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*C-CDA Implementation-a-Thon 2 (still to be held)
*C-CDA Implementation-a-Thon 2 (still to be held)
==Issues To Consider==
==Issues/Guidance To Consider for Inclusion==
*examples (vetted by the Examples Task Force)
*general nullFlavor clarification on how to use and when it is allowed
*clear conformance statement guidance - i.e. what does SHALL mean as compared to SHOULD or MAY
*discussion re: guidance on narrative text representation
*how to represent gender identity concepts - i.e. beyond administrativeGender value set
*how to represent no known (allergies, meds, etc.)
*how to represent no information about (allergies, meds, etc.)
*guidance for CCDS sections when they are not noted as being part of the base document template
*guidance on how to represent medications for discharge summaries where one could have admission meds, administered meds and discharge meds (and possibly in addition to a medications section)
*examples for detailed race and detailed ethnicity and use of the sdtc extension
*language code clarification as per
*using open templates vs. closed templates
*how to represent pregnant / not-pregnant / unknown
==Deliverables for Review==
*Coming Soon

Revision as of 19:28, 27 January 2016

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This page supports the HL7 Contract work for the C-CDA R2.1 Companion Guide Project. This project's goal is to produce a new C-CDA Companion Guide to support C-CDA R2.1 and to provide more context in assisting implementers. The purpose of the new Companion Guide is:

  • Supplement the C-CDA R2.1 Implementation Guide to provide additional context to assist implementers and connect them to tools and resources
  • Map the common clinical data set (CCDS) to the appropriate C-CDA locations
  • Provide technical guidance for representing the 2015 Ed. CEHRT data requirements using the C-CDA Implementation Guide
  • Include clinically-valid examples of C-CDA components necessary to meet 2015 Ed. CEHRT requirements
  • Recommend an approach to implementations using the C-CDA IG to meet the needs of clinicians and achieve ONC Certification


To assist with finding "pain points" for implementers, the following initiatives have been taken:

Issues/Guidance To Consider for Inclusion

  • examples (vetted by the Examples Task Force)
  • general nullFlavor clarification on how to use and when it is allowed
  • clear conformance statement guidance - i.e. what does SHALL mean as compared to SHOULD or MAY
  • discussion re: guidance on narrative text representation
  • how to represent gender identity concepts - i.e. beyond administrativeGender value set
  • how to represent no known (allergies, meds, etc.)
  • how to represent no information about (allergies, meds, etc.)
  • guidance for CCDS sections when they are not noted as being part of the base document template
  • guidance on how to represent medications for discharge summaries where one could have admission meds, administered meds and discharge meds (and possibly in addition to a medications section)
  • examples for detailed race and detailed ethnicity and use of the sdtc extension
  • language code clarification as per
  • using open templates vs. closed templates
  • how to represent pregnant / not-pregnant / unknown

Deliverables for Review

  • Coming Soon