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*More time to focus on this item
*More time to focus on this item
  Action: Ken will create the PSS for this resource list and present it to the WG
  Action: Ken will create the PSS for this resource list and present it to the WGM
==Transformation of Education WG==
==Transformation of Education WG==

Revision as of 17:06, 7 January 2015


  • Melva Peters (Chair)
  • Ken Chen (Scribe)
  • Sharon Chaplock - HL7 Director of Education
  • Mary Ann Boyles - HL7 Manager of Education
  • Patrick Loyd - ICode Solutions
  • Damien -
  • Karen Van Hentenryck - Associate Executive Director


Meeting Agenda/Minutes

Draft Agenda for January 2015 WGM

Action item: Send Melva any other agenda items before the WGM

Request for HL7 Message List (Sharon)

  • I’m new to using HL7 and am looking for a basic HL7 message list that defines each term. Like, A04= admit patient. Do you know if any guides like this are available?
  • Individual was looking for and SME
  • The material can be found in the V2 normative documentation

Certification exam questions based on current V2.x normative standard vs previous V2.5.1 and below

  • US-centric MU vs current version (ie. 2.5.1 being more 'meaningful' in the US)
  • Possibly combining multiple versions and creating a 'base' V2 certification exam.
  • More discussion is needed from the listserv as this is a great discussion.
  • Two issues, existing certification based on theory, and implementation
  • Difficult to keeping track for all version and create new questions for all versions for the exam.
  • Resources are limited for this and needs.
  • Examples: HIMSS has criteria before you can take the certification exam.
Action Item:  We will continue to keep the certification exam process as is and closing this item.

Request from HL7 Russia to have the CDA Certifcation exam translated into russian

  • Would like to translate the CDA certification exam into russian
  • Need and native russian resource for possible task
  • Would need to be reviewed by the Certification task force before approval.
  • Spain and other Latin American affiliates requested translation of the tests too.
  • We do not want the affiliate to control the questions. We prefer less people to be in contact with the questions: only the test author and the Director of Education
  • One of the reasons of going for electronic testing is avoiding leaking of questions. We had some incidents in the past.
  • Resources are limited
  • English has always be used for all examination
Action item: Sharon will find resources on who is willing to translate and the cost. 

HL7 Learning Partner Proposal

  • Waiting for proposal from Rene Spronk.
  • Rene (Sept. 30) draft ready, pending review by potential educational partners. Will be submitted to Education after final tweaks.
  • October 1: no discussion - waiting for proposal from Rene
  • No information from Rene for this proposal
  • October 15: Issue will be deferred until information is received from Rene.
  • November 12: Deferred
Action:  Melva to reach out to Rene to get a status


  • SAIF Webinar
    • will be recorded at the WGM
    • Feb 5, 2014: Ron's day job interfered with his available time to record. He is looking to reschedule but no word yet.
    • May 21, 2014: Ron still has not had the time to engage the SAIF Webinar
    • June 4: No updates since last conference call, Melva will continue to follow up
    • October 1, 2014: No update
  • Patrick: We don't want to lose the knowledge for SAIF since it an important part of the standard
Action item: Melva follow up with Lorraine again about SAIF Webinar - email sent November 10 - Will be reviewed on ARB next week

Tutorial Planning

  • Core tutorials on HL7 Standards, and have specialized tutorials alternated between WGM
  • Start with the January WGM tutorials
  • Rene Spronk has some draft stats on Education events that will be discussed in Chicago
  • Continue discussion of stats that would be useful
    • Education Offering Dashboard
      • This was an action item allocated to me during the WGM in Chicago. The usefulness of the various metrics probably merits additional discussion. Once there is agreement on a 'starter set of metrics' we'll have to create a mechanism to actually get hold of them.
    • Rene has created the statistics wiki page.
    • Number that Rene has on the wiki is not consistent to the actual numbers
  • Focus on HL7 HQ stats first and quality measures.
  • Location included in the statistic as may impact attendance/participation
Action: Education WG Members to review Wiki page for next teleconference
Action:  Education WG Members are asked to send suggestions for other stats or types of stat to capture

Discussion of Certification Exams and Ed Summits

  • v2 Workshop Project - no discussion
    • Patrick will join an Education teleconference to discuss further
    • October 1, 2014 - no discussion as Patrick not on call
    • October 15, 2014 - Melva has reached out to Patrick without response.
      • Diego has volunteers to take this on via email.
      • Damian would be interested in participate.
  • Patrick has a team discussing this project in the background.
  • Unsure that there is the bandwidth due to other commitments
Action: Melva will followup for this V2 project and get more communication with others who are interested in moving the project forward

