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Difference between revisions of "Progress on FHIR R3/R4 conversions"

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(2 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
= In progress =
= In progress =
* ClaimResponse (Vadim Peretokin)
* ClaimResponse (Vadim Peretokin) (PR available)
* ExplanationOfBenefit (Vadim Peretokin)
* ExplanationOfBenefit (Vadim Peretokin) (PR available)
* EnrollmentRequest (Vadim Peretokin)
* EnrollmentResponse (Vadim Peretokin)
* Contract (Kenneth Myhra)
* Contract (Kenneth Myhra)
* DeviceUseStatement (Grahame)
* ProcessRequest (Vadim Peretokin)
* GuidanceResponse (Grahame)
* ProcessResponse (Vadim Peretokin)
* NutritionOrder (Grahame)
* RelatedPerson (Grahame)
* SupplyDelivery (Grahame)
* SupplyRequest (Grahame)
* VisionPrescription (Grahame)
= Todo =  
= Todo =  
Put your name in brackets if you're intending to work on a resource
none left!
* ProcessRequest
* ProcessResponse
= Done =
= Done =
Line 121: Line 111:
* PaymentNotice
* PaymentNotice
* Coverage
* Coverage
* DeviceUseStatement (Grahame)
* GuidanceResponse (Grahame)
* NutritionOrder (Grahame)
* RelatedPerson (Grahame)
* SupplyDelivery (Grahame)
* SupplyRequest (Grahame)
* VisionPrescription (Grahame)
* EnrollmentRequest
* EnrollmentResponse
= No equivalent in R3 =
= No equivalent in R3 =

Latest revision as of 21:51, 4 December 2018

In progress

  • ClaimResponse (Vadim Peretokin) (PR available)
  • ExplanationOfBenefit (Vadim Peretokin) (PR available)
  • Contract (Kenneth Myhra)
  • ProcessRequest (Vadim Peretokin)
  • ProcessResponse (Vadim Peretokin)


none left!


  • Account
  • ActivityDefinition
  • AdverseEvent
  • AllergyIntolerance
  • Appointment
  • AppointmentResponse
  • AuditEvent
  • Basic
  • Binary
  • BodyStructure
  • Bundle
  • CapabilityStatement
  • CarePlan
  • CareTeam - Grahame
  • ChargeItem
  • Claim
  • ClinicalImpression
  • CodeSystem
  • Communication
  • CommunicationRequest
  • CompartmentDefinition
  • Composition
  • ConceptMap
  • Condition
  • Consent
  • DetectedIssue
  • Device
  • DeviceMetric
  • DeviceRequest
  • DiagnosticReport
  • DocumentManifest
  • DocumentReference
  • Encounter
  • Endpoint
  • EpisodeOfCare
  • FamilyMemberHistory
  • Flag
  • Goal
  • GraphDefinition
  • Group
  • ImagingStudy
  • Immunization
  • ImmunizationRecommendation
  • ImplementationGuide
  • Library
  • Linkage
  • List
  • Location
  • Measure
  • MeasureReport
  • Media
  • Medication
  • MedicationAdministration
  • MedicationDispense
  • MedicationRequest
  • MedicationStatement
  • MessageDefinition
  • MessageHeader
  • NamingSystem
  • Observation
  • OperationDefinition
  • OperationOutcome
  • Organization
  • Parameters
  • Patient
  • Person
  • PlanDefinition
  • Practitioner
  • PractitionerRole
  • Procedure
  • Provenance
  • Questionnaire
  • QuestionnaireResponse
  • RiskAssessment
  • SearchParameter
  • Sequence
  • ServiceRequest
  • StructureDefinition
  • StructureMap
  • Subscription
  • Task
  • TerminologyCapabilities
  • TestReport
  • TestScript
  • ValueSet
  • HealthcareService (Grahame)
  • RequestGroup (Grahame)
  • ResearchStudy (Grahame)
  • ResearchSubject (Grahame)
  • Schedule (Grahame)
  • Slot (Grahame)
  • Specimen (Grahame)
  • Substance (Grahame)
  • PaymentReconciliation
  • CoverageEligibilityRequest
  • CoverageEligibilityResponse
  • PaymentNotice
  • Coverage
  • DeviceUseStatement (Grahame)
  • GuidanceResponse (Grahame)
  • NutritionOrder (Grahame)
  • RelatedPerson (Grahame)
  • SupplyDelivery (Grahame)
  • SupplyRequest (Grahame)
  • VisionPrescription (Grahame)
  • EnrollmentRequest
  • EnrollmentResponse

No equivalent in R3

  • BiologicallyDerivedProduct
  • CatalogEntry
  • ChargeItemDefinition
  • DeviceDefinition
  • EffectEvidenceSynthesis
  • EventDefinition
  • Evidence
  • EvidenceVariable
  • ExampleScenario
  • ImmunizationEvaluation
  • InsurancePlan
  • Invoice
  • ItemInstance
  • MedicationKnowledge
  • MedicinalProduct
  • MedicinalProductAuthorization
  • MedicinalProductContraindication
  • MedicinalProductIndication
  • MedicinalProductIngredient
  • MedicinalProductInteraction
  • MedicinalProductManufactured
  • MedicinalProductPackaged
  • MedicinalProductPharmaceutical
  • MedicinalProductUndesirableEffect
  • ObservationDefinition
  • OrganizationAffiliation
  • ResearchDefinition
  • ResearchElementDefinition
  • RiskEvidenceSynthesis
  • SubstancePolymer
  • SubstanceReferenceInformation
  • SubstanceSpecification
  • VerificationResult
  • SpecimenDefinition (Grahame)

No equivalent in R4

  • UserSession