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| x||Josh Mandel  || ||John Moehrke||x ||Brian Pech || ||  
| x||Josh Mandel  || ||John Moehrke||x ||Brian Pech || ||  
|x|| Grahame Grieve || || || || ||x||Richard Ettema, Eric Haas
|x|| Grahame Grieve || || || || ||x||Richard Ettema, Eric Haas, Chris Johnson

Revision as of 17:49, 27 October 2016

HL7 TSC FMG Meeting Minutes


(voice and screen)

Date: 2015-10-26
Time: 4:00 PM U.S. Eastern
Chair: Note taker(s): Anne W.
Quorum = chair + 4 yes/no
Co chairs x David Hay x Lloyd McKenzie
ex-officio Woody Beeler,
Dave Shaver
FGB Co-chairs
. Wayne Kubick, CTO
Members Members Members Observers/Guests
x Hans Buitendijk x Brian Postlethwaite x Paul Knapp x Anne W., scribe
x Josh Mandel John Moehrke x Brian Pech
x Grahame Grieve x Richard Ettema, Eric Haas, Chris Johnson


  • Roll Call
  • Agenda Check
  • Minutes from 20161019_FMG_concall
  • Action items
    • Brian Pech to forward FMG comments regarding proposed extension review process to US Realm
    • Grahame to follow up with international community for consideration around an affiliate publishing a profile that represents misunderstanding of the underlying international artifacts and what kind of policies we should consider in order to try to avoid quality problems without creating process problems.
    • Lloyd to begin draft of PSS regarding the proposed new balloting process
    • Brian/Paul to define standard approach for modules
    • David to contact WG to clarify realm on InfoButton on FHIR project
    • Lloyd to get M&M to add policy that requires review and acceptance of extensions as sound and safe by the responsible WG for both core and US realm IG extensions into quality criteria for IGs
    • Brian/David to send out request for Connectathon track proposals with a due date of 11/2
    • Richard to create landing page for the Connectathon proposal submissions
    • Lloyd to send out reconciliation report by email
  • Discussion Topics
    • NIB for US Realm process project
  • Reports
  • Process management
  • AOB (Any Other Business)


  • Roll Call
    • Chris Johnson here to observe instead of Chrystol Green
  • Agenda Check
    • Grahame will give a report from IHTSDO meeting
    • MOTION to approve: Paul/Brian Pech
    • VOTE: all in favor
  • Minutes from 20161019_FMG_concall
    • MOTION to approve: Brian Pech/David
    • VOTE: Paul and Hans abstain; remaining in favor
  • Action items
    • Brian Pech to forward FMG comments regarding proposed extension review process to US Realm
      • Complete. Group reviews updated diagram. Brian Pech notes that this could be used for realms beyond US. Lloyd thought we wanted US Realm to approve before WG. Hans notes that the center diamond ("Approved HL7 US Realm Extension") should reflect it's the approval of the proposal for the extension. Discussion over where the actual work is taking place as US Realm does not function as the other affiliates. Hans states he is okay with WG approval coming first before US Realm. Lloyd: What typically happens is development work happens in a US realm project - DAF, QI core, whatever. That is not the WG that owns the resource. QI core touches resources owned by 10+ WGs. Paul: But US Realm Steering committee is not going to own artifacts. Lloyd: But we've got potentially more than one WG involved. Hans: When the project starts there's a sponsor and potentially cosponsors. The WG granting approval should be the sponsor. Lloyd disagrees. Approval process should be driven by the WG that owns the resource, independent of whether or not they are a sponsor or cosponsor. Lloyd: Diagram should be updated to determine which WG we're talking about: the sponsor WG of the project and the WG responsible for the artifact being extended or profiled. Paul: The WG at the bottom has to be the one responsible for the artifact.
      • Decision to punt it back to US Realm to fill in the WG names
    • Grahame to follow up with international community for consideration around an affiliate publishing a profile that represents misunderstanding of the underlying international artifacts and what kind of policies we should consider in order to try to avoid quality problems without creating process problems.
      • Complete
    • Lloyd to begin draft of PSS regarding the proposed new balloting process
      • Add for next week
    • Brian/Paul to define standard approach for modules
      • Add for next week
    • David to contact WG to clarify realm on InfoButton on FHIR project
      • Anne completed this task and shared feedback with group. WG responded that the previous bindings were not US-specific and are not changing.
    • Lloyd to get M&M to add policy that requires review and acceptance of extensions as sound and safe by the responsible WG for both core and US realm IG extensions into quality criteria for IGs
      • Add for next week
    • Brian/David to send out request for Connectathon track proposals with a due date of 11/2
      • Complete
    • Richard to create landing page for the Connectathon proposal submissions
      • Complete. Discussion over what has been received so far and what we still expect to receive.
    • Lloyd to send out reconciliation report by email
      • Complete
  • Discussion Topics
    • NIB for US Realm process project
      • Reviewed NIB for FHIR Repository Process and Requirements, Phase I. Informative ballot.
        • MOTION to approve: Paul/Hans
        • VOTE: all in favor
    • SNOMED volunteers
      • Grahame and David met with IHTSDO. Will be going ahead with four major work items in collaboration with them. Grahame will be writing up a report on the meeting for publishing on the blog. Also forthcoming is an approved project plan. Lloyd notes they would like a representative for SNOMED joint project. Grahame will be the volunteer from FMG.
  • Reports
    • Connectathon management (David/Brian)
      • Just waiting for proposals to come in.
    • FGB
      • did not meet
    • MnM –
      • met but not quorate
    • FMG Liaisons
      • Patient Care having trouble getting through items rapidly. OO is in the same boat. FHIR-I has tons of stuff but making good progress on ballot. FM will also be a challenge. Discussion over merit of allowing changes after the freeze date. Grahame: It's problematic if the end of December date slips. Lloyd: It would be preferable to push to see if we can meet the timelines. Lloyd crafts email to send to cochairs and FHIR list.
  • Adjourned at 5:31 pm Eastern
  • Process management
  • AOB (Any Other Business)

Next Steps

Actions (Include Owner, Action Item, and due date)
Next Meeting/Preliminary Agenda Items

20161102 FMG concall

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