Updates to the Certification exams

  • Sharon has analyzed the certifications and will need to possibly revise the questions.
    • Sharon would like to create a taskforce to review the questions on the exams.
      • Qualifications needed to be on the taskforce:
        • The group will be comprised of volunteers from the tutorial speaker pool to review the certification exam
        • Must have attended/audit the actual tutorial
        • Must be approved by the Education Committee
    • Sharon is working on an outline for a plan and guidelines for updates to existing and also for developing FHIR into a Certification Exam
    • Will bring back more information after meeting with Melva, Sharon and Mary Ann in August
    • Discussion of planning item back writing session during January 2015 WGM
      • Difficult to pull in the resourses (SME) to find time to collaborate and focus on questions during WGM.
Action: Sharon has drafted the process and will continue to work on the planning of a group to review the material.
Action: Sharon will send new draft to the listserv.

Strategy for HL7 V2 Exam Updates

  • Ted Klein presented on strategy for updating Control Specialist exam to V2.8
  • will look at the statistics on the performance of the questions on the 2.7 exam and look at the non-performing questions and fix these ones
  • Questions from Ted:
    • update to V2.8, v2.8.1 or v2.8.2 -
      • 2.8.1 has been balloted as normative
      • will update to V2.8 - will avoid changes specific to 2.8.1 or 2.8.2 - Education WG agrees with this approach
      • need to determine if in the future we want to want to certify to major releases or minor releases.
    • Approach for updating the test
      • 6 questions identified that could be added to the test (means 6 questions would be removed)
      • 2 things to change/update
      • 2 items to verify in existing questions
      • update questions with incorrect answer rates > 66% and < 5%
      • it was suggested that Ted is much more familiar with the exam and the standard and that if he believes these need to be changed, then do so
      • it was suggested that the changes be vetted with Hans, Tony and Patrick
      • suggested that the exam be reviewed with Sharon
    • Total number of changes will be between 25-30 questions
    • draft of changes to be done by the end of December 2014
    • asked Ted to provide status in the New Year
  • Sharon has reviewed the changes with the committee before final version for the questions
  • Sharon will do a beta test on the questions.
  • PSS will need to update the course
Action item: Patrick will create a PSS for the new exams

MLM Certification

  • Suggestion from Virginia for a certification test for "Medical Logic Modules"====
    • Its very stable, self-contained, and people are hired as MLM developers. Several large EHR vendors use MLM as the way of programming custom CDS into their systems. We use it at NYP. A certification in this might look good on a resume
    • Discussion: need more details and consider how it fits with Arden Syntax WG
Action item: Ginny will reach out to the Arden Syntax WG Chair to collaborate with this certification test.
Action item: Ginny will try to invite them to the call.
  • Peter Haig to join call to discuss

Webinar Planning for 2015

  • Discussion of proposed webinar topics for 2015
    • Melva has sent out an email to the list
    • Sharon has received a comment request for FHIR tutorials
    • Melva created a wiki page for Webinars topics and would like ideas for next year.
    • Karen comments based on case studies as topics
    • Sharon needs items/brainstorming on ideas.
  • Creation of policy webinars in development for 2015
    • Possibly having case studies
    • Implementation case studies
      • Taking this to the Co-chairs for feedback and looking for ideas
  • FHIR webinar are being developed currently.
  • Melva has sent an email to the Co-chairs for case studies and Sharon will include article/request in HL7 eNews
Action item: Sharon will ask International Council for webinar ideas
Action item: Melanie will reach out to the affiliates as well to determine if they might be willing to advertise webinars

Current resources and reading material

  • Will look at the list to determine how we can use it
    • Ken is still working on a the list. As soon as it is completed, we will place it as an agenda item.
    • Still compiling list but researching a possible open source library software called Koha.
    • Ken Chen is still working on the resource list. Koha software has become an option with the latest version.
    • Damian will be intested in helping.
  • More time to focus on this item
Action: Ken will create the PSS for this resource list and present it to the WGM

Transformation of Education WG

  • Continue discussion of how we can transform Education WG
    • Could consider transforming the Education WG to a Advisory Board.
  • Trend over many years has been Up and down with the collaboration between HQ and Education Committee.
  • Possible dissolve the Education WG and transform to a new entity.
  • No board appointed co-chairs for WG anymore.
  • Special topics for the WGM Luncheon to get more involvement.
  • Slide deck for special topic for the WGM and advertise ahead for more interest.
Action: Agenda item on WGM, Karen will join to discuss what might be possible.
Action: Continue discussion with Education WG transformation.
Action:  Add agenda item to work on a slide deck for WGM to attract new members
Action:  Consider special topics for teleconference and invite via eNews, etc


Next meeting

  • Next meeting - Monday Q1 at WGM in San Antonio