS - LM

  • Care Plan -invite FHIR, Structured Docs, Pharmacy
  • HL7 C-CDA 2.1 Care Plan Document Template - Lisa Nelson
  • HL7 Care Plan Domain Analysis Model/FHIR Harmonization - Laura Heermann/EMma Jones
  • HL7 Care Coordination Services (CCS) functional model - LH/EJ
  • HL7 CDA R2 Personal Advanced Care Plan Document - Lisa Nelson
  • HL7 FHIR Care Plan Resource - LH/EJ
  • IHE PCC Dynamic Care Planning Profile- EJ
  • IHE QRPH Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) Plan of Care- Lisa Nelson
  • HL7 Clinical Oncology Treatment Plan and Summary - Jeff Brown
  • NCPDP/HL7 Pharmacist Care Plan - Shelly Spiro
  • Care team members definition update (Laura/Emma)
  • Child special needs Care Plan/Care Team Implementations
  • Check the minutes ....

Rio Grande West - FHIR-I, Sec, CBCC - EK

  • TENTATIVE: FHIR Consent Profile - Discussion (CBCC-Security) see Wiki: HL7 FHIR Consent Directive Project
  • Discussion of STU3 Ballot for Provenance and AuditEvent
  • Report out on Security and CBCC Module Page updates

Rio Grande East - EHR, PHER

  • FHIR Infrastructure Certification

Navarro - OO, Temp

  • Order Service Update
  • FHIR Tracker Items

Mesquit - Pharmacy

  • Update from IHE Pharmacy (Michael Tan)
  • FHIR Tracker Items

Thur Q2

Bowie C - Tutorial

  • C-CDA on FHIR

Rio Grande West - FHIR-I, CQI, CDS - BR

  • Proposed Topics:
    • CQL-based HQMF ballot reconciliation
    • CDS expressed interest in other topics during this quarter.

Llano - FHIR-I, MnM - LM

Navarro - FHIR-I, OO - EK

  • Order Catalog
  • FHIR Planning
  • FHIR Tracker

Directors - FM, PA

  • FM Joint with PA
    • Current FHIR Activities Updates
    • Discuss Alignment of C-CDA Payer section and the FM FHIR Resources

Mesquit - Pharmacy

  • FHIR Tracker Items

Thur Lunch

Regency East #2

  • US Realm IG reconciliation & planning

Thur Q3

Rio Grande West - FHIR-I, CQI, CDS - EK

  • Proposed Topics: TBD

Live Oak - FHIR-I, PC - LM

  • FHIR Ballot Reconciliation - ClinicalImpression, CommunicationRequest (and possibly OO joint discussion on Condition/Observation and ProcedureRequest/DiagnosticRequest)

Regency East #3 - FHIR-I, SD - RG - TBD

Directors - PA

  • FHIR - representative from PC will join

TBD - Sec

  • Security WG Project Meeting
    • FHIR Documentation Writing Session

Mesquit - Pharmacy

  • FHIR Tracker Items

Thur Q4

Regency East #2 - FGB, FMG - LM, EK, JM

Blanco - CIMI

  • Datatypes: Harmonization with FHIR, 13606

Directors - PA

  • Wrap up
    • Approve next ballot
    • FHIR Planning
    • Address PBX matrix
    • Work Group Health
    • 3 year work plan
Live Oak - PC
  • Dynamic Care Planning and Dynamic Care Team Management FHIR Profile and other interoperability related projects

Mesquit - Pharmacy

  • FHIR Tracker Items

Thur Q5

Regency East #2 - FHIR-I, MnM, Vocab - LM, EK

  • Facilitator's Roundtable

Thur Q6

Friday January 20

Fri Q0

Fri Q1

Regency East #1 - Clinicians on FHIR - LM, EK, JM

  • Orientation and data entry

Frio - OO

  • Until we run out of quorum or co-chairs.
    • FHIR Tracker
    • V2.9 Ballot Reconciliation (if time permits)
    • Lab IGs Ballot Reconciliation Triage / Organization / Recommendations (as time permits)

Fri Q2-Q3

Regency East #1 - Clinicians on FHIR - LM, EK, JM, GG

  • Continued data entry, review

Work Group Abbreviations

  • AID - Application Implementation & Design
  • BRIDG - Biomedical Research Integrated Domain Group
  • CBCC - Community Based Collaborative Care
  • CDS - Clinical Decision Support
  • CIC - Clinical Interoperability Council
  • CG - Clinical Genomics
  • CH - Child Health
  • CQI - Clinical Quality Information
  • CGIT - Conformance & Guidance for Implementation/Testing
  • DEV - Devices
  • EHR - Electronic Health Records
  • EST - Electronic Services & TOoling
  • FGB - FHIR Governance Board
  • FM - Financial Management
  • FMG - FHIR Management Group
  • FTSD - Foundation and Technology Steering Division
  • HSI - Healthcare Standards Integration
  • IHE - Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise
  • II - Imaging Integration
  • InM - Implementation & Messaging
  • ITS - Implementation Technology Services
  • MnM - Modeling & Methodology
  • MH - Mobile Health
  • OHT - Open Health Tools
  • OO - Orders & Observations
  • PA - Patient Administration
  • PC - Patient Care
  • PHER - Public Health, Emergency Response
  • Pharm - Pharmacy
  • SD - Structured Documents
  • Sec - Security
  • SOA - Service Oriented Architecture
  • Temp - Templates
  • Voc - Vocabulary